Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 5th September 2005 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mrs M Hall, Mr C Tucker (from 7.45pm), Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).

Two members of the public attended – Mr Don Cheetham and Mr John Morrison, who attended as applicants for the vacant position as Councillor.

The meeting then went into session at 7.45pm.

05.08.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Argyle, Cllr Gilligan and Cllr Lammas who were on holiday, Cllr Chadwick and County Councillor Mrs L Tucker who were away on business.
(Apologies were received from Cllr Beever on 6th September upon his return from a business trip).

05.08.02 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

05.08.03 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th July 2005
As Cllr Carter was the only councillor who was present for the whole of this meeting, approval was deferred until the October meeting when more councillors should be in attendance.

05.08.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The cash reconciliation sheets for July and August were passed to councillors and the Clerk confirmed that the balance in the current account was £9,192.30 and in the deposit account was £14,237.43.

The Clerk would write to the bank to transfer £5000 from the current account to the deposit account and also ask them to remove Rupert Segar as signatory. Clerk to forward an electronic copy of the cash reconciliation sheet to the Chairman for the website. AEB Approval of payments
Although there were no councillors present who were able to sign the cheques, the following payments were approved:-

The Clerk will obtain signature of the cheques in the next couple of days. AEB

It was also mentioned that the grass outside the Throckmorton Parish Room needed cutting – the Clerk would request that the cutting be reinstated and the account adjusted by Limebridge Rural Services Limited. AEB Update of Budget Sheet
The Clerk will issue a revised sheet effective to the end of September 2005. AEB

05.08.05 Planning Applications W/05/01342/PP – Mr and Mrs Barker – Abberton View, Abberton Road Bishampton
Proposed two storey extension and conservatory. The Planning Committee had already submitted their views to Wychavon Planning Department – there were no objections. W/05/001390/PP – Mr and Mrs Curtis – 33 Main Street, Bishampton
Proposed porch and shower room extension. The Planning Committee had already submitted their views to Wychavon Planning Department – there were no objections. W/05/01048/PP – Mr and Mrs P Plant – Dean Lodge Farm, Seaford Lane, Naunton Beauchamp
Proposed erection of Oak framed garden room. The Parish Council had received a refusal notice from Wychavon District Council. W/05/01038/PN – Hark Developments Limited
The Clerk had received a copy of a letter from a parishioner who had written to the planning department expressing concern that the conditions originally requested by Wychavon concerning landscaping, had been contravened. The Parish Council would write to the planning department to express their views and to offer support to any enforcement action being taken. AEB W/05/01235/PP and W/05/01238/LB – Mr and Mrs M Hartshorne – Burfield House, Main Street, Bishampton
The Clerk advised that these planning applications had been considered by the Planning Committee since the last meeting, and objections had been raised. W/05/01418/LUE – Mr R Mills Make Life Simple – Millhaven, Broad Lane, Bishampton
Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use of a former loose box as an office. This application was not on the agenda and therefore not discussed. However the Clerk advised that this would be passed the members of the Planning Committee in the next few days for their comments – they will consider whether it is necessary to call on official meeting in the next few days. AEB/BL/MA/ENC

05.08.06 Parish Plan
The Parish Plan was discussed and some amendments were suggested, and these will be passed onto Cllr Gilligan. Cllr Carter and Cllr Gilligan to meet in the next few days to discuss further. EC/TG

05.08.07 Dog Fouling/Dog Bins
A response had been received from Wychavon to advise that the bins would be installed in the ‘near future’. A specific timescale was required in order that the Parish Council could advise parishioners accordingly, and therefore the Clerk would send a further letter. AEB

05.08.08 New Directional Signs for Villages Hall/Vale Golf Club
Cllr Carter would pursue this matter further and report back at the next meeting. EC

05.08.09 Garden Events Diary 2006
The Clerk would pass the information on to Mr Bentley of the Gardening Club, and also Mrs Dobie in order that they may take the appropriate action AEB

05.08.10 Co-option of another Councillor
This was deferred until the end of the meeting.

05.08.11 Highways Speed Limit on Hill Furze Road
A letter had been received from a parishioner, which would be passed to County Councillor Mrs L Tucker for further action. The Clerk would also write to the resident concerned referring them to the Highways Department at the County Council. AEB Pavements in Babylon Lane and Stanton Fields
The Clerk would contact Wychavon County Council concerning the poor state of these areas and send photographs with the correspondence. AEB Road Surface – Hill Furze Road
The Clerk would write to Highways again to advise the problem of the poor road surface on this road and ask for this to be repaired as soon as possible. AEB Large Agricultural Vehicles through Bishampton
The Clerk had received a letter from a parishioner following a specific problem that occurred in Main Street regarding a large agricultural vehicle. The Clerk would check with Cllr Argyle as to what action (if any) Wychavon was taking. The Chairman would contact the parishioner and send copy correspondence from last year concerning the same issue. EC/AEB

05.08.12 The Dolphin Inn – transfer of justices’ licence
The Clerk advised that the licensees were changing at the local public house. No action required.

05.08.13 Glass Recycling Box Scheme
This was to be commenced in September/October by Wychavon District Council, although the Clerk would write to Wychavon concerning specific issues.

The glass was to be collected in mixed colours and not separated as at the normal recycling bank sites. The Parish Council felt that this was unacceptable due to a lower return for the lower grade glass and a revised system should be devised.

Wychavon District Council had stated in their correspondence that 73% of properties in the main urban and larger villages would be served by the scheme, and this did not include Throckmorton. As Throckmorton is part of our parish and was close to the Hill and Moor landfill site, it was felt that the service should be provided here also. The Clerk would write to the District Council accordingly. AEB

05.08.14 Input of Parish Council to Older Peoples’ Housing Care and Support Strategy
This correspondence was passed to Cllr Carter for further consideration. EC

05.08.15 Councillors’ Roles and Responsibilities
The Chairman of the Villages Hall has confirmed that a representative from the Parish Council was not required. However, the Parish Council considered and agreed that it would write to the Village Hall Committee and request a copy of the minutes each month, for information. If the Village Hall Committee felt that attendance at a specific meeting by a Parish Councillor was required, then they could request this. AEB

05.08.16 Councillors’ Reports and Items for Future Agenda
Throckmorton Parish Room – Cllr Carter confirmed that the amount of £5000 had been allocated by the Parish Council, although not for any specific purpose. The Parish Council is underwriting the project from purchase to completion.

Item for next agenda – To consider that Bishampton and Throckmorton Parish Council hold some meetings at the new parish room, when the work is completed.

Cllr Tucker advised that contracts had been signed, and exchange and completion of the purchase should occur in the next ten days. The purchase of the land from Bob Wickins would be completed within a month.

It was clarified at the meeting that the Parish Council would surrender the lease once the Parish Room was in new ownership. AEB

Parish Clean Up Day – Saturday 10th September 2005
There was a requirement to clarify who would clean which part of the parish – there was a small list of volunteers. The Clerk would obtain full details of the kit to be supplied and to contact the volunteers to confirm duties. AEB

05.08.17 Date of Next Meeting
As Cllr Carter was not available on Monday 3rd October, it was agreed to change the next meeting date to Tuesday 4th October at 7.30pm. The Clerk would check that the hall was available at that time and advise all councillors accordingly. AEB

The meeting was then closed at 9.40pm and the Clerk left the meeting.

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Chairman Date

Co-option of Another Councillor
Two applications had been received and the gentlemen were asked to wait in another room, whilst Cllr Carter, Cllr Tucker and Cllr Hall considered these. They were interviewed in turn and after further consideration and voting, Mr Don Cheetham was co-opted onto the council. The Clerk would provide a new Councillor’s Pack and write to Wychavon to advise the new details. A letter would also be written to the unsuccessful applicant to thank him for applying. AEB