Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on Monday 30th June 2003 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr M Argyle (Chairman & District Councillor), Mrs A Bufton, Mr E Carter, Mr E Chadwick, Mr R Segar, Mr C Tucker, Mrs A Belcher (Clerk).

03.7.1 Apologies for absence

Apologies were accepted from Toni Gilligan who was in London working.

03.7.2 Declarations of interest

There were no declarations of interest.

03.7.3 Co-option of two Councillors

This item was deferred to enable Mr Ed Beaver, who was interested in being co-opted onto the Council, to attend.

03.7.4 Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd June 2003

These were approved and signed as a correct record.

03.7.5 Finance Cash reconciliation

A balance of £17,162.53 as at 24 June 2003 was reported by the Clerk. Budget update

An update showing total spending of £3,211 to 24 June was noted. Payments

The following payments were approved:

03.7.6 Co-option of two Councillors

Mr Ed Beaver joined the meeting and introduced himself at the invitation of the Chairman. The Chairman proposed, Rupert Segar seconded a motion to co-opt Mr Beaver onto the Parish Council and this was carried unanimously. Mr Beaver remained as an observer and agreed to sign the declaration of acceptance of office before the next meeting of the Council.

03.7.7 Further financial matters Report of the internal auditor and annual return 2002/2003

A written report from the internal auditor was received by the Council. One of his recommendations was for consideration to be given to computerising the accounts. The Clerk reported that a CALC model spreadsheet programme was available but that it was not compatible with her computer. Eric Carter agreed to look at the CALC disk to see if this problem could be overcome. EC
The internal auditor also recommended that a contract of engagement be prepared for the Clerk. The Clerk offered to draft a contract based on the CALC model and to bring it to the next meeting of the Council. AMB

The internal auditor’s final recommendation related to the review of financial regulations which was the next item on the agenda. The auditor’s finding that the Council’s books of account and financial records were well kept, accurate and complete was welcomed.
The Council then considered the eight-part statement of assurance which they were required to give as part of the audit and this was approved by the Council and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk. Adoption of financial regulations

The Council had before them the NALC model financial regulations and a draft based on the model which had been prepared by the Clerk in consultation with Annette Bufton. After debate the draft with amendments, as set out in the annexe to these minutes, was proposed by Rupert Segar and adopted unanimously by the Council. It was agreed that a note should be made on the budget of any amount of grant approved but not paid to the Villages Hall Trust at the end of the financial year. A vote of thanks to the Clerk and to Annette Bufton for their hard work in preparing the draft was also proposed by Rupert Segar and carried unanimously. AMB

03.7.8 Throckmorton Parish Room

Charles Tucker declared an interest in this item as a member of the Parish Room Management Committee.
The Chairman reported that a formal valuation of the Parish Room was being delayed by the Scout Group because of the illness of Keith Goddard. Charles Tucker reported that he had been given information from the Welcome to Our Future organisation that the Landfill Tax Credit Scheme could be used to finance the purchase and refurbishment of the Parish Room. The Parish Council itself would be ineligible to apply for a grant but the Throckmorton Village Charity could apply. It was agreed that in order to enable the purchase to proceed more quickly the Parish Council should proceed with a formal valuation of the Parish Room, both of the freehold and the Council’s leasehold interest, so that this could be properly valued in the Council’s asset register. The Clerk was asked to approach Barrie Saggers and another Chartered Surveyor for quotations for this work. The Chairman agreed to explain the Parish Council’s intentions to the Scout Group. AMB & MA

03.7.9 Planning

AB/03/00991/AB Nightingale Farm, Main Street, Bishampton - Erection of an open-fronted steel framed portal building for storage of straw and hay

Comments on this application had been made under the Clerk’s delegated power. No objections had been made to the application.

W/03/00925/PN MTC Pershore, Long Lane, Throckmorton, Pershore - Temporary siting of portakabin for office use

Comments on this application had been made under the Clerk’s delegated power. The duration of the permission sought had been queried.

W/02/0132/PN Land rear of Nightingale Lodge, Main Street, Bishampton - Dwelling for an agricultural worker (Planning appeal)

No further comments were considered necessary beyond those made in connection with the original planning application.

The following application had been received after the distribution of the agenda and was made available for members to consider the plans:

W/03/01215/CU Court Farmhouse, Main Street, Bishampton - Proposed conversion of barn to residential use

Approvals in respect of the following applications were reported:

W/03/00987/PP 8 Stanton Fields - Erection of a single storey front extension

W/03/00916/PP & W/03/00937/LB - Sunnybank Cottage, Bishampton - Alterations to existing dwelling

03.7.10 Notice of proposed development relating to the FMD burial site, Throckmorton

Comments on this notice relating to the final capping of the burial pits, landscaping of the site and extraction of leachate etc. were delegated to the Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Charles Tucker.

03.7.11 Draft Health and Safety Policy

A draft health and safety policy was considered. Eric Carter offered to undertake some safety instruction for all volunteers and to get them to sign to acknowledge having received it. It was reported that Pershore College of Horticulture offer a one day safety course in the use of a brushcutter at a cost of £70.

It was agreed:

03.7.12 Correspondence Draft Countryside Recreation and Access Strategy

This document had been received from Community First for comment by the Parish Council. Any response was delegated to the Clerk in consultation with Rupert Segar. AMB & RS Affordable housing

A letter from the Rural Housing Enabler, Alan Saunders, was read out. It was agreed to respond to the effect that the information available to the Parish Council was that officers in Wychavon were looking at alternative sites. Until any firm proposals for development were put forward the Parish Council was happy for Mr Saunders to continue to work alongside Wychavon officers in those negotiations. AMB The response of DEFRA to the DNV public health risk assessment relating to the FMD burial site in Throckmorton

This document would be circulated for consideration by members. Members attention was drawn to the fact that DEFRA had rejected one of the recommendations of DNV that the Department should apply for a waste management licence to control its operations at the burial site, on the grounds that this was not legally possible. However, DEFRA had agreed voluntarily to take on all the restrictions that would apply under such a licence, thus giving the Environment Agency greater powers in relation to operations at the site. Rural Rate Relief

A letter had been received from Wychavon District Council in response to the Parish Council’s letter querying the lack of financial information in rate relief applications and the shifting of responsibility for making such enquiries onto the Parish Council. The response would be circulated for members attention. Definitive map review

A letter had been received from Worcestershire County Council requesting the assistance of the Parish Council with a review of the definitive map in the parish. It was reported that the Parish Footpath Officer, Peter Averis, was already engaged in considering the proposals and Eric Carter undertook to liase with him in formulating a response. EC Minor local authority representatives

It was reported that from 1 September 2003 minor local authorities would no longer have the automatic right to nominate a representative on school governing bodies, although they would still be free to recommend suitable candidates to County Councillors.

03.7.13 Councillors reports and items for a future agenda

Annette Bufton requested that possible land acquisition for the Villages Hall be put on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

The Clerk also asked that the question of notice boards for Throckmorton and Tilesford be considered.

03.7.14 Date of next meeting

It was agreed to hold the next meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 1 September at 7.30 pm.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 10.40 pm.

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Chairman Date