Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 7th February 2005 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr R Segar (Vice Chairman) from 7.45pm, Mr M Argyle (District Councillor), Mrs B Lammas, Mr E Chadwick, Mrs M Hall, Mr C Tucker (from 7.50pm), Ms T Gilligan (from 7.50pm) Mr E Beever (from 8.20pm).

Mrs E Tucker (County Councillor) attended from 9.00pm.

05.02.01 Apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.

05.02.02 Declarations of interest
Cllr Mandy Hall declared a personal interest in Item 5.1. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 17th January 2005
The minutes of the 17th January 2005 were approved and signed as a true record. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 13th December 2004
Cllr Carter required an amendment to these minutes in that under Item 4 – the discussion of the budget, Cllr Carter left the room whilst the budget for the villages hall and the church were being discussed.
It was also agreed to append a copy of the budget spreadsheet to the minutes in order to clarify the budget agreed. AEB

05.02.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The Clerk passed a copy of the cash reconciliation sheet to councillors for their information, together with a new sheet, which had been restructured for clarity. This was considered by councillors and following a couple of amendments; the Clerk will issue this format in future. The Clerk reported a balance of £10,190.79 in the current account and £14,036.66 in the deposit account, which includes £29.15 interest earned in January.

It was proposed and accepted that in future, a copy of the cash reconciliation statement would be attached to the published minutes. An electronic copy was to be forwarded to Cllr Carter for the website. EC/AEB Approval of payments
The subscription to the Local Council Review magazine was discussed, as this was due for renewal. It was agreed to continue with the subscription at this time.

The following payments were approved:-

The Clerk then advised that there were some invoices from Limebridge Rural Services, which had just been received due to a problem in submission from Limebridge. Also there was a letter from Limebridge in connection with the removal of the tree from Badgers Walk. This work had gone beyond the original quotation because the tree had proved much larger than anticipated and significant work was required to make the situation safe for users of the bridleway.

It was though that this could have been avoided if Limebridge had made a better assessment of the work required prior to quoting for the work. The Council agreed to pay the sum of £100, but for a letter to be sent to Limebridge to ensure no errors occurred with regard to quotations in the future. The way in which invoices would be submitted/received would be investigated.

Cllr Carter would discuss with the Clerk the situation regarding future invoices, to ensure that breakdowns between mowing and footpath costs were clearly defined. EC/AEB

A further payment was therefore approved:-

The Clerk confirmed that the external audit had been finalised and signed off.

05.02.05 Planning Applications W/05/00074/CU – Mr and Mrs J Mills – Old School, Main Street, Bishampton
Division of existing dwelling in to 2 flats together with use of 3 lock up garages and parking space (resubmission).

Councillor Hall left the room whilst this application was considered.

The original application was refused due to lack of parking and Cllr Lammas wanted the garage issue investigated further. It was felt that the garages would not be used on a daily basis in view of them being remote from the flats and also that they would not easily house an average size vehicle. Clerk to write accordingly to the planning department. AEB W/05/00056/PN – Qinetiq, DEFRA Pershore – Erection of single storey
Portable building and 2 dish antennae (2000mm and 5000mm in diameter.

The Council felt this was close to the observation tower (which was thought to be a listed building) and that there would be a visual impact from the road. Clarification regarding elevation was to be sought from Wychavon and also whether there would be any safety issues regarding non-ionising radiation which might present a risk to local residents. These details would be required before any further response was made to Wychavon. AEB Consultation on County Matter Application No. 407661 – Mercia Waste
Management. Proposal – To vary condition 16 of Planning Permission 407499 to extend the permitted hours of working of the materials reclamation facility at Hill and Moor Landfill Site. The current hours are 0700 – 1800 Monday to Saturday with the proposed hours being 0600 – 2200 Monday to Saturday.

This was postponed for discussion until later in the meeting following the arrival of Cllr Tucker. (see 05.02.15) W/04/02195/PP – Mr and Mrs R Showell – Erection of Rear Porch
Wychavon had approved this application. W/04/02196/LB - - Mr and Mrs R Showell – Rear Porch Extension
Wychavon had approved this application. W/04/02193/PP – Mr and Mrs Morel – Installation of 3 conservation type rooflights to front elevation
Wychavon had refused this application APP/H1840/A/04/1143883 – Mrs J Sayce – Site at land adjacent, Rose Bungalow, Main Street, Bishampton
The Council had received correspondence from The Planning Inspectorate, which advised that the appeal had been allowed, and planning permission granted for a house and garage. Publication of new planning applications
The Council discussed the way that parishioners could be advised of new planning applications. The Clerk would list the applications when received, and these would be posted on the noticeboard. AEB

05.02.06 Play Area Working Party
The letter, which had been drafted, could now be sent out in response to correspondence received, with a copy to be posted on the noticeboard. AEB

05.02.07 Throckmorton Parish Room – update
The Throckmorton Charity has instructed Cox and Hodgetts to deal with the purchase – to complete by the end of March. The target for the DEFRA grant application is 28th March 2005. The Scout Trust Corporation and Association have agreed to sell the property to the Throckmorton Charity and a business plan is in progress for the DEFRA grant. A survey regarding use of the new hall has been carried out, with about 50 positive responses being received. Worcester Wildlife and Evesham College have also been in touch about using the new hall for future events.

With regard to the existing building, the toilet and the kitchen have been closed.

05.02.08 ROWAG Group
There is a different way of applying for the grant for 2005/2006. It is necessary for the council to send a list of work required, to Patrick White at the Countryside Agency, for approval. A list was circulated to councillors.

The council would ask Limebridge Rural Services to provide a quotation to clear Footpath 2 where it runs between the churchyard and a house called Church End, and also a separate cost for cutting Badgers Walk and Jubilee Walk. AEB

The ditch crossings had been discussed with Patrick White and the County Council recommends the replacement of all 2 plank crossings with 3 plank crossings.

The County Council would probably cover the cost of putting hardcore on the muddy bridleway B14, although Limebridge Rural Services could advise the best way to deal with the area, and the Parish Council would need the agreement of the landowners.

There are three stiles – Footpaths B8, B10 and B11, which could be replaced by kissing gates, although this would be purely for convenience. ENC/AEB

Two fingerboards are missing and quotations should be obtained for these. Cllr Chadwick will liaise with Peter Averis (County Footpaths Officer) regarding ownership of fields so that work may be carried out.

There is no footpath officer for Abberton and, although the Parish Council is prepared to administer the Abberton budget and commission work for the area, the Council would not undertake the identification of repairs required and negotiation with local landowners. ENC/AEB

05.02.09 Dog Bins in the Village - confirm positioning
A further bin was required in Throckmorton (bringing the total number of new bins to four) and this would be positioned outside the new Parish Rooms when completed. AEB

05.02.10 Parish Plan update
The questionnaire was ready to be printed with quotations for printing obtained from various sources. A quotation from Peter Charlesworth on behalf of the Parish Newsletter would be obtained and if this were better than OHL printers, this would be used. Clerk to obtain envelopes and stamps in order that the completed questionnaires could be returned directly to Cllr Carter. It is hoped to have the results of the survey available at the Annual Parish Meetings in April. EC/AEB

05.02.11 Communication/Literature circulation
Clerk to advise the councillors of all the literature received and all the magazines/circulars which the Council subscribe to, in order that councillors may decide what they require to view and any publications which should be discontinued in the future. AEB

05.02.12 Councillor Training/Group Training by CALC
Further information regarding the subjects to be covered would obtained by the Clerk and circulated on e-mail. AEB

05.02.13 Rural Rate Relief – Dolphin Inn, Main Street, Bishampton
The Council approved this application. AEB

05.02.14 Highways – Parking on pavements and outside Bishampton Stores
A further note in the Parish magazine was required to ask parishioners to park considerately and not to park on the pavements. The Clerk would obtain further details from the Highways department regarding waiting restrictions, which could be applied outside Bishampton Stores. AEB

05.02.15 Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda
Cllr Tucker advised that the Hill and Moor Liaison Group meeting had been very successful with extra people in attendance. The operators at the Tip were aware that spraying should start earlier in the year to avoid the problem with the flies which was experienced last year. The operating hours had not been discussed at this meeting.

A permanent application to extend the operating hours had now been made ( above. However, a temporary application had been in force for a year for the hours proposed but Mercia Waste Management did not appear to have utilised the extended operating hours. Hence, there had been no opportunity to judge the impact of the proposal. In the light of this information the council reconsidered deferred from above and opposed the application until a viable trial had been carried out. AEB

The budget figures were to be discussed at a meeting on 17th February and Cllr Tucker advised that although the spending on roads in Wychavon was higher than in other counties this was still not sufficient.

There would be a Public Consultation on 23rd February regarding the Western Link and there would be a discussion with Pinvin to agreed wording regarding a petition requiring the Western Link to be built.

05.02.16 Date for next meeting
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 7th March at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 10.15pm

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Chairman Date