Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 5th July 2004 At the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr R Segar (Vice Chairman), Mr M Argyle, Mr E Chadwick, Mrs B Lammas, Mr C Tucker, Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).

County Councillor Mrs Liz Tucker arrived at approximately 8.45pm .

The meeting was also attended by Mr and Mrs Dyke and Mr J Mills.

04.06.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Toni Gilligan who had work commitments and Ed Beever who had family commitments.

04.06.02 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

04.06.03 Minutes of meeting held on Monday 7th June 2004
These were approved and signed as a correct record.

04.06.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The opening/closing balances were to be rejected for the present and Cllr Carter and the Clerk were to look at this as soon as possible and report back in the next week. EC/AEB Approval of payments
The following payments were approved: 4 Signatory on Financial Matters
It was agreed a further signatory was required and Rupert Segar nominated and Eric Carter seconded a motion to add Beryl Lammas as a further signatory. The forms would be completed and submitted to the bank. AEB/BL/MA/EC

04.06.05 Wyre Gypsy Site - Progress report
The payment of £800 to Hill and Moor Parish Council was agreed and approved and would be issued when the invoice was received. AEB/MA/EC

The Council session was suspended due to the arrival of PC Jon Watts and Gary Shepherd (Community Support Officer). They addressed the Parish Council and details are appended below

The Council session was recommenced, however as Mr John Mills was to address the Council in a confidential session, Mr and Mrs Dyke were asked to leave the meeting for a short while.

Mr Mills stated that the hairdressing business provided an amenity to the village and were it not available, people would need to travel to either Worcester/Evesham or Pershore. The service was available during unsociable hours and it provided work for local people. Mr Mills also used local advertising in the parish magazine and also local services. Mr Mills was thanked for his time and was advised that the application for rural rate relief would be dealt with when it came up on the agenda.

Mr Mills left the meeting.

04.06.06 Dog Bins
Four new dog bins had been requested un the ‘buy on get one free’ scheme - confirmation awaited. The positioning of the bins was discussed further - one next to the litter bin at the end of Babylon Lane; one on Badger’s Walk at the top of the village; one at the unofficial bridleway at the end of the village and one at the end of Gunnings Lane. The Parish Council needed to write to the church regarding the positioning at the end of Babylon Lane , and the Highways regarding the other three. AEB

04.06.07 Mowing Contract - cuts on Jubilee Walk and Badgers Walk
Badger Walk cut had been requested, and Jubilee Walk cut had been done.

04.06.8 Planning Applications W/04/01099/CU - Mr R Showell.
The renewal of planning permission for change of use to one dwelling house for the Baptist Chapel was agreed - no objections.

04.06.09 Bishampton Post Office and Village Stores
There was no further advice which the Parish Council felt they could offer at this time.

04.06.10 Councillor Vacancy
No-one had come forward in response to the notices on the parish notice boards and a further notice regarding co-option would be placed on the 3 notice boards after 16 th July with a view to co-option at the September meeting. AEB

04.06.11 Throckmorton Parish Room - Update
Cllr Tucker gave a progress report and a newsletter would be produced for the parish. CT

04.06.12 Removal of Telephone Box - Tilesford
This had now been removed.

04.06.13 Application for Rural Rate Relief - Mr J A Mills
The application for the year 2004/5 was considered by the Parish Council . Cllr Segar proposed, Cllr Tucker seconded and it was unanimously agreed that this should be granted.

04.06.14 Car Parking - Village Pavements
Cllr Carter would prepare a very polite notice which could be placed on car windscreens - it would stated that it had been issued by Bishampton and Throckmorton Parish Council. EC/AEB

04.06.15 Footpaths/Volunteer Workers
A letter should be written to Peter Jesson requested a list of volunteers who have received information and who has signed it. The equipment needs to be inspected. A finger post has been unearthed on land at the bottom of the path and there had been a change of footpath at the top of Mr and Mrs Smith’s field. Cllr Lammas to investigate health and safety issue regarding stable and hard standing. Cllr Gilligan had previously mentioned a footpath on Defra land in need of clearing. The Clerk should write to Defra and ask for this to be cleared. EC/AEB/BL

A letter should be written to Patrick White regarding access on cropped fields.

A letter received from Mr T Griffith on Main Street regarding the footpath outside his property was read out and the Clerk would contact Highways regarding repair and advise Mr Griffith accordingly.

04.06.16 Councillors’ Reports

04.06.17 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 6 th September 2004 .

The meeting ended at 10.10pm .

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Chairman Date

Notes on matters raised during discussion with PC Watts & Community Officer Gary Shepherd

For the period 2/4 - 5/7 there had been one burglary; however this was from an unsecured building and overall there had been a 30% reduction. It would be helpful to identify people who may need advice regarding detailing with unwanted callers - contacting neighbourhood watch or an article in the parish magazine would be helpful. Leaflets were available concerning crime prevention and bogus callers and there was also a video which could be loaned to various groups. A marking kit for property could also be made available.

A letter would be sent out regarding a meeting in the village hall and to leaders of various local groups.

The issue of anti-social behaviour was discussed and Cllr Tucker said the Pershore Town Council had noticed a change and thanked Gary Shepherd in this respect.

The problem of parking in Bishampton was also discussed. If a list of forthcoming events at the villages hall was provided to Jon Watts, police cones could be made available.

With regard to the parking problem on the corner of Babylon Lane (delivery vehicles, school bus and general vehicle parking), a notice would be placed in the shop asking people to be more considerate. The Clerk would enquire of highways as to whether a time restriction could be placed on the parking in the lay-by. EC/AEB

PC Jon Watts and Mr Shepherd were thanked for their comments at the meeting, prior to their leaving the meeting.
