Health & Safety Matters for Footpath & Conservation Group Volunteers

These guidelines are intended to assist you when undertaking work as a volunteer in the countryside. They are intended to ensure that you have an enjoyable and accident free experience whilst at the same time ensuring that you do not endanger the safety of others working on the project. Please remember that, even though you are a volunteer, you are still governed by the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act which basically requires that you “take reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or don’t do”.  In that context you should consider the advice given here as mandatory. 

You will be asked to sign a copy of the instructions as a formality to confirm that the Parish Council has informed you of the risks and health and safety issues pertaining to this work.

Access to the Work Area

Use of tools

Protective Personal Equipment

Lifting & Carrying

Health Issues

Reporting Accidents

Any accidents should be reported as soon as possible to co-ordinator for the group or if they are unavailable to the Clerk to the Parish Council 01386 462551

I have read and understand the above advice and I am over eighteen years of age

Print Name…………………………………..

Signed ………………………………………..     Date………………..