Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on Monday 2nd June 2003 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr M Argyle (Chairman & District Councillor), Mrs A Bufton, Mr E Carter, Ms T Gilligan, Mr R Segar, Mr C Tucker, Mrs A Belcher (Clerk).

Also present was County Councillor Mrs Liz Tucker.

03.6.1 Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Edward Chadwick who was at work.

03.6.2 Declarations of interest

Charles Tucker declared an interest in item 6 on the agenda, Throckmorton Parish Room, since he was on the Management Committee. Malcolm Argyle declared an interest in item 9, the planning applications relating to Sunnybank Cottage and Highfield House, Bishampton.

03.6.3 Applications for Grants - Mr David Meredith and Ms Jayne Evans (Rate relief)

This item was brought forward by the Chairman to enable the applicants to leave after addressing the meeting. The Chairman proposed, Toni Gilligan seconded, a motion to exclude the press and public from the meeting during the consideration of the item pursuant to paragraphs 5 and 7 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 on the grounds that information relating to the applicants’ business affairs was to be discussed. The motion was carried unanimously.
At the invitation of the Chairman the applicants addressed the meeting in support of their application and then withdrew. After discussion Annette Bufton proposed, Rupert Segar seconded a motion to approve the payment of £300.47 towards the cost of rate relief to granted by Wychavon District Council and the motion was carried unanimously.
The meeting was then adjourned by the Chairman to enable members of the public to address the Council during the open session. A note of the discussion is recorded separately as a note to these minutes.

03.6.4 Co-option of Councillors to fill two vacancies

It was reported that there were two parishioners interested in being co-opted on to the Parish Council. One of them, Mrs Lorraine Gibson, attended the meeting as an observer but the other possible candidate was unable to attend the meeting. The item was therefore deferred until the next meeting of the Council.

03.6.5 Approval of the minutes of the annual meeting of the Council held on 12 May 2003

These were approved and signed as a correct record.

03.3.6 Finance Cash reconciliation

The Clerk reported a balance of £17106.87 in the bank as at 23 May 2003. Approval of payments

The following payments were approved: Insurance policy renewal

The Clerk reported that she had approached three insurance companies none of whom were prepared to quote to insure the Parish Council, and had been unable to find any further companies who dealt with this type of business. The possibility of adding to the Council’s existing policy the following items was also discussed: the seat around the tree opposite the village shop in Bishampton, two litter bins, the notice boards, and the war memorial. It was agreed to renew the Council’s insurance with Allianz Cornhill at the increased premium of £450.78 and to reconsider insuring the items referred to next year. In the meantime the decision should be recorded in the Council’s risk assessment. AMB Approval of end of year accounts 2002/2003

These were approved and signed by the Chairman, subject to audit.

03.6.7 Throckmorton Parish Room

Informal valuations of the Parish Room had been obtained both by the Scout Group and by the Chairman. It was agreed that the Chairman should liase with the Scout Group over who should now proceed with a formal valuation of the premises. MA

03.6.8 Planning

W/03/00990/LB & W/03/00989/PN Highfield House, Main Street, Bishampton, Pershore : Installation of recessed timber doors to front of cart shed

It was agreed that the following comments be made on the above applications:
That the sheds remain in use as garaging and should not be become part of the living accommodation of the dwelling; and
That an appropriate condition be imposed requiring the design of the doors and use of materials sympathetic to the existing building.

W/03/00987PP 8 Stanton Fields, Bishampton: Erection of a single storey front extension

The comments on this application were delegated to the Clerk in consultation with Annette Bufton and the Chairman, to enable Mrs Bufton to speak first to the occupier of the neighbouring property. AMB, ALB & MA

W/03/00937/LB & W/03/0091/PP Sunnybank Cottage, Bishampton: Alterations to existing dwelling

It was agreed that no objections be raised to this application for an extension to replace an existing glazed structure.

There were two late applications which were brought to the attention of the meeting:

W/03/00933/PN The Paddocks, Broad Lane, Bishampton: Erection of a dormer dwelling

Comments on this application were delegated to the Clerk in consultation with Annette Bufton and the Chairman, to enable Mrs Bufton to check whether the proposal would involve the felling of trees, and whether it fell within the building line. AMB, ALB & MA

407557 Hill and Moor Landfill Site, Wyre Piddle: Variation of condition 16 of planning permission 407390 to extend landfill operating hours

The Council considered this application to allow vehicles from other household waste sites to be taken to the landfill site on Sunday afternoon between 2 pm and 6 pm. Concerns were expressed about whether the proposal would allow vehicles to tip waste on a Sunday afternoon, in which case the waste would need to be compacted, or whether the vehicles would simply be stored full until the following day. It was agreed that the details of the current planning permission should be checked to see whether the variation of the condition would allow the applicants to increase the operating hours of the site, or simply to receive waste during the hours referred to, and comments be delegated to the Clerk in consultation with Annette Bufton, Charles Tucker and the Chairman. AMB, ALB, CT & MA

03.6.9 Periodic Electoral Review of Worcestershire County Council

The proposals put forward by the County Council for consultation were considered. These would keep the four ‘airfield’ parishes within the same ward, but would merge the Pinvin District ward with Pershore. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Boundary Committee, with a copy to the County Council, supporting the County’s proposals and reiterating the arguments put forward at the time of the electoral review of Wychavon District in 2001 regarding the need to keep the four ‘airfield’ parishes together. AMB

03.6.10 Correspondence

It was agreed that the letter Det Norske Veritas regarding the environmental public health risk assessment of the Foot and mouth Burial site in Throckmorton be considered at the next meeting together with DEFRA’s response to the report. Councillor Mrs Liz Tucker offered to provide a copy of the report for the Parish Council’s files. AMB

A survey from the Highways Partnership Unit was delegated to the Clerk to complete in consultation with Rupert Segar. AMB & RS

A letter from Nigel Smith thanking the Parish Council for the gift presented to him in recognition of his 4 years on the Parish Council was read out.

A letter from Mr Peter Jesson to the Chairman asking for details of what had been done to offer assistance to the village shop was read out. It was agreed that a reply be sent explaining what help and advice had been offered. AMB

03.6.11 Councillors’ reports and items for a future agenda

Eric Carter reported that he had produced a first draft of a health and safety policy following discussion with the Clerk. The draft would be circulated for discussion at the next meeting of the Council. AMB

Toni Gilligan reported that she had attended the Parish Plans Surgery which had been worthwhile.

Charles Tucker offered to contact the Evesham Journal regarding the presentation to Betty Lane who had retired from the Parish Council after 24 years service. CT

03.6.12 Date of next meeting

It was agreed to hold the next meeting on Monday 30 June to enable the audit return to be approved and publicised in time for the Council’s audit date of 15 August.

Signed……………………………………. Date……………………

Note of matters raised during the Open Session, Parish Council meeting 2 June 2003

The session was attended by 4 members of the public.

Rate relief applications
In response to questions the Chairman explained the Parish Council’s approach to applications for rate relief, the need to follow proper procedures and to be able to justify the use of taxpayers’ money to subsidise a business. The Parish Council had asked for advice on the criteria to be applied in determining these applications and would apply the same criteria to every applicant.

Parish Council budget
A question was raised as to why the Parish Council had not published its budget for the current year. It was explained that the budget had been published as an annexe to the minutes of the meeting held on 2 December, and that these had been put in the village shop as usual. It was recognised that various sets of minutes had gone missing from the shop and that some method needed to be found of anchoring them so that they could not be removed.

A query was put as to why the precept had been raised this year. The Chairman explained that this was to facilitate the preparation of a Parish Plan. £5000 in grant had been applied for from the Countryside Agency, but this represented only 75% of the cost of producing a plan – the remainder would need to be provided by the Parish Council.

Mr Jesson queried what role the Parish Council considered itself to have in relation to footpaths. Eric Carter explained that the Parish Council was a facilitator to enable the footpaths grant to be spent on footpath improvements. Mr Jesson explained his expectation that the Parish Council would also take up with the County Council matters such as obstruction of footpaths which were reported to the Parish Council.

Tank in Throckmorton
A question was raised about a tank in Throckmorton for which the planning permission required the planting of screening. The Chairman reported that he had raised the matter with the enforcement officers at Wychavon District Council on previous occasions but would do so again.