Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 5th April 2004 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr M Argyle (Vice Chairman), Mr E Beever, Ms T Gilligan, Mrs B Lammas, Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).

04.04.1 Apologies for absence
Received from Mr E Carter who was on holiday, Mrs A Bufton due to family commitments, Mr E Chadwick and Mr C Tucker who were working away.

04.04.2 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

Mr Argyle was not present at the start of the meeting and therefore certain items could not be dealt with immediately. Ms Toni Gilligan took the chair and latter items were dealt with first.

04.04.3 Minutes of meetings held on Monday 1st March 2004
These were approved and signed as a correct record.

04.04.4 Throckmorton
Although Cllr Tucker was unable to attend the meeting his report on the Parish Room was read out. Some improvement work has been carried out with illuminated signs to be provided by Peter Chatterton.

It was suggested that a Steering Group was set up to manage the building. There was a query raised by the councillors concerning liability and Cllr Beever was to contact Eric Chardwell in this respect. Further action to be taken at the next meeting. AEB

04.04.05 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The Clerk reported a balance of £22,499.50 in the bank as at 24th March 2004. Approval of Payments
The following payments were approved.

The Council were advised that the cheque for the cooker for the Villages Hall had been reissued as the original choice of cooker was not available when the order was made, and an alternative option was obtained through an alternative store at a more competitive price.

04.04.06 Parish Plan
There was nothing to report except that the work on the Parish Plan would continue and the next step needs to be done by the end of April. A flyer would be prepared for the Annual Parish meetings in April as dates/time had not been detailed in the April issue of the Parish Magazine. EC/TG/AEB

04.04.07 Wyre Gypsy Site
The planning expert Julian Dolman had been in touch with Lower Moor and there would be a public enquiry. The fees had increased and we had been asked if our original offer of £500.00 could be increased. Provided that the other three parish councils also increased their offer, the Council agreed to offer £800.00. The Council were also advised that Fladbury had agreed to contribute. AEB

04.04.08 Local Plan Review
A letter had been sent to Throckmorton residents by one of the parishioners concerning the public inquiry. This was read by the Council and it was noted that the parishioner was to attend the public inquiry on 7th April. The Chairman was to be advised, although he had been made aware of the contents of the letter. EC/AEB

04.04.09 Applications for Rural Rate Relief David Meridith and Jayne Evans
It was agreed that the Council would adopt the proposal by Wychavon District Council to allow a full 50% Discretionary Relief award and a contribution of £310.65 would be made by the Parish Council. AEB Stephen Osborne
It was agreed that the Council would adopt the proposal by Wychavon District Council to allow a full 50% Discretionary Relief award and a contribution of £119.70 would be made by the Parish Council. AEB

04.04.10 Grants Flyford Benefice - Parish Magazine/Churchyard Maintenance
Flyford Newssheet - It was agreed that a donation of £200.00 would be made. AEB Flyfords Benefice (Churchyard)
It was agreed that a donation of £150.00 would be made. AEB

04.04.11 Trading Standards - Items for Parish Magazine
It was agreed that the Clerk would pass the current article to Peter Charlesworth for publication in the Parish Magazine, and for it also to be put on the notice board. The Clerk would also contact Worcestershire County Council Trading Standards with a view to future items being included in the magazine. AEB

04.04.12 Permit Application - Mercia Waste Management Limited
As Cllr Tucker had written to the Parish Council on behalf of the Environment Agency and was not present at the meeting, it was decided to defer this item until the next meeting, when Cllr Tucker could provide more information. CT

04.04.13 Planning Application No. W/04/00327/CU - Mr & Mrs J Mills - Location Old School, Main Street, Bishampton - Division of existing dwelling into two flats (retrospective)
The reply to Wychavon was read out which expressed the council’s concern regarding parking, and also asked whether the building regulation had been adhered to. Application No. W/04/00426/CU - Vale Golf Club - Use of Lake adjoining Vale Golf Club for Coarse Fishing
The reply to Wychavon advised that the Council were aware in the reduction of pegs but that all other aspects of the application remained unchanged and therefore the Council objections and concerns are as before. Application No. W/04/00164/LB - Mr & Mrs C Jones - Whitethorne Cottage, Main Street, Bishampton - Demolition of existing timber and glass veranda/conservatory and rebuilding to an amended design
It was reported that listed building consent had been granted subject to conditions and reasons. Application No. W/04/00610/OL - Aquila Networks Services Limited - Upgrade of existing 66KV overhead Electricity Wood pole line - Feckenham to Evesham
This was shown to the Council and no objections were raised.

04.04.14 Mowing Contract
The Clerk advised that Limebridge Rural Services had been contacted concerning the increase in costs and the percentage increase amounted to a £10.00 increase per month. This was agreed by the Council and the Clerk would write to Limebridge to confirm. AEB

04.04.15 Footpaths - Grant from Worcestershire County Council
A copy of the letter would be given to Cllrs Carter and Chadwick for their further advices. AEB

04.04.16 Pershore Health Centre - Car Parking
A response had been received from South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust and the Clerk would contact Mrs Barrett as a matter of courtesy. AEB

04.04.17 Councillors Report
There were no reports from Councillors.

04.04.18 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 4th May 2004, and this will be the AGM.

The meeting ended at 9.40pm.

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Chairman Date