Report from St James Church Bishampton


The Church may be geographically on the periphery of the village but endeavours to maintain a central role in its mission to serve the Parish.

What you might ask is the Church’s role in support of the Parish and the response would be that it’s mission is multifaceted, as we know the Church is a body of people rather than the building but that said St James, Bishampton provides a place of quiet, open every day for those who seek solitude; whilst offering a pattern of services to appeal to all age groups including Remembrance Day Service, always well attended , and to whom personal invitations are extended to Parish Councillors. The celebration of weddings and baptisms and the solemnity of funerals, the pastoral care of those who have lost loved ones or are frail, ill or in need of sharing thoughts. To all of the above the Church is quietly functioning to fulfil it’s responsibilities to the people of the Parish.

A Church Mission group meets regularly to ensure that the Church’s mission is constantly reviewed and updated, encompassing the need for change and development, ensuring that stagnation is not an option. Proactively and not reactivity is the goal to be achieved.

The application of the above provides many diverse areas of support some are detailed below.

Home Information Packs are supplied and delivered personally to welcome new people moving into the Parish, as are New Baby Welcome Packs for new arrivals to families in Bishampton.

The annual Church Fete has continued to grow in popularity over recent years with visitors attractions expanding, visitors numbers increasing including those who travel from outside the Parish, who along side villages have the opportunity to experience the enjoyment of the event whilst enabling the Church to highlight and to promote it’s people involvement rather than denominational.

Events such as the Harvest Festival Supper, Christmas Fayer, Tudor Evening, Coffee Mornings and what will be an annual 5km Fun Run all contribute to bringing people together whilst raising the profile of the Church within the Parish with the focus on entertainment, fun and intercommunication.

The Church now has more interaction with the Village Hall Committee who together in 2007 took part in the Church Fete and the Winter Fayer thereby raising funds to allocate to their needs. The Church will also provide the Village Hall Committee with its action plan details and support measures to be included in the Emergency Measures List The successful events of the past year demonstrates that in raising the profile of the Church within the Parish that as well as raising much needed funds that great fun was to be had also.

Rogation Workshop, Summer/Sport Workshop and a similar Christmas Workshop will also provide activities for families within the Parish and plans are well advanced to ensure all three events reach their optimum! The ongoing commitment of BFH (Be Friends with God) continues to flourish, largely staffed by Bishampton personnel, this is an after school Christian Club “Sunday School on a Monday” operating out of Flyford Flavell First School for children of Reception to year 4 age group, in Throckmorton there is also a conventional Sunday School on the first Sunday morning of each month.

Work has now been completed resulting in a record of Burials in the Churchyard of St James, Bishampton dating back to 1599 with a similar record of Baptisms nearly completed work has just commenced on Marriages dating back to the sixteenth century. Those interested in obtaining details can do so by contacting Geoff Harding on 01386 462308.

Finally, the Church’s ongoing commitment to the Parish, acknowledging the generous support of the Parish Council in providing a grant towards the Churchyard mowing and upkeep, should enable the Church to make a lasting contribution for the future, it is its desire to raise its profile in the centre of Parish life, to be a functioning heart of the community. The Parish Plan produced in May of 2006 according to statistics contained 13% of households of the Parish of Bishampton and Throckmorton use the Church frequently, 39% use the Church regularly and 73% have some use of the Church, we intend to build on those figures. Whilst at this moment in time we are in an interregnum it is with anticipation that we look forward to a new Rector who it is hoped, will continue to promote and further Parish/Church unity.