Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 6th September 2004 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle, Mr E Beever, Mr C Tucker, Mr E Chadwick, Mrs A Boocock (Clerk)

Also present were Mr and Mrs Mills. Karen Morel and Mandy Hall attended as observers for the vacant Councillor position.

04.04.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted by Toni Gilligan who was on holiday, Rupert Segar who had family commitments and Beryl Lammas who had family illness.

04.07.02 Declaration of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

04.07.03 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 5th July 2004
These were not signed off as there was an error regarding correspondence to Patrick White, Countryside Officer re: cropped fields. Also under Councillors reports an amendment was required re: the Standards Committee and Mrs L Tucker’s item regarding schools.

These issues need to be addressed and then the minutes can be signed off. EC/AEB

04.07.04Finance to minutes
The cash reconciliation sheets had been looked at by Cllr Carter and the Clerk, and revised sheets had been received by all Councillors. The balances required amendment in the minutes as follows:-

As at 24th November 2003 the figure was £23,343.83 and subsequent monthe are ammended as follows

The minutes would be amended and then signed by Cllr Carter at the next available opportunity. EC/AEB

The reconciliation sheets for July and August were distributed and the Clerk reported a balance of £21028.02 for July and £20178.86 for August. of payments
The following payments were approved: New signatories and completion of forms
The Clerk advised that she was to meet with the bank and ensure correct completion of forms and Councillors agreed that £14000.00 to be put into the deposit account. AEB Budget sheet
An up-to-date budget sheet would be prepared for the six month period, prior to 20/9 for discussion. AEB

04.07.05 Wyre gypsy site – progress report
The situation was being considered by John Prescott with a decision possibly by Sept/Oct. A wider action group would be formed to tackle the problem and there would be a meeting on 21/9 at 6.30pm which Cllr Carter and Cllr Argyle would attend. EC/MA

04.07.06 Dog bins
Although no new bins could be considered in this financial year, the authorities would be approached to ensure the positioning of the new bins were granted. A query regarding the positioning of the bin at Gunnings Lane had been raised by one of the residents. AEB/ENC

04.07.07 Planning Applications The Clerk advised the following applications had been granted W/04/000327/CU – Mr and Mrs J Mills – Old School, Main Street . This application had been refused and the details were read out by Cllr Carter. In view of the great number of planning applications received by the Council during the summer months it would be considered to hold a mid-term meeting in the next summer period. This would be considered further at the May 2005 meeting. AEB

04.07.08 Councillor Vacancy – co-option of one Councillor
Karen Morel and Mandy Hall expressed an interest in the vacancy. As there were two people to consider, their applications would be required and they would attend the next meeting. Item to be included in next Agenda and consider co-option at the end of the next meeting. AEB

04.07.09 Parish Plan – approve questionnaire
Cllr Carter to review the way the questionnaire was set out – to rank the priorities or mark out of ten. Further questions regarding the airfield would be included. Comments for ECON11 had been submitted but further ideas would be considered. Cllr Carter would draft up some questions for approval. EC

Action had been taken regarding signpost and certain road damage but there had been damage to the pavement in Babylon Lane and this required attention as soon as possible. Clerk to check round village for any other problems to roads, pavements, and signs. Another parishioner had reported damage outside their property (Mr Moreton Jackson) and this would be looked into. AEB

A notice would be put in the parish magazine to ask parishioners to make a note of times, dates that damage occurred (together with photographs if possible) in order that these could be passed on to Highways Partnership. Cllr Argyle to speak with local businesses who may be in breach of their agreement not to bring their large wagons through the village. MA/AEB/RS

04.07.11 Footpaths Work required:- Footpath grant
A grant of £398.00 has been received. We received £1154.00 last financial year and confirmation is required as to what this was spent on. ENC/AEB  

Check whether a further grant of £398.00 or an alternative sum is still to come. AEB

04.07.12 Wychavon Local Enquiry
Cllr Tucker is to attend the local enquiry. There is a copy of the details on our website. Cllr Carter to email to Cllr Tucker. Outline consultation exercise carried out. EC/CT

04.07.13 Flooding reports
There had been a problem caused by the blocked ditch in Babylon Lane to residents in Malvern View. Cllr Argyle would speak to Wychavon regarding clearance. MA

 04.07.14 Grit Bins
The Clerk would investigate the cost of obtaining and installing a grit bin on the corner of Babylon Lane . AEB

 04.07.15 Repairs to village seat
A quotations to be obtained for reproofing the village seat at the top of Babylon Lane . The tree would also need pruning – quotation from Limebridge Rural Services. AEB

 04.07.16 Village Hall Playground Area – proposal for public meeting
Mr R Ockendon has all the comments following the display of the plans. A public meeting should be held by the Parish Council (village hall committee to advise when). Need to invite Charlotte Landeg from Environmental Heath and also the Sports Development Officer.

04.07.17 Grass cutting – Throckmorton Churchyard
Grant to be applied for to maintain the grass cutting machinery in financial year. CT/AEB  

07.07.18 Health and Safety
Risk analysis and annual inspections. Need a response before the next Parish Council meeting regarding equipment. AEB

04.07.19 Councillor Reports Throckmorton Parish Room
Cllr Tucker advised that a solicitor was required to deal with the Throckmorton Parish Room. Need to contact Ian Long (Cox and Hodgetts) – Pat Edwards/Ian Marshall/Charity Commission for further information. Cllr Tucker showed Councillors the drawing of the new parish room. Solicitor required as soon as possible as there is a meeting with Cllr Carter, Cllr Argyle and Cllr Beever on 20 th September 2004 .

Planning Application for Throckmorton Parish Room required – a cheque would be sent with the application. Clerk to telephone Planning Dept to find out cost for application. A cheque would be issued and then passed to Cllr Tucker for submission with application. CT/AEB CALC meetings
There should be three meetings a year – further information required to pass to Cllr Beever. AEB Electoral arrangements
To be put on next agenda. AEB

 04.07.20 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting will be Monday 4th October 2004 .

The meeting ended at 9.55pm .

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Chairman Date
