Minutes of the Throckmorton Annual Parish Meeting, held on Wednesday, May 28th, 2008 at The Parish Room, Throckmorton.

The meeting was chaired by Parish Council vice chairman Cllr Charles Tucker and attended by Cllr Ed Beever as well as county and district councillor Liz Tucker.

1. Apologies
Apologies were received from Parish Council chairman Cllr Don Cheetham.

2. To approve the minutes of the Throckmorton Annual Parish Meeting on May 8th 2007
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.

3. Report from the Chairman of the Parish Council.
Cllr Cheetham’s report was noted. Mention was also made of the work carried out on the Throckmorton Play Area and of the council’s funding of a new mower for the Chapelry and congratulations had been sent from the chairman to those who completed the parish room project and were rewarded with a Wychavon Building Award.

4. Report from the County and District Councillor
Cllr Liz Tucker spoke about:

5. Reports from Village Organisations
There were no matters to report from village organisations, although parish reports from the Bishampton Meeting were noted.

The chairman reported the sad news that Pearl Bennett, former treasurer of the Throckmorton Village Charity had sadly died at her home in Throckmorton. He sent his condolences to Mr Dalrymple and her family.

6. Open Session
There being no members of the public present, the chairman closed the meeting at 8.02pm.

Mrs C. Morris. Clerk ……………….………………………… (chairman)
