Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 2nd February 2004 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present:  Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle (Vice Chairman), Mr E Beever, Mrs A Bufton, Mr E Chadwick, Ms T Gilligan, Mr R Segar, Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).  Mrs E Tucker, County Councillor was also present for part of the meeting.

04.02.1   Apologies for absence
Received from Mrs B Lammas as she was ill, and Mr C Tucker who was attending another council meeting.

04.02.2   Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

04.02.3   Minutes of meetings held on Monday 2nd January 2004
Date for AGM corrected to read 4th May 2004 - minutes were amended accordingly, and then they were approved and signed as a correct record.

04.02.5   Throckmorton   Throckmorton Parish Room
As both Charles Tucker and Beryl Lammas were absent from the meeting, this is to be held over to the next meeting.  However, the council decided that since the Parish Council is currently responsible for the Parish Room, then they should take more stringent steps to oversee the financial aspects, including records of payments for bookings, expenditure etc.  Health and Safety issues also need to be more strictly adhered to. EC/CT/BL

The Chairman confirmed that VAT Notice 749 section 11.4 stated that where the council used its own funds to carry out work on the Villages Hall, provided the work was given away to the trustees and no return was sought, such funding was not considered as making a supply for VAT purposes.  

04.02.06   Finance   Cash Reconciliation
The Clerk reported a balance of £24282.21 in the bank as at 24th January 2004.  In view of the amount in the account, the Clerk is to enquire of the bank as to a suitable immediate access deposit account. AEB        Approval of Payments
The following payments were approved.   
  Npower £  28.25
  BATVHT (Hall Hire Sept - December 2003) £  48.00
  Mrs A Boocock (Microsoft Works package) £  69.99
  Mrs A Boocock (January expenses) £  23.88
  Mrs A Boocock (January salary plus back pay for December following contract agreement)   £295.09
Anne Boocock to check in the financial Standing Orders papers as to the amount which the clerk can approve cheques on their own authority.  EC/AEB                                                  

04.02.07 Parish Plan
Toni Gilligan advised that the two consulting days were relatively successful in terms of turnout.  The committee is almost ready to produce the submission for the Local Plan Enquiry with support given for ECON11 and the existing plans for the Landfill site.  The submission for the Local Plan Enquiry needs to be with Wychavon by 13th February 2004. 

The 4 Parishes Plan Liaison Group has now been stood down.  All 4 parishes have carried out surveys and will be ready to submit details for the local enquiry. 

Eric Charlewood has prepared an analysis of the findings and Eric Carter is to mail all the parish councillors with the report. EC

The future work on the Parish Plan will require a similar analysis of the other topics which were highlighted.  Consultation with parishioners will take place at the April Annual Village meetings.  Toni advised that there is a September deadline for completing the plan, and submitting it to the Countryside Agency prior to signing off.

Rupert was asked to include an article in the Parish Magazine for next month and to advise on the date of the Parish meetings.  EC/TG/RS     

A letter had been received from Peter Jesson which had been circulated to all councillors.  No further comment was suggested other than those made by the chairman. EC/AEB

04.02.08  Wyre Gypsy Site
A letter had been sent to the Appeals Inspector expressing the Councils views on this issue which basically supported Wychavon District council's position.  Concern was also expressed over the apparent disregard for planning process. 

Malcolm Argyle has been in touch with the other 3 parishes who are also writing.

Advice from Wychavon District Council was that there was considerable merit in the 4 parishes (Bishampton & Throckmorton, Hill & Moor, Wyre Piddle and Pinvin) employing their own planning consultant to put their case in the forthcoming enquiry.  It was proposed that the council put forward £500 towards funding this, providing the remaining three parishes agreed to the same.  This motion was proposed by Malcolm Argyle and seconded by Rupert Segar and unanimously agreed. MA

04.02.09  Speeding Traffic in Throckmorton
It had been brought to the council's attention that there was a problem in Long Lane with regard to speeding lorries and wagons and also RS/AEB

04.02.10 Local Plan Review
It was agreed to advise Wychavon that we would be attending for informal hearings on the airfield and landfill issues.  Until dates are known it was not possible to consider who should attend.

Pre-Inquiry changes have been received and the planning group in conjunction with the Chairman will consider these and respond by 26th February 2004.     EC/AEB                                                                      

04.02.11 Planters for Gardening Club
A letter is to be written to highways to establish what the regulations/legal technicalities exist in respect of planters proposed at the three road

04.02.12  Replacement notice boards - Tilesford and Throckmorton
A quotation had been received from Roger Ockendon.  The quotation for the boards was £370 each, and it was agreed that both notice boards would be replaced, without lockable doors.  Replacement support posts were not required at Throckmorton, but at Tilesford this would be at Rogers discretion.  The Clerk is to check if permission is required from Willow Bank and if so write to obtain it.   AEB

04.02.13      Planning - W/03/02363/PN - Land adjacent, Rose Bungalow, Main Street, Bishampton.
This had been dealt with in the last minutes. -  W/03/02145/CU - Vale Golf and Country Club -
Change of use of lake for coarse fishing and construction of vehicular access off Bishampton Lane and hardcore parking area.
The planning application had been refused.

04.01.14  CPRE Renewal letter
A renewal of subscription was agreed.

04.01.15 Items of late Correspondence
A letter had been received relating to the closure of the Priest Lane car park - this would be forwarded to the Director of Clinical Services in Worcester for her attention. EC/AEB

A letter from BATVHT regarding the outstanding grant money which will be claimed before the end of the fiscal year.  The £1500 awarded for the play area scheme will be claimed immediately. Further approval of payments
The following payments were approved.          

  C.P.R.E.    £  28.25
  Local Council Review renewal   £  12.50
  BATVHT Play area grant  £1500.00


04.02.16  Councillors Report  Council Tax
Had not yet been set.  
There would be a public enquiry on the 9th March 2004 regarding proposed changes in parliamentary boundaries, although this would not affect Bishampton.  Meals on Wheels
The WRVS have to collect from Evesham, although they are delivering in Pershore.  This was causing problems for the drivers in terms of distance and time.  Please report any issues on this matter to Liz. Community Plan
This is in the process of being refreshed at present.  Public Transportation
Liz warned of a likely withdrawal of services in areas where they were not supported.  Play Wall
Details of the Play Wall were required for Pinvin - Mike Holden would be the contact. Historic Parish Maps
These were available on the county website  From here, click on "census 2001" and you will find a list of historic maps on this page, under the heading "area profiles".  Flyford School Bus Service
It was mentioned to Liz that this has not been reliable since First took up the contract. Items for Future Agenda
Malcolm Argyle advised that there had been a recent issue over a councillor who was representing his own interests in a planning inquiry.  Apparently if was ruled that the distinction could not be drawn between his role as a councillor and member of the public and that he needed to elect a representative to present his views.  Further information to be obtained for the next meeting.  MA

04.02.17  Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be 1st March 2004.

The meeting ended at 9.35pm.

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Chairman                                           Date
