Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 14th April 2003 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr M Argyle (Chairman & District Councillor), Mr E Carter, Ms T Gilligan, Mrs E Lane, Mr R Segar, Mrs A Belcher (Clerk).

03.4.1 Apologies

There were apologies from Nigel Smith who was on holiday, from Charles Tucker and from Annette Bufton who was unable to be present because of family responsibilities.

03.4.2 Declarations of interest

Betty Lane declared an interest in item 8.3 on the agenda as she was on the Flyfords Benefice Council and was a member of the Silver Circle, and Eric Carter declared an interest in the same item as he was a member of the Flyfords Benefice Council and the Villages Hall Trust.

03.4.3 Open Session

This was attended by Mrs Mary Rymell and Ms Angie Gregg, who addressed the meeting concerning the comments made by the Parish Council on the Wychavon District Local Plan Review. They expressed concern that the airfield would be left open to further plans for unsuitable development unless a comprehensive plan for the whole of the airfield was undertaken. Both parishioners were encouraged to attend the Parish Plan meetings which were taking place every other Sunday at the Throckmorton Parish Room, the next scheduled for 4 May. This was a forum for all residents to put forward their views and ideas on future development in the whole parish, including the airfield.

03.4.4 Minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2003

These were approved and signed as a correct record, with the addition of Eric Carter's name under minute 03.3.1 amongst those Councillors who had sent apologies for absence.

03.4.5 Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

03.4.6 Parish Council Elections

It was reported that due to insufficient nominations there would not be an election in the Parish. There had been 6 nominations for 9 vacancies.

03.4.7 Planning Land adjoining Barnfield, Main Street, Bishampton

This proposal was for a car parking area ancillary to a proposed new house for which permission had already been granted. Comments had already been sent to the local planning authority under the Clerk's delegated powers to the effect that the proposal was outside the village development boundary; the car parking area was separate form the curtilage of the house and would require access over adjoining agricultural land; and that excavation of the sloping site could leave neighbouring land liable to subsidence. Highfield House, Main Street, Bishampton

No objections had been raised to this application for a porch.

03.4.8 Finance Cash reconciliation

A balance of £12,234.12 at 24 March was reported by the Clerk. Payments

The following payments were approved:

An estimated bill for electricity costs for the Throckmorton Parish Room had been received. It was agreed that a meter reading should be taken and a revised bill obtained and the Clerk was authorised to pay such revised bill. EL & AMB Applications for grants 2003

03.4.9 Footpaths

Nigel Smith had drawn up a list of requests for work to be carried out to footpaths which had been put forward by the Rights of Way Action Group, and this had been circulated. It was agreed that the Clerk be authorised to determine in consultation Eric Carter which jobs were of highest priority and to seek quotes from contractors for those matters.

03.4.10 Parish Plan

Toni Gilligan advised the meeting that a timescale of 2 years for completion of the Plan was expected.

03.4.11 Throckmorton Parish Room

The Parish Council had before it the minutes of a meeting which had been held with members of the Pershore Avonvales Scout Group to discuss the future of the Parish Room. The result of an informal valuation of the building which was being organised by the Scout Group was awaited. The Chairman advised the meeting of discussions he had held with the planning officers at Wychavon District Council about possible development of the property which suggested that planning permission would be unlikely to be forthcoming.

03.4.12 Reports

There were no matters to report.

03.4.13 Correspondence

A letter had been received from the Boundary Committee concerning the periodic electoral review of Worcestershire County Council. It was agreed to defer consideration of the matter until the next meeting of the Council. AMB

A copy of a letter from the Department of Culture Media and Sport to Peter Luff MP regarding the possible scheduling of part of the Throckmorton Airfield site stated that since there was no immediate threat to the archaeological and historic remains at the site, English Heritage would examine the site as part of the Monuments Programme rather than treating it as a priority.

A letter from the Rural Housing Enabler, Alan Saunders referred to plans for a development adjacent to the Villages Hall. It was agreed that a reply be sent explaining that the Parish Council had been advised by Wychavon District Council that the site was not suitable for affordable housing. AMB

03.4.14 Any other business

No further business was discussed.

03.4.15 Date of next meeting

It was agreed to hold the next meeting of the Council, which would be the annual meeting, on 12 May 2003 at 7.30 pm.

The meeting ended at 10.20 pm.

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Chairman Date