Bishampton & Throckmorton Parish Council - Statement of Safety Policy

1. Bishampton & Throckmorton Parish Council recognises and accepts its responsibility as an employer for providing safe and healthy working conditions for all its employees and volunteers (including councillors). it also recognises a duty of care to ensure that its operations do not endanger other members of the public.

2. The Council intends to take all reasonable steps within its power to meet this responsibility, paying particular attention to the provision and maintenance of:

a. Plant, equipment and systems of work designed and maintained to operate and function safely.

b. Arrangements for safe handling, storage and supervisory functions where appropriate to enable all employees and volunteers to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work.

c. Sufficient information, instructions, training and supervision to enable all employees and volunteers to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work.

d. A safe place of work with safe access and egress.

e. A healthy working environment and systems of work with expert advice as necessary.

f. Protective clothing and equipment where necessary.

g. Arrangements for the periodic survey of and report on work places and methods of working and the implementation of any corrective action necessary.

3. Any contractors engaged by the Council will be required to submit a suitable health and safety policy and to adhere to such health and safety issues as the Council may deem to be necessary.

4. Health and safety will be kept under review by the Council.

5. Employees and volunteers are reminded that they have a duty to care for their own safety and that of other workers and members of the public who might be affected by their activities and to co-operate with the Council so as to enable it to carry out its own responsibilities successfully.

6. Employees and volunteers should:

a. Seek advice on safety and health matters from the or the Councillor responsible for health and safety matters.

b. Comply with the instructions and procedures for safe working issued from time to time.

c. Make proper use of protective clothing and safety equipment provided.

d. Report immediately to the Clerk or any member of the Council any accidents which occur, detailing the exact nature of the accident, date and time and any action that can be taken to prevent a recurrence.

e. Report immediately to the Clerk any defects in plant, structures, equipment or safety procedures which come to their notice.

f. Report promptly to the Clerk any incidents which have led or might lead to injury or damage and co-operate with any investigation which might be undertaken with the object of preventing accidents or re-occurrence of incidents.

7. Any matter which appears to contravene the above policy should be reported at once to the Clerk, who will report as appropriate to the Council.

8. A copy of this statement will be issued to all Council employees, volunteers and Councillors. It will be revised, added to or modified from time to time.

9. This statement supersedes all previous statements.


Councillor Site Visits

Councillors undertaking site visits should only do so with the landowners permission. They should not enter any area of a site where hazards exist unless appropriate action has been taken to ensure it is safe to do so.

Conservation & Rights of Way Action Groups

It shall be the responsibility of the Group Co-ordinators to ensure that Health and Safety procedures agreed with the Council are enforced.

- All volunteers will receive a briefing on safety matters and will be required to sign that I have received and understood the briefing session.

- Volunteers must be over 18 years of age.

- For large scale projects lasting more than half a day or where significant risks exist, a risk assessment will be carried out prior to work commencing.

- Where a risk is identified that can be reduced by the use of Personal Protective equipment this will be issued and must be worn by the parties affected.

- Only persons holding an approved certificate of competence may sue power tools such as brushcutters or chain saws.

A risk assessment of the Conservation area will take place annually.

Throckmorton Parish Rooms

The Management Committee for the Parish Rooms shall be responsible for agreeing safety policy with the Council and ensuring that it is adhered to at all times.

A risk assessment will be conducted annually.