Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 1st November 2004 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle (from 8.15pm), Mr E Chadwick, Mrs B Lammas, Mr C Tucker (from 8.25pm), Ms T Gilligan, Mrs M Hall.

Also present were Mr John Mills, Mrs Rita Mills, Mr Fred Noble and Mr Les Hughes.

The open session was held prior to the commencement of the meeting and the members of the public present were Mr and Mrs John Mills who attended as observers but did not speak; Mr Fred Noble and Mr Les Hughes. Details of the session are at the end of the minutes.

The meeting went into session at 7.40pm.

04.09.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Beever who was at a meeting in Birmingham, and Cllr Segar who had family commitments.

04.09.02 Declaration of interest
Cllr Mandy Hall declared a personal interest in item 6.1.

04.09.03 Minutes of meeting held on Monday 4th October 2004
Cllr Gillian raised a query concerning the wording around ‘democratic half hour’ and it was suggested that on future minutes this should be altered. The minutes were then approved and signed as a true record.

04.09.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
A copy of the cash reconciliation sheet was passed to councillors and then read out. The Clerk reported a balance of £25,539.06 in the account.

The reason for the high amount was that the bank had not altered the bank accounts, as the outstanding information required from the fourth signatory had not been received. Councillors agreed that the number of signatories would revert to three so that the accounts could be changed as requested. The Clerk would contact the bank. AEB Approval of payments
The following payments were approved: Audit
The Clerk confirmed that the internal audit had been carried out and the auditor had found all to be in order. The papers were now to be submitted to the external auditor after signature by the Chairman. EC/AEB Budget for 2005/2006
The Clerk was obtaining details regarding grants required by the various organisations and the budget sheet would be ready for the meeting on 13th December 2004. EC/AEB

04.09.05 Travellers Sites
This item was deferred until Cllr Argyle had arrived. (see below)

04.09.06 Planning Applications 98/0911/COU – Mr and Mrs J Mills
Cllr Hall left the room. Cllr Carter advised he had met with the planning department and the matter was with the legal department at Wychavon District Council, who required the 106 document to be signed. The legal department would be in correspondence with Mr and Mrs Mills’ solicitor and if necessary, would pass the papers to their enforcement section. The views of the parish council who, in 1998, strongly opposed this application were reinforced and the present councillors maintained their support in refusal of this application.

The Council would write to Wychavon to reiterate their position and enquire regarding the progression of the 106 agreement. The later application no. W/04/01350/PN had been opposed. Cllr Carter advised that after a period of 10 years, planning permission could automatically be granted.

The Council came out of session to ask for further comments by Mr Hughes but he had nothing further to add to his previous comments. The Council went back into session. EC/AEB

Cllr Hall returned to the meeting. Approved Planning Applications
The Clerk reported that the following applications had been approved: - Late Applications
There were two late applications brought to the attention of the meeting that had arrived after delivery of the agenda: -

04.09.07 Report from Play Area Working Party
This item was deferred until Cllr Argyle arrived. (see below)

04.09.08 Footpaths ROWAG Group – New Group Co-ordinator
Cllr Chadwick has spoken with Peter Jesson and may elect to become the new Group Co-ordinator. A meeting of the volunteers should be called and Cllr Chadwick would also speak with Bob Averis regarding storage of the tools. Cllrs Lammas and Carter required notification of the meeting date in order that they may attend in connection with health and safety issues. ENC/EC/BL

The footpaths map was discussed and councillors decided that a letter was required to Mr Burt. Cllr Carter would write and send a copy to Patrick White. EC

Cllr Argyle arrived at 8.15pm.

The area over the Larches Farm (owned by Stella McCartney) was also discussed. The footpath sign was there, but not a bridleway sign. Discussion was given to the width of the bridleway. A letter was required to the estate manager. EC/AEB

Cllr Tucker arrived at 8.25pm.

Ditches at the back of the property of Nutkins Drey had been dug for drainage and the footpath direction had been altered without consultation. It appeared that trees planted for the Queens Jubilee had been damaged due to this change. Cllr Chadwick would speak with Peter Averis and this needed to be an item on the next agenda. ENC Repairs required on footpaths
Work was required on various footpaths and the Clerk had obtained a quotation from Limebridge Rural Services Limited, which was read out.

Footpath 1 – replace one support of the bridge over the Piddle Brook – Cllr Chadwick advised that this was not Piddle Brook but Whitsun Brook which is close to the road – clarification of exact area of repair required. ENC

Footpath 9 – replace broken stile step on the footpath to the south of Nightingale Farm – this was fine to go ahead. AEB

Footpath 14 – Cllrs Chadwick and Hall to investigate the situation, as there are 2 gates, one that is very large and is off its hinges. This requires replacement and should also allow access for horses. The situation regarding the double gates and access for horses is very unsatisfactory. A discussion should take place with R Tarver (landowner) to see if improvements can be made. ENC/MH/AEB

Badgers Walk – A quotation of £45.00 was accepted and the Clerk advised that in view of the dangerous position of the tree, the work had been carried out prior to the meeting. AEB

Tree maintenance was also discussed. Pruning of the two trees at the top of Babylon Lane was discussed and the quotation of £75.00 plus VAT was accepted. The Clerk would confirm to Limebridge and it was understood that the work would be carried out during December/January. AEB

04.09.09 Remembrance Day Service
Cllr Carter advised that he would attend the service on 14th November 2004 at 10.45am if at all possible. The Clerk would advise Mrs Harding. on AEB

04.09.10 Councillors roles and responsibilities
Cllr Hall was happy to take on the responsibility for footpaths and bridleways alongside Cllr Chadwick, although a revision to responsibilities would be made at a future date. Although Cllr Tucker as responsible for flooding, Cllr Argyle had taken this on for the village of Bishampton. A revised sheet would be produced for all councillors and the noticeboards. AEB

04.09.11 Wychavon Local Enquiry
The Clerk would contact Pat Evans at Wychavon District Council to obtain the up to date position and the item would be placed on the next agenda. AEB

04.09.12 Repairs to the Village Seat
Two quotations were read out by the Clerk, which varied considerably in recommendations and cost. The third supplier had been unable to provide a quotation and it was agreed an alternative quotation should be obtained. AEB

04.09.05 Travellers Sites
Wychavon District Council was still considering their action as the inspector had disagreed with the policy from Wychavon. Cllr Argyle would investigate and report back. The item was to be included on the next agenda. MA/AEB

04.09.06 Play Area
The working party were still awaiting further responses from parishioners and an open meeting had been sidelined at present. Cllr Carter would speak with Roger Ockenden for an update. Consideration was given to the placing of a sign at the Villages Hall to confirm that ball games were allowed. EC/AEB

04.09.13 Throckmorton Parish Room – update
A newsletter had been passed around parishioners in Throckmorton requesting comments as to how people saw the hall being used. There had been a poor response. Cllr Tucker provided an update to the Clerk on the progression of the new parish rooms and a copy of this information will be supplied to councillors with the minutes.

Cllr Lammas raised the issue concerning Health and Safety at the existing Parish Rooms and Cllr Tucker will contact Mrs Betty Lane to obtain a list of bookings between now and May 2005. This would enable the Parish Council to make a decision as to the best action to take. CT/BL

04.09.14 Highways Parking
A revised notice would be issued and placed on the noticeboard outside Bishampton Village Stores to ask drivers not to park on the corner of Babylon Lane. EC Horse Riding Signs
Worcestershire County Council had received the Council’s request for two signs and was happy to provide these along Hill Furze Road. However, this would come out of the 2005/2006 budget. Clerk to write to confirm acceptance. AEB Repairs to roads and pavements
Cllr Carter suggested contacting Mr Burt regarding the damage caused by large vehicles, to discuss proposals to prevent damage in the village. This item would be included on the next agenda. EC/AEB

A response was required from Worcestershire County Council regarding the movement of large farm vehicles through the village. The Clerk had spoken to the County Council and no specific action had been recommended. EC/AEB

04.09.15 Clerk’s Review
Cllr Carter advised that he would be meeting with the Clerk on Tuesday 9th November for the review. EC/AEB

04.09.16 Councillors’ Reports and Items for future agenda
Cllr Argyle had spoken with MHF regarding the lorries coming through the village and it was advised that if any of these vehicles were seen travelling through the village, a note should be made of the registration number and the date and time of the occurrence.

Cllr Argyle was monitoring the flooding issue and Wychavon had matters in hand regarding the ditches requiring clearance.

04.09.17 Date of next meeting
It was agreed to hold the next meeting of the Council on Monday 6th December at 7.30pm. The budget meeting would be held on the following Monday, 13th December, at the later time of 8.00pm.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 10.15pm.


Chairman Date

Note of matters raised during the Open Session, Parish Council meeting 1st November 2004

The open session was held prior to the commencement of the meeting and the members of the public present were Mr and Mrs John Mills who attended as observers but did not speak; Mr Fred Noble and Mr Les Hughes.

Mr Noble advised that he was an independent member of Wychavon Council and was a new member to the Standards Committee. He was attending the meeting as an observer.

Mr Les Hughes attended in respect of item 6.1 which as to be considered later on the agenda. His concerns had been prompted by the recent application that had subsequently been withdrawn, and the question concerning the 106 document, which had not been signed when the original application no. 98/00911 had been made.

Mr or Mrs John Mills made no comments on this matter.