Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 6th December 2004 at The Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle, Mr Chadwick, Mrs M Hall, Mrs B Lammas, Mr R Segar.

Also present were Mr John Mills, and Mr P Hall as observers.

04.10.01 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Beever who was working in Oxford; Cllr C Tucker who was attending another meeting; Cllr Gilligan who had work commitments and Cllr L Tucker who was attending other meetings.

04.10.02 Declarations of Interest Information from Cllr Argyle
Cllr Argyle informed councillors that when declaring an interest in an item on the agenda, the reason for the interest should be stated, for clarity. Standards Board for England
A booklet regarding the code of conduct and ‘dual-hatted members’ was issued to councillors for them to retain and read. Cllr Argyle explained the position regarding complaints made to the Standards Board. In the event of a complaint the monitoring officer would provide the Clerk with the relevant information, although any investigation would be carried out without the particular councillor being advised.

There would be a CALC meeting regarding the Standards Committee in due course.

04.10.03 Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 1st November 2004 were approved and signed.

04.10.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The Clerk advised that there was an amount of £25,364.32 in the bank. Cllr Segar checked the reconciliation sheet and it was agreed that the figures should be checked again and a revised sheet issued at the meeting next week. Approval of Payments
The following payments were approved:- Bank Accounts
The Clerk advised that the new account should be set up by the beginning of December, and the new signatories approved. Budget for 2005/2006
The new figures would be ready for next week’s meeting.

04.10.05 Planning Applications 98/0911/COU – Mr and Mrs J Mills
This item would be deferred until the next meeting. W/04/02007/PP – Mr and Mrs S Osborne, Fairways, Main Street
The council had no objections, except they recommended that frosted glass by put in the window that was on the side of the property overlooking the land between Fairways, and the house next door. W/04/02077/PP – Miss L Smith, 2 Babylon Lane, Bishampton
No objections.

Approved Applications W/04/01726/PP – Mr and Mrs T Rimmell
Wychavon has approved this application. W/04/01499/PP – Mr and Mrs Barker
Wychavon has approved this application.

Planning Appeal APP/H1840/114883 – (WA3045) – Mrs J Sayce
The appeal is shortly to be made and councillors decided not to attend the meeting.

Mr Mills and Mr Hall left the meeting at 8.10pm.

04.10.06 Play Area Working Party
There was no meeting to report on by Cllr Carter had spoken with Mr R Ockendon who had received letters from residents in Broad Lane. Cllr Carter had drawn up terms of reference to recommend what equipment is put in the play area. The Parish Council would need to put in the planning application and were aware that grants could not be obtained. Health and Safety and Environmental Health would need to be contacted and the cost of upkeep must be included in the precept. Cllr Carter would liaise with Mr Ockendon to progress the matter further. The steering group would organise the planning details.

04.10.07 Footpaths ROWAG Group – New Group Co-ordinator
Cllr Chadwick agreed to take on the role of Group Co-ordinator and a meeting had been organised for December 15th at 7.30pm. Health and safety regulations would be provided and volunteers will need to sign to say they have read them. Cllr Chadwick had a list of volunteers and hoped they would all continue to assist with the footpaths. The tools were currently kept with Cllr Chadwick. Footpath 14 – update
There is no way of draining the area. The brambles could be pruned back. One of the gates (5 bar) could be removed or opened permanently. Duckboard might help – need to obtain a quotation from Limebridge Rural Services. Limebridge to put up a signpost at Bridleway 22. Nutkins Drey query – leave as is – need a complaint in writing if applicable.

Whitsun Brook quote – write to Patrick White re:- unsafe bridge. The work can’t be done before February and this could delay the bill into the next financial year.

Two invoices had been received from Limebridge Rural Services – return Invoice No. 10650 for amendment as the quotation for the removal of the fallen tree was £45.00 plus VAT, and return Invoice No. 10687 for £78.00 in respect of the hedge cutting, as this should be invoiced to the village hall.

Four trees were offered for planting by Cllr Argyle.

04.10.08 Highways Movement of vehicles update
A letter, which had been received from the Highways Department, was to be retained for the annual general meeting. Repairs to roads and pavements – update
The Clerk advised there had been no response from Mr Burt.

04.10.09 Wychavon Local Enquiry
The Clerk advised that this was not yet closed – this should probably be sometime during December 2004. The parish council will receive notification from the Inspector probably in September 2005 (Fred Davis – Policy Plans – 01386 565367).

04.10.10 Repairs to Village Seat – Babylon Lane
Three quotations had been received and it was decided to accept the quotation from Mr Ockendon. Clerk to confirm to Mr Ockendon.

04.10.11 Seat outside The Dolphin Public House
Clerk to contact The Dolphin to confirm that renovation of the seat is in order. Obtain quotations from Limebridge Rural Services and Roger Ockendon with use of oak.

04.10.12 Bishampton War Memorial
The war memorial requires cleaning and we need to check the deeds at the bank that the church owns the memorial and then write to the church regarding cleaning.

04.10.13 Throckmorton Parish Rooms – update Redevelopment progress
The cost of conveyancing was up to £1000. At the last meeting, the scouts were not pushing forward and as there was nothing in writing from the scouts, the deadline of 26th January 2005 would be missed. The progress was poor in respect of the purchase of the property, and the lease would need to be transferred from the Parish Council to the Throckmorton Charity. Health and Safety Issues
Two inspections had been carried out, one on 16th November where photographs had been taken, and a further one today, 6th December 2004. Details of future bookings for the hall had been received and the council felt that a structural report should be obtained, also a health and safety report and an electricity test carried out. The council would then be in a position to advise further regarding the existing building and its use. Parish Council Actions re: Lease on Property
The above actions were required to ensure that the council were carrying out their obligations.

04.10.14 Central Networks
Following the Clerk’s letter to Central Networks regarding interruption of the local electricity supply between July and October 2004, a response had been received and this was read out. There was no one specific reason for the interruption although information was supplied as to what might have caused it. Also, there were no immediate plans to carry out work in the area. The letter would be held on file in the event of any further losses of power.

04.10.15 Forthcoming Meetings Budget Consultation Meeting – 20.01.05
Councillors were not able to attend – Clerk to advise accordingly. Planning Issue – Managing Waste Workshop – 10.12.04
Councillors were not able to attend – Clerk to advise accordingly.

04.10.16 Clerk’s Salary
It was agreed to increase the clerk’s point rating to 1 point from April 2005.

04.10.17 Councillors’ Reports and Items for Future Agenda
Cllr Argyle advised that a bollard at Fladbury Bank was to be installed in February 2005. With regard to the drainage problems, excavation of the ditches in Bishampton had been carried out with the help of equipment from the District Council, and the situation was ongoing.

Cllr Argyle also advised that there was an amount of £2600, originally raised by PACT, which was to be retained for a further period, in the event of any future action concerning the airfield.

04.10.18 Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 10th January 2004 at 7.30pm and would be held in the Villages Hall, Bishampton. As the Chairman, Cllr Carter, would not be available on that date, Cllr Segar would chair the meeting.

The meeting closed at 10.15pm.

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Chairman Date