Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 7th March 2005 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle, Mr E Chadwick, Ms T Gilligan, Mr E Beever (from 8.15pm), Mr C Tucker arrived at 9.00pm, District Councillor Mrs L Tucker attended from 9.00pm.

05.03.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Segar who was attending another meeting; Cllr Lammas who was ill, and Cllr Hall due to family commitments.

05.03.02 Declarations of interest
Cllr Argyle declared a personal interest in the planning item
Cllrs Carter and Argyle declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 05.03.06 as members of the play area committee.

05.03.03 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7th February 2005
As councillors had not had chance to check the minutes properly, the signing of these was deferred.

05.03.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The cash reconciliation sheet was passed to councillors and the Clerk confirmed that the balance in the current account was £8,791.51, and the balance in the deposit account was £14,065.87.

As the end of the financial year is 5th April, the Clerk provided a sheet showing all the payments made to date, and this would be e-mailed to councillors for their information. Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:

There was a further payment that was deferred until the next meeting, which was for a replacement Neighbourhood watch sign and fixing, as this item needed to be discussed as an item on the agenda. Clerk to advise Mrs Jesson accordingly.

05.03.05 Planning Applications W/05/002121/PP – Mr and Mrs Gordon – Church End, Church Lane
The Planning Committee had dealt with this application with a response already sent to object to this application on the basis of overdevelopment of the site. W/05/00257/PP – Ms K Lawrence – Stanton Fields, Bishampton – Proposed conservatory
There were no objections to this application. W/05/00226/PP – Mill House Racing – Re: Miricot, Main Street, Bishampton – Proposed conservatory extension to rear
Cllr Argyle left the room prior to this application being considered. The council members looked at this application and an objection raised on the grounds of the proximity to the kitchen window of the adjacent property, Holmlea
The Clerk would respond accordingly to the planning department.

Amendments to Previously Approved Planning Applications
Under Wychavon District Council’s delegated procedures, minor amendments had been approved without re-consultation with the Parish Council, on the following applications:- W/04/01499/PP – Mr and Mrs Barker – Land opposite Abberton View, Abberton Road
Reduction in roof pitch of garage and workshop/shed W/03/01418/PP – Mr and Mrs I Bratt – Stonewold, Broad Lane
Sun pipe to front elevation W/04/01726/PP – Mr and Mrs Rimmell – Bishampton Fields, Hill Furze Road
Alterations to small windows and skylights. This information had been received in the last few days and the Clerk notified councillors accordingly.

Refused Application W/04/02359/PN – Hark Developments Limited – The Paddocks, Broad Lane, Bishampton
Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 3 new dwellings and garages.
This application had been refused by the Planning Department at Wychavon District Council.

05.03.06 Play Area Working Party – Planning Application to consider
The paperwork had been received from Roger Ockendon and the plan for the siting of the equipment was shown to councillors. The Parish Council agreed to fund the application and therefore the forms need to be completed and submitted, together with the appropriate fee, to Wychavon District Council.

The Clerk would check with the Planning Department concerning the fee applicable, and the Parish Council confirmed that upon receipt of this information the cheque could be drawn and submitted.

05.03.07 Mowing Contract 2005 – Limebridge Rural Services Limited
Correspondence had been received from John Stedman to confirm that based on the current specification of work the revised monthly charge would be £345.00 plus vat. This figure included mowing and footpath work, and although a breakdown between the two was required, it was agreed to continue with Limebridge for 2005. The Clerk would obtain the outstanding information.

05.03.08 Insurance – Renewal due 01.06.05
The Clerk passed a sheet to councillors advising the cover and sums insured provided by Allianz Cornhill at present. Although there did not appear to be a choice of insurers from whom to obtain quotations, the Clerk would investigate this on the Council’s behalf. The cover appeared adequate and would be altered when the Throckmorton Charity took over the Parish Room premises.

05.03.09 Standards Board of England
Clerk advised councillors of the meeting to be held on Wednesday 9th March and passed copies of the Code of Conduct consultation sheets to councillors. Cllr Carter would try and attend the meeting, although Cllr Argyle would be there.

05.03.10 Land ownership in the village
Cllr Chadwick wanted to find out if there was a record of landowners and who farmed which land to assist with the placing of new kissing gates/stiles and general footpath work. It was agreed that initially a letter would be written from the Parish Council to landowners.

05.03.11 Councillors reports and items for future agenda
Correspondence from the Office of the deputy Prime Minister was passed to Cllr Beever for his attention.

Cllr Carter was to investigate whether the computer that used to be in Bishampton Village Stores could be passed to someone locally for their use.

Cllr Argyle reported back from a recent waste/recycling meeting. Recycling bags would be delivered each week to all households. There is to be new recycling site behind The Dolphin Public House, which could be used for cans, paper and bottles. There was a campaign to increase the amount of composting from 15% at present, up to 21% by the end of the year. A glass collection service may be introduced towards the end of the year. Cllr Argyle would contact FOSCA to see if a representative could attend the Annual Parish Meeting in April to discuss recycling issues.

Cllr Liz Tucker advised that a 3.94% budget had been set. There was no more money available for roads. A Consultation plan took place in Pershore recently but the Western Link was not considered. The money will not come from Government so this will have to be tackled locally.

05.03.12 The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday 11th April at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 9.00pm.

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Chairman Date