Chairman's Annual report from the Villages Hall Trust

The Villages Hall Trustees for the year 2004 – 2005 are: Messrs R.Ockenden (Chairman) - R.Wood (Treasurer) - E.Morris (Secretary) - J.Bentley - E.Carter - P.Charlesworth - A.Dyke Mesdames S.Griffith (V.Chairman) - A.Bufton - Y.Everett - C.Ockenden - L.Smith - R.Weaver

The year 2004 – 2005 has been another successful one for the Villages Hall.

Work carried out at the hall during the last twelve months include:-

During the last twelve months, the hall has been let more than 300 times of which local organisations account for approximately 200 lettings. Fund raising/social events organised by the Villages’ Hall Committee during the last twelve months have included:-

To encourage the use of the hall on a regular basis and to ensure its status as a social centre for the village I am pleased to report there are a number of clubs/groups who continue to use the hall. They are:- Barnstormers, Bridge, Brownies, Dancing, Gardening Club, Ladies keep fit, Table Tennis, Tiddlers and Pilates. Evesham and Malvern Hills College make use of the hall for various ‘Outreach’ courses and it is known that some of their students have gone on to hire the hall privately.

The “100” Club continues to grow. It has now past the 150, then 160 to a current “170” Club members. The value and number of prizes has correspondingly increased and new members are always welcome. It provides not only a little enjoyment during the monthly draw but more importantly provides very valuable financial support to the hall.

I cannot end this report without giving heartfelt thanks to members of the committee for their continued support during the last twelve months and the committee also give their thanks to the Bishampton Barnstormers, The Gardening Club and Tiddler Group for their support both physical and financial.

The Annual General Meeting of the Village Hall is scheduled for Monday 23rd May 2005 starting at 8pm. at which I shall be retiring from the chairmanship. Complacency will prohibit improvement; new ideas and fresh enthusiasm must be promoted, I therefore appeal for new members to come forward to serve on the committee of trustees. It would be a great shame for all that has been achieved to be wasted due to lack of support.

Chairman B.A.T.V.H.T. 2004/2005