Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 4th April 2005 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle (District Councillor) from 8.10pm, Ms T Gilligan (from 7.45pm), Mrs B Lammas, and Mr C Tucker.

County Councillor Mrs L Tucker attended from 9.00pm.

There were two parishioners present, Mr D Cheetham and Mr J Mills.

05.04.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Hall who was ill, and Cllr Segar and Cllr Chadwick who were on holiday.

05.04.02 Declarations of interest
Cllr Argyle and Cllr Carter declared a non-prejudicial interest in Item 12 – Play Area. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7th February 2005
The minutes of 7th February 2005 meeting were approved and signed as a true record. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7th March 2005
The minutes of 7th March 2005 meeting were approved and signed as a true record.

05.04.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The cash reconciliation sheet was passed to councillors and the Clerk confirmed that the balance in the current account was £8,206.01, and the balance in the deposit account was £14,092.30.
The budget sheet had been updated and this was to be discussed by the Clerk and the Chairman, together with the monies allocated for spending. EC/AEB Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:

05.04.05 Planning Applications W/05/00257/PP – Ms K Lawrence – Stanton Fields, Bishampton
Proposed conservatory
Approval received from Wychavon. W/05/00205/PP – Mr and Mrs Osborne - Fairways, Main Street, Bishampton
Proposed 2 storey extension
Approval received from Wychavon. Play Area Planning Application
This was to be put on the notice board/shop window and would be taken to the Annual Parish Meeting. Jim Teal at Wychavon deals with grant applications and Roger Ockenden would contact him.

05.04.06 Mowing and Footpath Contract Mowing Contract – Limebridge Rural Services Limited
The quotation from Limebridge was accepted and it was agreed that the first bill should be paid.
The cut outside the Throckmorton hut is to be reduced to once a month.

Cllr Argyle arrived at 8.10pm

The areas that are cut were discussed, together with the verges, which in general were cut by highways twice a year, in May and August.

Mr Mills and Mrs E Tucker arrived at 8.15pm. Footpath cutting – progress regarding grant
As Badgers Walk had been cut back quite hard by the landowner, this would not require cutting for several months. It was agreed to contact John Stedman at Limebridge when work was required.
As nothing had been received concerning the grant for 2005/6, Patrick White was to be contacted. AEB

05.04.07 To consider whether the Council wishes to make representation in support of the Western Link Road from Pershore Business Park to the Wyre Piddle Bypass
After discussion by councillors it was proposed and seconded to support representation regarding the Western Link Road. District Councillor Mrs E Tucker advised that funding for the link road was a problem.

05.04.08 Parish Plan – Preparation for the Annual Parish Meetings
Cllrs Carter and Gilligan had met with Eric Charlwood who had prepared histograms for the display boards. The council approved payment for paper/ink cartridges. Cllr Argyle would make the display board available for the meetings.

Following the survey there had been a return of 61% from Bishampton and a similar return from Throckmorton. The booklet to be produced would be approximately 14 pages long, and 500 initial copies would be printed. Some articles had been received and the draft was required by August. Wychavon may provide a quotation for printing, although it was suggested that the clerk contact Derek Floyd of Hill and Moor Parish Council to find out their costings.

05.04.09 New Licensing Laws – November 2005
In view of the cost and restrictions which would be imposed on the village hall and the Bishampton stores, more research was required and also the council would write to the local MP. The Clerk would also contact Brian Haynes at Community First for further information. AEB

05.04.10 Highways – state of the roads
The Chairman closed the session in order for the clerk to make comment. The session was then re-opened.
It was agreed by councillors to write to Highways expressing concern regarding the roads, and to quote the results of the recent survey. A house-to-house survey could be carried out at a future date. EC/AEB

05.04.11 Footpaths – ROWAG Group
No response had been received from Throckmorton although Cllr Chadwick would be asked to contact residents again. ENC/AEB

05.04.12 Dog Fouling on Main Street, Bishampton
Correspondence had been received from two residents in Main Street and these were read out to councillors. There were spare dog fouling signs that would be put up, a note would be put into the next parish magazine and responses sent to the parishioners. EC/AEB

05.04.13 Neighbourhood Watch Sign
A sign had been replaced and clarification was required as to why the Parish Council were expected to pay for the replacement. Also, why had it been replaced by this particular firm? The Clerk would obtain more information from Mrs Jesson. AEB

05.04.14 Bishampton Gardening Club
Thanks to the Gardening Club would be included in the Parish Magazine for the planters around the village. EC/AEB

05.04.15 War Memorial Cleaning
The Clerk would find out who should be contacted regarding cleaning and by what method. The information should be available from minutes issued approximately 18 months ago. The Clerk would also contact the British Legion in Worcestershire to check if they had details regarding cleaning of war memorials. AEB

05.04.16 Councillors Roles and Responsibilities
The published sheet did not require up dating at present.

05.04.17 Councillors’ Reports and Items for Future Agenda
Cllr E Tucker advised that the additional hours at Hill and Moor had been given a one-year temporary extension.

Following the Jamie Oliver programme regarding school dinners, Cllr Tucker advised that many kitchens in Worcestershire schools were closed in 1983 – only 1 in 10 primary schools have cooked lunch.

Cllr Argyle was to investigate the ditches at the back of Smith’s field again following a complaint. Also the area in Broad Lane outside the Paddocks had flooded following the recent downpour – both ditches and drains to be investigated. Put on the agenda for the next meeting – Storm water in Broad Lane.

The Dolphin Inn had agreed to have recycling bins at the back of the property, but due to the overhead power cables it had not been possible to deliver these. It was necessary to find an alternative site in the village for recycling.

A site visit to the garages in Babylon Lane was planned by the Wychavon Planning Committee (Planning Application No. W/05/00074/CU – Mr and Mrs J Mills – Old School, Main Street), as highways had brought up the issue regarding parking.

Cllr Charles Tucker advised that the Parish Room had not been purchased yet – the Throckmorton charity had until the end of April to claim £25,000 from Severn Waste. The archaeological dig took place 29th – 31st March, where a 17th century ditch and some pot shards had been found. The report should be available shortly from Mike Glade to allow progress to be made.

Cllr Carter to put a poster in the Bishampton Stores to advertise the Annual Parish Meeting. EC

05.04.18 Date for next meeting
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Monday 16th May and would be held in Bishampton Village Hall at 7.30pm. (The usual 1st Monday in the month is a Bank Holiday and the Clerk was unable to attend on 9th May).

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.55pm.

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Chairman Date