Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 7th November 2005 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Ms T Gilligan (Vice Chairman), Mr M Argyle (District Councillor), Mr E Beever (from 8.40pm), Mr E Chadwick, Mr D Cheetham, Mrs B Lammas, Mr C Tucker, Mrs A Boocock (Clerk).

Mrs E Tucker (County Councillor) was also present.

05.10.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Carter who was on holiday.

05.10.02 Declarations of interest
Cllr Cheetham and Cllr Hall declared a prejudicial interest in Item 15.

05.10.03 Minutes of the meetings held on Monday 5th September 2005 and Tuesday 10th October 2005
The minutes of both these meetings were approved and signed as a true record.

05.10.04 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The cash reconciliation sheet was passed to councillors and the Clerk confirmed that the balance in the current account was £9,500.63 which included the 2nd half of the precept payment, footpath grant and village clean-up bursary. The amount in the deposit account was £19,297.96.

The Clerk would send an electronic copy of the cash reconciliation sheet to the Chairman for the website. AEB Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:-

05.10.05 Planning Applications W/05/01717/CU – Andy Loos Limited – Land at Rotherdale Farm, Long Lane, Tilesford
Change of use of three grain stores to storage of portable toilets. Retention of portakabin for ancillary office use.
The Parish Council is concerned that the land and buildings should only be used for agricultural purposes. The size of the operation was of concern – was it necessary for all three units to be used, and also the increase in traffic movement. Further information was required from the Planning Department. W/05/01824/PN – West Mercia Constabulary – Pershore Airfield, Long Lane, Throckmorton
Relocation of skid training areas from those approved under Certificate of Lawful use W/03/01504
Although the certificate of lawfulness had been granted, the Parish Council wanted confirmation that the five days a week usage was restricted to weekdays (Monday to Friday). The Clerk would contact the Planning Department accordingly. W/05/01828/LUE – Mr B and Mrs P McGinity – Court Farm, Main Street, Bishampton
Application for a certificate of lawfulness for an existing use of land as garden land.
The Parish Council required confirmation that the land would be restricted to garden land only. W/05/01038/PM – Hark Developments Limited – The Paddocks, Broad Lane, Bishampton
Demolition of existing dwellings and erection of three new dwellings and garages.
The Clerk had previously written to the Planning Department regarding the loss of the trees at the front of the property and a further request would be sent to ask for the land to be put back to new and for there to be trees planted where they had been removed.
The Clerk would write again to the Planning Department. W/05/01429/PN – Armor Group – Building 71, Pershore Airfield, Long Lane, Throckmorton, WR10
Toilet/shower room extension. Planning permission granted by Wychavon District Council

In order for Cllr Argyle to leave the meeting, Item 12 – Christmas Lights was brought forward.

05.10.12 Replacement of Christmas Lights
At present the old Christmas lights on the holly tree is holding the tree together. There is a sapling growing which could be used for the Christmas tree lights. The Clerk had been in touch with a local company to enquire about replacement lights, and these would be in the region of £300 - £400 depending on what was purchased. It was suggested that the village clean-up bursary of £500 be used for this purpose – proposed by Cllr Lammas and seconded by Cllr Argyle. The Clerk will make further enquiries. AEB

Cllr Argyle left the meeting.

05.10.06 New Directional Signs for Village Hall/Vale Golf Club
The Clerk had been advised that the sign for the village hall could be provided from District Council funds, but the signs for the Vale Golf Club may require application from them, at an initial cost of £75.00 per sign. A letter had been received from the Golf Club to confirm that up to £225.00 could be provided for this purpose, and the Clerk will enquire further. AEB

05.10.07 Mowing of Verges to the Village Signposts
When the Clerk sends the letter with the recent cheque, a request would be made to ensure that the verges are cleared up to each signpost at the edge of the village, or up to the 30-mile sign. AEB

05.10.08 Parish Plan
Cllr Gilligan advised that the next stage would be the production of the final version of the Parish Plan. The Parish Council would not be detailed as being responsible for so many of the actions in the plan. TG

05.10.09 Highways – Update from Worcestershire County Council
Although a response had been received from the County Council regarding the damaged footpaths, the Clerk would contact them again to obtain a date when action would be taken, as the change in the weather would certainly make the footpaths worse.
Hill Furze Road had been patched between Flaxen Hill House and The Larches Farm, but the standard of work was considered by the Parish Council to be poor, and this would worsen in bad weather. The Clerk should also raise this issue by letter.

05.10.10 Remembrance Day Service
As Cllr Carter would be unable to attend the service, Cllr Mandy Hall was able to attend in his absence, to lay the wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. MH

05.10.11 Throckmorton Parish Room – update
The scouts are still required to take action with regard to the sale of the hut although the land has to be registered at the land registry. A grant application is to be made as the cost is now in the region of £140,000. The DEFRA grant is to be £110,000 which is about 83% of the funding of the project. The Parish Council must surrender the lease at the time of the purchase, which was agreed by the Council members.

The Parish Council will require their own solicitor to deal with the surrender of the lease –Cllr Lammas proposed, that a quotation be obtained for this work, and this was seconded by Cllr Hall. The Clerk would investigate quotations, in order that the sale of the property may be completed in January.

05.10.13 Footpaths – quotations required / Work to be carried out
Councillor Chadwick and the Clerk would obtain quotations for the work to be carried out and this would be presented at the next available meeting. ENC/AEB

05.10.14 Boundaries onto conservation area
Although the Clerk had been in contact with Wychavon regarding ownership of this area, they had not been forthcoming with information. The Clerk would write to obtain further information. AEB

05.10.15 Application for Rural Rate Relief – Mr J A Mills
Wychavon District Council had sent in a request for part payment of the rate relief and Councillors approved the request of £22.05. Clerk to issue and send out the cheque. AEB

05.10.16 Councillors’ report and items for future agenda
There were no reports or items for future agendas.

05.10.17 Date of next two meetings
The next meeting would be held on Monday 5th December, starting at 7.30pm, and the budget meeting would be held on Monday 12th December. The Clerk would write to the various organisations to obtain grant details.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

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Chairman Date