Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 4th May 2004 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle (Vice Chairman and District Councillor), Mr E Beever, Mrs A Bufton, Ms T Gilligan, Mr R Segar, Mr C Tucker, Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).

Also present was County Councillor Mrs E Tucker.

04.05.1 Election of Chairman and Declaration of Office of Chairman
Eric Carter was nominated by Toni Gilligan, seconded by Rupert Segar and elected unanimously. A declaration of acceptance of office form is required to be signed. EC/AEB

04.05.2 Apologies for absence
Apologies were accepted from Mr E Chadwick who was at work, and Mrs B Lammas who was on holiday.

04.05.3 Election of Vice-Chairman
Mr Malcolm Argyle elected to stand down from this position and the Council thanked him for his work both as Chairman and Vice-Chairman during the past year. Rupert Segar was nominated by Ed Beever, seconded by Toni Gilligan, and elected unanimously.

04.05.4 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

04.05.4 Minutes of meeting held on Monday 5th April 2004
These were approved and signed as a correct record.

04.05.6 Throckmorton - Parish Room Update
A draft Project Plan had been prepared by Eric Charlwood which detailed the setting up a Steering Group. The Council approved the setting up of such a Steering Group, which was delegated to Cllrs. Carter and Tucker.

Cllr Tucker showed council members details of the proposed new parish room, together with a report on the way forward. The timetable of progress was shown on the gantt chart. Grant money cannot be paid to the Parish Council - a separate group must be set up in order to qualify for grant money. Discussions were made regarding the liability of a Steering Group, and it was suggested that the Steering Group should be made up of members of the Parish Council and Throckmorton Village Charity. Could use a template of Bishampton Villages Hall. A meeting would be held to select suitable candidates and a report would be made at the next parish meeting on Item 2.1 of the Eric Charlwood plan (three items). Brian Haynes of Community First would assist with the way forward. Clerk to contact Brian Haynes to invite him to the next Parish Council meeting. EC/AEB.

Self-illuminating signs were not yet in place - Peter Chatterton to be contacted. CT

04.05.7 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The Clerk reported a balance of £20,663.60 in the bank as at 23rd April 2004. Approval of Payments
The following payments were approved.

An account had been received from npower - meter reading to be checked by Cllr Tucker before further action taken. Limebridge Rural Services had submitted two invoices, one following an increase in the monthly contract which was to be checked by the Clerk, and the other for kissing gates which required amendment by Limebridge as two gates were payable by the Jubilee Committee. Expenses for the clerk for March and April would be deferred until the next meeting. CT/EC/AEB Insurance Policy Renewal
The Clerk reported an increase of 15% in premium on last year and it was agreed that Paul Wiggett should be contacted and new quotes to be considered by Cllrs Carter, Argyle and Segar. EC/MA/RS

04.05.08 Matters arising from Parish Meetings
The issue concerning the state of the roads would be addressed at the Highways meeting on 19th May which was to be attended by Cllrs Carter and Segar. A progress report on the Canadian Airmens’ Memorial was requested; more information on the Parish Plan was asked for and the play area issue was raised. EC/RS

04.05.09 Local Plan Inquiry
The time slot allocated for Bishampton and Throckmorton is for the 7th September 2004 and we understand it is not possible to change this. Cllr Tucker, Cllr Beever or Cllr Segar could possibly attend the meeting, but could not confirm this, so far in advance. No further action was required.

04.05.10 Highways
The Evesham Journal were to take photographs on Wednesday 5th May of certain areas of road which were in urgent need of repair. This was an issue raised at the Annual Parish Meetings and it was agreed that a letter would be written to the County Council concerning the deterioration in the roads, and a further letter to be written to Peter Luff, RS/AEB

04.05.11 Childrens’ Play Area
Proposals had been received from various playground organisations and a meeting is to be set up to discuss the possible equipment to be obtained, after which time Bishampton residents would be invited to attend a meeting to view the suggestions. The Parish Council will be responsible for the play area as it will be on their land. AB

04.05.12 Continued Dog Fouling
Deferred until next meeting.

04.05.13 Planning Applications

Appeal No. APP/H1840/A/04/1143883 (WA3045) - Mrs J Sayce
Land adjacent, Rose Bungalow, Main Street, Bishampton, WR10 2NL
The Councils’ arguments are sound and details of the appeal had been passed to Mr & Baldwin (owners of ‘The Thatch’ which is adjacent to the land) for their further comments. AB/AEB

04.05.14 Wyre Gypsy Site - Progress Report
It was reported that Wyre Piddle had made an offer of support of £1000 (the amount offered by Bishampton will stand at £800.00). No offer had been made by Pinvin. Mr Dolman was working on the Council’s behalf.

04.05.15 Mowing Contract

There was an increased grass area for cutting on the new parking area behind the Villages hall and the cost for this was not available yet. This item to be deferred until the next meeting. EC/AEB

04.05.16 Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda
Cllr Tucker had been in touch with the County Council concerning repairs to the roads and details would be discussed in more detail at the Highways meeting in Upton Snodsbury on 19th May. Regarding the change in County and District boundaries, Pinvin had now been joined in with Upton Snodsbury.

The play area should be included as an item for the future agenda.

04.05.17 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 7th June 2004, and as Cllr Carter will not be available, Cllr Segar will chair the meeting.

The meeting ended at 9.45pm.

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Chairman Date

Note of matters raised during the Open Session, Parish Council meeting 4th May 2004

The session was attended by 1 member of the public.

Steve Osborne raised issues concerning Bishampton Stores and this will be discussed further by the council at the next meeting as an agenda item.
