Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 4th October 2005 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Mr M Argyle (District Councillor), Mr E Beever, Mr E Chadwick, Mr D Cheetham, Mrs B Lammas, Mr C Tucker (from 8.15pm), Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).

Mrs E Tucker (County Councillor) arrived at 8.15pm.

The new Councillor Mr Don Cheetham, was welcomed to the meeting.

The meeting then went into session at 7.45pm.

05.09.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Hall who had family commitments, and Cllr Gilligan who was working.

05.09.02 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th July 2005
The minutes of this meeting were approved and signed as a true record. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 5th September 2005
As Cllr Carter was the only councillor present at this meeting who had attended the 5th September meeting, signing was deferred until the November meeting. (Cllr Tucker had not arrived yet, and Cllrs Gilligan and Hall were not in attendance).

05.09.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The cash reconciliation sheet was passed to councillors and the Clerk confirmed that the balance in the current account was £1,978.71, although £7000 had been credited at the end of September in respect of the 2nd half of the precept payment. The amount in the deposit account was £19,264.03.

The Clerk would send an electronic copy of the cash reconciliation sheet to the Chairman for the website. AEB

The Clerk would check the balance in the current account and transfer £3000 into the deposit account. AEB Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:- Update of Budget Sheet
A printed version of the sheet would be discussed by the Chairman and the Clerk. EC/AEB

05.09.05 Planning Applications W/05/01681/CCU – A Richards, Duffledown View, Wyre Piddle
Change of use to Gypsy Caravan site for nine mobile homes and nine touring caravans. This is still an illegal site and visually it is over-development of the site. The size of the chalets is excessive – it is not a caravan park, more a site for permanent dwellings, inconsistent with the whole environment. The Clerk would write to express the Council’s objections. W/05/1524/PP – Mr and Mrs Hartley – Nightingale House, Main Street, Bishampton
Erection of a wall (retrospective) Although this was a retrospective application, there were no objections. W/05/01342/PP – Mr and Mrs Barker – Abberton View, Abberton Road, Bishampton
Proposed two storey extension and conservatory. Planning permission granted by Wychavon District Council W/05/01390/PP – Mr and Mrs Curtis – 33 Main Street, Bishampton
Proposed porch and shower room extension. Planning permission granted by Wychavon District Council W/05/01235/PP and W/05/01238/LB – Mr and Mrs Hartshorne – Burfield House, Main Street, Bishampton
Double garage with room over. Wychavon District Council has refused planning permission

In order for Cllr Liz Tucker to leave the meeting, her report was brought forward.

05.09.17 Councillors’ report – Mrs E Tucker
The Hill and Moor Liaison Group is working well and two Parish Councillors should attend. More notice of future meeting was required. The next meeting was to be on 30th November – Cllr E Carter was able to attend and Stuart Weobley would also be advised. The Clerk to advise Jenny Clayton at Wychavon of names and contact addresses. AEB

The Open Day at the Burial Site in Throckmorton would be arranged for Spring 2006.

The County Council were discussing the passenger transport system and details of journeys will be produced.

There would be free bus passes available from April 2006 for the over 60s. The dial-up service would be available for use and information regarding these facilities would be on a notice in the village shop and on the county website.

Cllr Liz Tucker is to attend a waste workshop.

The budget for next year was being discussed. There was likely to be a 0.7% increase by with 7.5% extra taken from the council tax.

Cllr Liz Tucker left the meeting at 8.45pm.

05.09.06 New Directional Signs for the Bishampton Village Hall/Vale Golf Club
Cllr Carter would try to contact the Golf Club again as his previous calls had not been returned. A letter would be written to request for the village hall sign and a response from the golf club would be awaited. EC

05.09.07 Parish Plan
Cllrs Gilligan and Carter had been through the latest draft and it had been submitted to Wychavon. There had been a favourable response to the first formal draft stage, although Wychavon had queried that the Parish Council had many actions. Cllr Carter would send out a revised version to all councillors. Pictures of the airfield and Throckmorton were requested. The next meeting between Cllr Gillgan and Cllr Carter would be on the 12th October. TG/EC

05.09.08 Highways
A response was still outstanding from Worcestershire County Council and this item would be put on the next agenda. AEB

05.09.09 Large Agricultural Vehicles through Bishampton
Cllr Argyle had been advised that machinery over 3m required special dispensation from the police prior to travel. If a vehicle was over 11ft 6 inches an escort vehicle was required.

The previous dispensation had expired and if large vehicles came through the village again, then the police should be contacted. Cllr Argyle had received an email concerning the above and Judith Stanley would be contacted to find out if a new dispensation had been granted.

A response had been sent to the two parishioners would had written.

A diary note form August 2006 was required to check that the dispensation was in force. AEB

05.09.10 Throckmorton Parish Room
Cllr C Tucker advised that the Business Plan was being developed and would be sent to DEFRA on the 5th October. Eric Charlwood would be away from 7th October.

The Scout Hut had still not been purchased but Home Lodge has given a new quote and the project cost had increased substantially. There were no bookings for the hall that required rearranging. A kissing gate was required from the county council for the bottom of the car park.

05.09.11 To consider whether Bishampton and Throckmorton Parish Council would hold future meetings in the new Parish Room
The Councillors confirmed that every third meeting, plus the Throckmorton Annual Meeting would be held in the new parish room. A letter to the committee was required, in confirmation. AEB

05.09.12 Footpaths – quotations required / work to be carried out
A grant of £800 had been provided and the original list sent to Patrick White would be checked to justify the work required. A quotation was required to rectify the muddy bridleway and this would be obtained from Limebridge Rural Services and also Arthur Redman. AEB

05.09.13 Parish Clean-Up
The Clerk confirmed that thanks had been noted in the parish newsletter and the grant money was coming through. It was suggested that the Council contact Helping Hands in Ledbury in order that we may obtain some litter pickers for future use. The Clerk would investigate.

Cllr Tucker would return the gloves to Wychavon. CT/AEB

05.09.14 Proper Officer Networking Event – Clerks’ Gathering 9th November
None of the council members would be able to attend.

05.09.15 Visitors to future meetings
The Clerk would contact the new local Police Constable to invite her to a future meeting. A letter had been received from the new Chairman of CALC and the Clerk would contact him with a view to him attending in the future. AEB

05.09.16 Parish Charter to Wychavon
The Clerk had received the Councils’ Charter and a copy of this would be passed to councillors prior to the next meeting. This should be adopted by formal resolution and confirmation sent to Worcestershire CALC. AEB

05.09.17 Councillors’ report and items for future agenda
More information regarding the next Worcs CALC meeting was required, in order that either Cllr Beever or Cllr Carter could attend.

It was mentioned that mowing on the verges to all three signposts should be considered at the next meeting.

Mr Bob Averis had contacted Cllr Carter with regard to the conservation area, as properties neighbouring this area were encroaching on the conservation site, with rubble being dumped there. The actual boundaries should be investigated via Wychavon with the item being considered at the next meeting.

05.09.18 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting would be Monday 7th November and this would be held at Bishampton Villages Hall, starting at 7.30pm.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.45pm.

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Chairman Date