Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 6th October 2003 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr M argyle (Chairman and District Councillor), Mrs A Bufton, Mr E Carter, Mr R Segar, Mrs A Belcher (Clerk).

03.9.1 Apologies for absence
Apologies were accepted from Mr Ed Beever and Mr Edward Chadwick who were both working and from Mr Charles Tucker who was attending another meeting. Ms Toni Gilligan and Mrs Liz Tucker (County Councillor) had indicated that they would be arriving late.

03.9.2 Declarations of interest
Malcolm Argyle declared a prejudicial interest in a late planning application relating to land in Broad Lane, and Annette Bufton declared a non-prejudicial interest in the same application.

03.9.3 Minutes of the meeting held on 1 September 2003
These were approved and signed as a correct record

03.9.4 Appointment of new Clerk
It was reported that the Clerk had resigned in order to take up another post. It was agreed to advertise the vacancy on the notice board, and in a newsletter to go to all households in the parish. RS The Clerk agreed to request a Clerk’s recruitment pack from CALC.

03.9.5 Throckmorton Parish Room – update
The Clerk reported that she had written to the Scout Group and had spoken to Keith Goddard. The Scouts were writing to the Charity Commission to ask if they would allow a transfer of the Parish Room at nil consideration to the Throckmorton Village Charity, rather than to a Management Committee holding on a charitable trust, in the manner of the Villages Hall in Bishampton. Annette Bufton agreed to speak to the Chairman of the Scout Group, Phil Harris, to confirm that the letter had been sent. ALB The Clerk suggested that if the reply from the Charity Commission was still no then a further meeting should be held with the Scouts to look at other options. Canadian airmen’s memorial steering group
This item was deferred pending Liz Tucker’s arrival.

03.9.6 Electoral Commission Consultation paper on minimum age of voting and candidacy in elections
It was agreed to make no comments on this consultation paper.

03.9.7 Storage of files and deeds Destruction of old files and documents
It was agreed to destroy a number of old files and documents which it was no longer necessary to keep. Payment of storage charge for deeds
The Clerk reported that Lloyds TSB had requested £15 per annum for storing the deeds to the war memorial which had been discovered in the bank’s safe. It was agreed to pay this charge but to include the deeds to the Villages Hall within the same package. AMB

03.9.8 Finance Cash reconciliation
A balance of £15863.86 at the bank as at 24 September 2003 was reported by the Clerk. Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:

The following payment during the previous month under Standing Order 54(b) and Financial Regulation 6.4 was also reported: Budget update
Receipts and payments to 24 September 2003 were noted. The Clerk was asked to put the matter of emergency repairs to the Parish Room on the agenda for the next meeting. It was also requested that an item be placed on the agenda to consider spending on the Throckmorton Play Area the £3000 set aside in the budget for either the Villages Hall, Bishampton or the Throckmorton Parish Room. AMB Parish Plan – to agree schedule of expenditure
It was agreed to include an update on progress of the Parish Plan in the newsletter to parishioners. Further discussion of this item was deferred pending the arrival of Toni Gilligan.

03.9.9 Planning Planning applications
There were two late planning applications which had arrived for comment after delivery of the agenda. Appointment of additional Councillor consultee for planning matters
Edward Chadwick had offered via the Clerk to take on this role and this was agreed unanimously.

03.9.10 Correspondence

O3.9.10.1 Correspondence deferred from meeting on 1 September 2003
A letter had been received complaining about the speed of Dudleys school coaches. The Clerk reported that Councillor Mrs Tucker had offered to take this matter up with the Local Education Authority.
A letter had been received suggesting the installation of further dog bins at certain locations in Bishampton. The Clerk was asked to reply to the effect that the Parish Council had not included the cost of dog bins in their current budget but that the matter would be considered again when the budget was set for the coming year. AMB Correspondence reported for information
A letter from Wychavon District Council regarding the Parliamentary Boundary Review was noted.
It was reported that a consultation paper on the draft PPS7, Sustainable Development in Rural Areas, would be circulated to members.

03.9.11 Appointment of representative to Villages Hall Committee
Eric Carter agreed to act as temporary representative on the Villages Hall Committee, but was concerned that in respect of some items his interest as a member of the Church Committee was prejudicial and would require him to withdraw from the Villages Hall Committee meetings. It was agreed that when the final vacancy on the Parish Council was filled, the new Councillor be asked to take over as the Council’s representative on the Villages Hall Committee.

03.9.12 Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda

As neither Toni Gilligan nor Liz Tucker had arrived it was agreed to defer consideration of those items mentioned at and above until the next meeting.

03.9.13 Date of next meeting
It was agreed to hold the next meeting of the Council on Monday 2nd November 2003 at 7.30 pm in the Villages Hall.
The meeting ended at 9.20 pm.

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Chairman Date