Report from The Silver Circle Bishampton

Came into being following on the closure of the local WI. I believe it was originally known as the seniors or Tuesday Club. However considering the composition of this group it deemed more appropriate to rename it Silver Circle .

All members had experienced the usual pleasures and trials of life and now faced a somewhat disorganised future of of possible loneliness. The support of the Silver Circle gave encouragement to get to know yet another way of life.

The twice monthly meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday are something to look forward to. Speakers from various agencies such as the Red Cross, the Air Ambulance, Police or Training of guide dogs for the blind, to name but a few. Slide shows take us to places like America, Japan or China . We have enjoyed a cruise on a luxury liner as well as a treck across the Himalayas . As these slides are presented by persons who have actually been to these places and bring to life the pictures, the occasional remark of "I remember” or “I have been there” adds to the enjoyment.

Summer activities generally are outings to places of interest like the Butterfly Farm at Stratford, the church at Droitwich to admire the wonderful mosaics, the Glass museum at Stourbridge, Whitley Court or a trip around the Cotswolds and, depending on the durations of these trips, we stop either for lunch or tea. Quizzes, Beetle drives or a trading stall are stop gap activities.

The highlight of the summer has been a garden party arranged by a member of the group and her sister. The year than ends with our Christmas lunch at a local venue.

The New Year begins with our AGM where new ideas are brought forward for consideration by the committee for future activities. Alas the committee has been sadly depleted by the demise of our secretary and the transport organiser. Hopefully a recently joined member might be able to take on these posts.

There is a membership fee of £ 3.00 p.a. and a contribution of 50p per meeting towards tea and biscuits. More recently we agreed to have a raffle at a cost of 30p to help us swell our funds.