Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 3rd November 2003 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr M Argyle (Chairman and District Councillor), Mrs A Bufton, Mr E Beever (from 7.45 pm), Mr E Carter, Mr E Chadwick, Ms T Gilligan, Mr R Segar, Mr C Tucker, Mrs A Belcher (Clerk).

The meeting was attended by Mr M Cracknell who addressed the Council before the start of the meeting about item 9.2 on the agenda, namely the comments make by the parish Council in respect of planning application no. W/03/01854/PN. A note of the discussion is set out separately as an annex to these minutes.

The meeting was also attended by one of the applicants for the post of Clerk, as an observer.

03.10.1 Apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.

03.10.2 Declarations of interest
Malcolm Argyle and Eric Carter both declared prejudicial interests in item 9.1, planning application no. W/03/01760/CU. Annette Bufton declared a non-prejudicial interest in the same item. Malcolm Argyle declared a non-prejudicial interest in a late planning application no. W/03/01988/PN.

03.10.3 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th October 2003
These were approved and signed as a correct record.

03.10.4 Co-option of one Councillor

This item was deferred until the next meeting of the Council as the candidate did not attend.

03.10.5 Appointment of new Clerk
It was agreed to delegate responsibility for interviewing and appointing a new Clerk to an ad hoc committee, to consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Toni Gilligan, which would meet as soon as possible after 12 November, which was the closing date for applications. It was agreed that the Chairman would ask Mark Hartshorne, who had been on the interview panel at the time of the appointment of the current Clerk, to conduct the interviews on the Committee’s behalf, although it was recognised that he would not be able to take part in the decision.
The Chairman also indicated his intention to resign with effect from the next Council meeting, and the Clerk was asked to put the appointment of a new Chairman on the agenda for the next meeting.

03.10.6 Throckmorton Throckmorton Parish Room
Charles Tucker read out a copy of a letter from the Scouts to the Charity Commission requesting approval for the handing over of the Room to the Throckmorton Village Charity. The Charity Commission’s reply of 16 October seemed to suggest that such a transfer might be acceptable but requested a copy of the conveyance of the property to the Scout Association so that the Commission could consider the trusts on which the property is held.
The only work considered necessary as a matter of urgency was the provision of illuminated fire exit signs. Charles Tucker agreed to obtain estimates for such signs. CT Throckmorton Play Area
Toni Gilligan agreed to make informal inquiries of local children to find out what type of equipment they would like to be provided. It was noted that the consent of the landowner, Mrs Rimell, would be needed before any equipment was erected. TG Canadian Airmen’s memorial
Edward Chadwick agreed to ask Barrie Saggers whether he would be willing to be involved in producing a costed proposal for a memorial when the time came to approach DEFRA for funding. EdC

03.10.7 Footpaths Footpath work
Three quotations had been obtained for a schedule of footpath work including bridges, stiles and finger posts. It was agreed to accept Limebridge Rural Services’ offer to carry out the work for £295 plus VAT. Footpath correspondence Abberton footpath budget
A request had been received from the County Council for the Parish Council to take over the administration of the footpath budget for Abberton which did not have a Parish Council. Eric Carter reported that the Rights of Way Action Group had agreed to embrace the footpaths in Abberton within their remit and the Clerk reported that £300 had been set aside by the County Council for inclusion in next year’s grant. The proposal was agreed. AMB

03.10.8 Finance Cash reconciliation
The Clerk reported a balance of £23,912.02 in the bank as at 24 October 2003. Eric Carter agreed to look into the possibility of opening a savings account. EC Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:

The following payment during the previous month under Standing Order 54(b) and Financial Regulation 6.4 was also reported:
Limebridge Rural Services (mowing) £323.13 Parish Plan
Toni Gilligan reported that the Parish Plan Steering Group had sent out a questionnaire and had done a first analysis of the issues raised. A meeting had been held with Jack Hegarty and Jo Scrutton from Wychavon District Council and representatives from the four ‘airfield’ parishes to discuss issues of common interest such as the roads and the landfill site.
With regard to expenditure on the Parish Plan, invoices should be made out to the Parish Council and paid by the Clerk. Toni Gilligan agreed to let the Clerk have a copy for her records of the figures provided to the Countryside Agency on the grant application. TG Budget 2004/2005
The Council considered a draft budget prepared by the Clerk. It was agreed to hold an extraordinary meeting of the Council on Wednesday 10th December at 7.30 pm to finalise the budget.

03.10.9 Planning W/03/01760/CU Land off Broad Lane, Bishampton
The Chairman and Eric Carter left the room during the consideration of this item. Annette Bufton proposed Rupert Segar as Chairman, seconded by Toni Gilligan. It was agreed not to object to the application but to suggest that the applicant be required to amend the description of the development to include the hardstanding which had been created, and to request conditions preventing the creation of a livery or riding school business on the land, or any further building. W/03/01820/CU MTC Pershore, Long Lane, Throckmorton
The Clerk explained that Wychavon District Council was still awaiting sufficient information to enable them to determine the application. It was decided to defer comments on the application until further information was forthcoming. The Chairman agreed to speak to Mike Hurst in the Planning Department at Wychavon District Council to ask for an extension of time to submit comments to enable the application to be considered at the next Council meeting. MA 407571 Hill and Moor Landfill Site
An application to extend working hours at the Materials Recycling Facility until 10 pm was considered by the Council. It was agreed that recycling of waste was to be encouraged but that this needed to be balanced against the interests of residential amenity. The Clerk was asked to write to the County Council requesting that conditions be imposed limiting noise and light pollution and stating the Council’s opposition to any further extension of operating hours. AMB W/03/01946/PP Nightingale Lodge, Main Street, Bishampton
It was agreed to raise no objections to this application for a double garage. W/03/01988/PN Highfield House, Main Street, Bishampton
It was reported that dormer windows in the front roof slope had been refused when the original application for a dwelling had been considered. The Parish Council had objected on the grounds that the windows would cause overlooking and would make the property seem overbearing. It was agreed to object to this application on similar grounds. W/03/01989/PN Vale Golf & Country Club, Hill Furze Road, Bishampton
Eric Carter declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting during the consideration of this item. It was agreed to make no objections to this application for a glazed enclosure. W/03/01885/PP Rose Dale, Broad Lane, Bishampton

Comments on this application had been made under the Clerk’s delegated power and were reported as follows.
The roof line of the extension should be level with the existing building in order to be more in keeping with the existing building. W/03/01854/PN Honeylands, Abbeton Road, Bishampton
Comments on this application had been made under the Clerk’s delegated power and were reported as follows. W/03/01849/CU Part of land HW97497, Wyre Piddle By Pass, Wyre Piddle
It was agreed not to make any comments on this application which was outside the parish.

03.10.10 Councillors reports

This item was brought forward to enable Councillor Liz Tucker (County Councillor) to leave the meeting.

03.10.11 Villages Hall hedge cutting and tree maintenance
A quotation had been received from Limebridge Rural Services for the carrying out of hedge and tree maintenance at the Villages Hall for the sum of £285 plus VAT. It was agreed that this work should be carried out and paid for by the Council as part of the grant to the Villages Hall Trust and that the quotation be accepted. AMB

03.10.12 Correspondence
A letter from the Reverend Hassell requesting a representative of the Council to attend the Remembrance Day service and rehearsal was read out by the Clerk. Eric Carter agreed to attend. EC

03.10.13 Date of next meeting
It was agreed to hold the next meeting of the Council on Monday 1st December at 7.10 pm.
It was agreed in view of the time to defer consideration of the remaining items on the agenda until the next meeting of the Council.
The meeting ended at 10.15 pm.

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Chairman Date

Note of matters raised during the Open Session, Parish Council meeting 3 November 2003

Planning application no. W/03/01854/PN