Minutes of the Bishampton Annual Parish Meeting, held at on Tuesday, April 29th, 2008 at The Villages Hall, Bishampton

The meeting was chaired by PC Chairman Cllr Don Cheetham, and attended by Cllr Malcolm Argyle, Cllr Jon Morrison, Cllr John Mills, Cllr David Baldwin, Cllr Duncan Burtoft and Cllr Geoff Day, as well as county and district councillor Liz Tucker.
A total of 5 members of the public attended.

The meeting opened at 7.30pm.

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr Charles Tucker and Cllr Ed Beever

2. To approve the minutes of the Bishampton Annual Parish Meeting from May 9th 2007
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.

3. Report from the Chairman of the Parish Council
Cllr Cheetham gave his report of the parish council’s events of the year

4. Report from the County and District Councillor
Cllr Liz Tucker gave a report. She spoke about:

5. Reports from Village Organisations
The Chairman read out shortened versions of reports from St James’ Church, the Bishampton Relief in Need Charity, Moat Farm Lane Nature Reserve, Bishampton Tiddlers, the Stoneland and Village Hall Charity and the Silver Circle Seniors Club
Cllr Baldwin gave a report in his capacity as chairman of the Bishampton, Abberton and Throckmorton Village Hall Trust and on behalf of the Bishampton Gardening Club.
The reports are to be placed on the PC website.

6. To hear about the village First Responder Scheme
Cllr Baldwin gave a talk and demonstration about how the scheme worked and how volunteers were helping to provide extra emergency first aid cover in the community on behalf of the ambulance service. The chairman thanked Cllr Baldwin and all the volunteers for their vital and very much-appreciated hard work.

7. Discussion items
The items for discussion had been covered in previous reports.

8. Open Session

The chairman thanked the councillors for all their hard work over the past year on behalf of the community and the meeting closed at 9.20pm.

Mrs C. Morris. Clerk ……………….………………………… (chairman)
