Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 6th June 2005 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle (District Councillor), Ms Toni Gilligan (from 7.45pm), Mrs M Hall, Mrs B Lammas, Mr C Tucker (from 8.50pm), Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).

Mrs E Tucker (County Councillor) was also present for part of the meeting.

Six members of the public also attended the meeting (see annexe).

05.06.01 Election of Chairman and Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Eric Carter was nominated by Malcolm Argyle, seconded by Toni Gilligan and elected unanimously. Mr Carter signed the declaration of acceptance of office.

05.06.02 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Edward Chadwick and Ed Beever, both who had work commitments. Rupert Segar, having resigned his position as vice-chairman and councillor, was not present.

05.06.03 Election of Vice Chairman
Rupert Segar has resigned this position due to his imminent move from the area and Mr Carter would write and thank him for his services. The election for vice-chairman was therefore made, with Toni Gilligan being nominated by Malcolm Argyle, seconded by Mandy Hall and elected unanimously. Ms Gilligan signed the declaration of acceptance of office.

05.06.04 Declaration of interest
Cllr Argyle and Cllr Carter declared a non-prejudicial interest in Item 8 Play Area; Cllr Argyle declared a prejudicial interest in Item 7.2 – Planning application for Miricot.

05.06.05 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 16th May 2005
The minutes of the 16th May 2005 were approved and signed as a true record.

In order that the members of the public, who had attended to hear the discussion on the planning application, could go home, Item 7 was brought forward on the agenda.

05.06.07 Planning Applications W/05/00796/PN – Mr and Mrs G Moule, Lynley Lodge, Broad Lane, Bishampton
Proposed New Dwelling and Garage
The Parish Council considered that this was over-development of the site and that access was the main issue. It was awkward to exit the lane onto Broad Lane and highways should be made aware. There is also an issue of flooding in that area of Broad Lane. Clerk to write accordingly to the Planning Department W/05/00837/PP – Mr and Mrs Morrison, Miricot, Main Street, Bishampton
Proposed conservatory to rear.
Cllr Argyle left the meeting and Council came out of session. Mrs Mills advised that previously the extension was prohibited due to the blocking of light at Homelea. Council came back into session. Cllr Lammas would speak to the neighbours either side of Miricot. It was felt that the extension was too close to the window of Homelea, however the decision would be deferred to the planning councillors (Cllr Chadwick and Cllr Lammas).
Cllr Argyle rejoined the meeting, and the members of the public left.

05.06.06 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The cash reconciliation sheet was passed to councillors and the Clerk confirmed that the balance in the current account was £13,792.62 and in the deposit account was £14,150.06. The Clerk proposed to transfer £7000 from the current to the deposit account and the councillors agreed. Clerk to forward an electronic copy of the cash reconciliation sheet to the Chairman for the website. Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:- Consider transfer of underwriting funds to Throckmorton Charity
Throckmorton Village Charity now needed the money previously agreed by the Parish Council as the bill for the investigation work needed to be paid. This was deferred until Item 10. Throckmorton Chapelry – application for grant
The grant for the Throckmorton Chapelry was agreed at £80.00.

05.06.08 Play Area update
A meeting had been held after the last Parish Council meeting and more details had been discussed regarding the positioning of the apparatus. When the grant money has been received the engineer will come out to the village hall to peg out the exact placings. There is a slight shortfall of money in the village hall fund as the climbing net and shelter are an extra £2000 - £3000.
Two objections had been raised:-
1) The football playing area would be reduced, although there would be room, and
2) One parishioner was concerned about the siting of the climbing net.

Council came out of session and a question was raised regarding toilet facilities.

The hall has facilities for use when it is open, although these cannot be used if the hall is not unlocked. It has not been a consideration of the Play Area committee to change these arrangements.

Council came back into session.

05.06.09 Invitation to the Wychavon Planning Committee re: planning design criteria in Broad Lane
It was suggested that the Parish Council make an invitation to Wychavon Planning Committee for them to look at the properties in Broad Lane and to give their opinion on the way in which planning development had taken place in the area. Cllr Argyle did not see this to be a bad development but one where sympathetic consideration of the environment was important. Cllr Lammas said that she hoped the parishioners would see that the Council were taking action. A vote was taken with 4 – for and 2 – against.

05.06.10 Throckmorton Parish Room – update
There is an issue over precise site plans with the purchase and there is a delay with the grant money from Severn Waste, as an application needs to be made to Vale Landscape Heritage Trust who is holding the money from Severn Waste. The next deadline date for the business plan is the end of July.

The results are back following the archaeological dig but there was nothing to be concerned about in relation to the new building works. A large ditch and some 18th Century pottery had been found and the cost for the dig was £2300. The Throckmorton Village Charity has paid £300 on account to the solicitors.

It was proposed by Cllr Carter to pay £400 to the Throckmorton Village Charity and Toni Gilligan seconded this.

05.06.11 Staffing Committee
This was to be formed by Cllr Carter, Cllr Gilligan and Cllr Charles Tucker.

05.06.12 To consider the Council’s adoption of The Councils’ Charter for The 3 Tier Councils in Worcestershire as proposed by CALC
The Charter would govern the Council’s operation and councillors having read through the details prior to the meeting, agreed to adopt the charter.

05.06.13 Repairs to the village seat
The Clerk would chase up the quotations for this work.

05.06.14 Newsletter Items
Following the newsletter item which councillors rejected for the June Parish newsletter, Cllr Carter agreed to amend this and send the details through to Peter Charlesworth for publication in the next newsletter.

05.06.15 Councillors’ Roles and Responsibilities
As Cllr Carter had stepped down from the Village Hall committee a new representative was required. No members of the Council who were present felt able to take on this role. This should be included as an item on the next agenda.

05.06.16 Councillors’ Reports and Items for future Agenda
Cllr Liz Tucker advised that she was now dealing with Pershore as part of her role of County Councillor. The County Council were still in ‘setting up’ mode following the elections and there is a majority of one conservative. There is no head of education, although there is a Child Centre with over 50% of the budget allocated. Economic Development and Planning had been separated out.

The road across the airfield was due to be closed from 20th June for four weeks to allow remedial work and resurfacing to be carried out.

The Pershore Forum meeting would be attended by Mrs Tucker and a notice was to be placed in the shop in Bishampton. There had been progress on the Riverside Trust at Pershore.

Cllr Carter asked if the council felt it wished to discuss any proposals by the Jubilee committee to use remaining monies for a Trafalgar day celebration. The original proposals by the committee were that any balance remaining in the account should be given towards BAT Village Hall refurbishment and as the council had donated £500 towards establishing the committee, it was agreed that this would require discussion if the Jubilee committee were minded to change their terms of reference.

The Clerk had received a planning application from Worcestershire County Council regarding Mercia Waste Management and as the plans would not go to committee until 26th July these could be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.

05.06.17 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Monday 4th July at 7.30pm.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.55pm.

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Chairman Date

Note of matters raised during the Open Session, Parish Council meeting 6th June 2005

There were six members of the public in attendance.

The issue of the planning application in Broad Lane was discussed with one parishioner asking whether limits could be made on the development in Broad Lane , as there had been vast changes over the past couple of years.

It was understood that there was a preservation order on the Ash tree, which was on the land where the application had been made.

The Parish Council advised that they carried no weight at the Planning Department although response would probably be made in relation to access down the track, and access onto Broad Lane , plus the flooding issue.