Parish Council Report for 2004 Annual Parish Meetings

Council Membership
Following the elections last year the following people were appointed as council members Malcolm Argyle, Annette Bufton, Edward Chadwick, Toni Gilligan, Rupert Segar and Charles Tucker leaving three vacancies. In May Eric Carter was co-opted followed Ed Beever in September and Beryl Lammas in December bringing the council to full complement. Eric Carter took over as chairman from Malcolm Argyle in December to enable Malcolm to devote more time to his duties as District Councillor.

Clerk to the Parish
Ann Belcher resigned as clerk in November in order to move back into her professional career. This was a significant loss to the council as Ann had been an excellent organiser and her experience of interpreting the formal requirements of council work was invaluable. The council wishes her every success in the future and would like to extend their thanks for her outstanding years of service. On advertising for a new clerk there were some particularly worthy applicants and the council was pleased to be able to appoint Mrs Anne Boocock.

Following the last Parish Meeting the council has attempted to improve the communication process with local residents by publishing regular reports, some as mail drops but the majority in the “Newssheet”. Copies of these plus copies of all approved council minutes together with other information is now available on the web at*btpc

Parish Plan
The most significant activity on the part of the council has been the commencement of a Parish Plan under the leadership of Toni Gilligan. Regular meetings were held at Throckmorton throughout last year to which parishioners were invited, although the take up was not as great as had been hoped. The strategy has been to survey in depth 25% of the houses in the parishes in order to derive a list of “hot topics” intended to form the basis of open consultation meetings with parishioners.

However, Wychavon District are currently submitting their District Plan to public inquiry and it became evident towards the end of last year that we ought to ensure that the intent of the Parish Plan, in respect of the airfield, landfill and transport issues was conveyed to Wychavon and submitted to the inspector as part of the inquiry. Since this was required by the end of February public consultation meetings were organised in Bishampton and Throckmorton for January and the results have now been submitted to the inquiry.

The remaining “hot topics” will be discussed at the annual parish meetings from which is hoped to arrive at a general consensus in order to produce the plan. Prior to final submission every household can expect receive an “issues report” which will identify the main aspects of the report before the final report is submitted. Please bear in mind that the Parish Plan is not an edict of what will or will not happen. However, it is a statement of what the people and businesses in the parishes would like to see by way of future development and, as such, forms a valuable piece of evidence in planning matters and developing amenities in the parishes.

The council would like to thank Eric Charlwood, Roger Ockenden and Bob Averis for their support to date in preparation of the plan.

Risk Assessments
During the year the council has conducted a number of risk assessments on its activities and those activities which volunteers carry out on its behalf, particularly in respect of footpath clearance and conservation work.

Notice boards
In the last few weeks the notice boards at Throckmorton and Tilesford have been replaced. The council wishes to thank Roger Ockenden for his skill in undertaking the work.

Future Activities
One of the major issues for the council in the coming year will be to see completion of the Parish Plan, hopefully by September.

Based on public opinion, money has been allocated in the budget this year to improve the play areas at Bishampton and Throckmorton and the council will be working with the Villages Hall committee to see how this can be best achieved.

Funding has also been put aside to assist in the rebuilding of the Throckmorton Parish Rooms, although it is hoped that outside funding will provide the bulk of the finance required.

The council intends to continue support for Hill & Moor Parish Council and Wychavon District Council in their objection to the unauthorised Caravan Park. To date the council has committed funding towards commissioning a planning consultant to represent the four parishes concerned.

The annual budget plan for 2004/5 as agreed at the council meeting of 10th December 2003 was presented with updated figures for the end of year 2003/4

Bishampton & Throckmorton Parish Council Budget 2004/2005


Budget 2002/3

Budget 2003/4


Actual to 31/3/2004

Est to 31/3/2005

Budget 2004/5































Parish Plan












Balance from Reserves















Clerk's fee










Audit & insurance








Meeting costs


































Throckmorton Parish Room Operating Cost










Grants & donations




Donations & subscriptions



Subs & training




Villages Hall Operating







Play Area



Bishampton Villages Hall & play area and Throckmorton Parish Room & play area







Admin & stationary














Training budget (for Clerk and Councillors)




Election costs











Parish Plan















Please note accounts for 2003/4 have not yet been audited

Eric Carter
Chairman Bishampton & Throckmorton Parish Counci
