The Meeting was held at the Throckmorton Parish Hall on Monday 11th June 2001 at 7-30pm.
Twenty eight parishioners attended including Liz Tucker County Councillor and Malcolm Argyle District Councillor. Peter Luff M.P. was also present
The meeting was chaired by Peter Chatterton who suggested that, as there was no set agenda, Die people present should decide what topics were to be discussed.

1. The Burial Site on the Throckmorton Airfield
It was reported' that the monitoring of the site for odours and effluent had ceased but
Liz Tucker informed the meeting that if the rendering of carcasses in the north had to
be abandoned because of increase in numbers and the site had to be reopened, the
Parish would be given 24 hours notice.
In view of the uncertainty of the situation it was decided that a Committee be formed
which would deal with all matters appertaining to the Airfield, have meetings with
M.A.F.F. ( now named the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs )
and report back to the Parish Council. The following volunteered to be on the
Liz Tucker, Jane Syme, Philip Cawiey and Mark Mills.
This sub committee will -
a) Enquire into the future use of the Airfield for burial of animals
b) Investigate the results of past burials
c) Enquire into the management by E-F.R.A. on the Airfield
d) Discover what compensation if any, mil be given to the residents for the unpleasentness they have had to endure.
e) Organise the making of a list to verify the complaints given to the authorites. It was suggested that a meeting with E.F.R.A, be arranged on either 23rd, 25th or 28th June and Liz Tucker agreed mat she would inform the liason group if A crisis should occur.
Peter Luff advised that a letter be sent to Margaret Beckett with complaints about the odour coming from die Airfield and he offered to arrange a meeting in London for the Sub Committee to give details to the appropriate officials. Terry Hall would contact the local Parish Councils who have shown support, to inform them of the decisions of the meeting.

2. Planning Application for Vehicles on the Airfield
Malcolm Argyle showed a plan of the proposed location of die vehicles, the site of which indicated that a precedent could be set which would influence any future development on the airfield. Anxiety was expressed about the number of heavy lorries using the narrow roads in the area to deliver the vehicles to the site. It was necessary for protests to be made to the authorities.

3. Traffic
The temporary speed restrictions are still in place but in spite of that the traffic on the airfield road still presents-a hazard. The cones at die corner of the airfield entrance to curb die speed of traffic, could be the cause of a serious accident and an alleraative should be sought The overgrown verges are a hazard which should be dealt with.
4. Sewerage System
Severn Trent have asked for an open session to be arranged so that individual problems can be discussed concerning the proposed installation of a sewerage system in Throckrn«$rton. They will arrange details with Mrs Betty Lane, Councillor representing Throckmorton.
The meeting ended at 9-45pm.
P. GranviHe-Jolly Qerfc