Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 9th January 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr E Carter (Chairman), Ms T Gilligan (Vice Chairman), Mr E Beever , Mr D Cheetham, Mrs M Hall, Mrs B Lammas, Mr M Argyle (from 8.55pm), Mrs A Boocock (Clerk)

Mrs E Tucker (County Councillor) was also present.

Also present were Mr D Baldwin, Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, and Mr E Morris, Secretary of the Village Hall Committee.

Open Session (see annex)

Mr Baldwin and Mr Morris left the meeting.

The meeting opened at 8.10pm.

06.01.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Tucker who was attending another meeting, and Cllr Chadwick who was at work.

06.01.02 Declarations of interest
Cllr Carter declared a prejudicial interest in Item 4 – Bishampton play area.

06.01.03 Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 7th November 2005
Amendments were made to these minutes by Cllr Carter (type of meeting was not ‘annual’ and although Cllrs Hall and Cheetham declared an interest in Item 15, the minutes were amended to confirm that they left the room while the item was discussed. It was then confirmed that the minutes were in order and these were approved and signed as a true record.

The minutes of the 12th December were still outstanding and needed to be issued. AEB

Cllr Carter left the room and Cllr Gilligan took over the chair.

06.01.04 To consider placing an order for the approved play area equipment at the Villages Hall play area subject to suitable funding being transferred from the Play Area Steering Group and, if appropriate, the Villages Hall.
The Parish Council was being asked to take over the process mid-way through. The Clerk warned that the Parish Council should not spend money that was not in the account.

Either the Parish Council should start the application from scratch, or say to the Steering Group that the Parish Council cannot take it over and then there would be a shortfall of £7500. Either the order should be reduced or we need to make a resolution that we would make a contribution to the non-reclaimable amount. The Council would place an order subject to the resolutions. If the outstanding amount is not forthcoming we need to calculate what we would lose.

The Parish Council passed the following resolution:
To place the order developed by the Play Area Steering Group, (PASG) for the supply and installation of play equipment on the Villages Hall play area, subject to paragraphs (1), (2) & (3), and limited to (4):

(1) the confirmation by the PC’s delegated sub-committee, of the PASG’s selected supplier as the best value of the three suppliers who quoted;

(2) confirmation that all Planning permission requirements are met, and full planning permission is granted/pending;

(3) confirmation of all required safety certificates, for equipment and installation procedures;

(4) the order will be for the total of the following monies:

(a) monies already received by the PC for the purpose of the play area development,

(b) the sum - £4000.00 - allocated by the PC for the development;

(c) the value of grants agreed for the play area development, including from Welcome, and Wychavon District Council, subject to receipt of written confirmation by the awarding bodies that payment of the grants may be made directly to the Parish Council .

The Parish Council delegated a sub-committee consisting of the Clerk to the Council, and Councillors Beryl Lammas and Toni Gilligan , to ensure the confirmations described under paras (1) to (4). If satisfied, the Clerk will proceed with placing the order.

If by the 14 th January the Welcome Foundation said ‘yes’ then everything is fine. If £10000 short then our contribution goes from £4000 to £14000. A budget meeting would need to consider this and it would be subject to the village’s hall paying the balance.

Cllr Gilligan proposed and Cllr Lammas seconded the resolution and at the meeting on Wednesday with Cllrs Gilligan and Lammas, the Clerk and Mr Baldwin, the decisions and conditions would be reaffirmed. The planning permission is subject to confirmation of a number of clauses.

Cllr Carter returned to the meeting at 8.50pm and took over the chair.

Cllr Beever gave his apologies and left the meeting, and Cllr Argyle arrived at 8.55pm.

06.01.05 To approve the Council Tax precept to be raised for 2006/2007
It was confirmed that the grants received for the footpaths was £800 and the village clean up was £500, totalling £1300.

The payments were considered, with the staff costs increasing from last year’s budget of £3600 to £4500. The various costs including grants and donations were discussed and, taking the figures into account, the Parish Council decided to raise the precept to £18030. The Clerk would complete the form and return this to Wychavon District Council accordingly. A copy of the budget sheet would be attached to the minutes (see below). AEB

The Planning Appeals items were then brought forward on the agenda.

06.01.07 Planning Appeal APP/H1840/A/05/2005159 – Mr and Mrs G Moule
It had been noted that the hedge had been taken away at the side of the area. There was still the issue regarding overbuild and the drainage issue for new development. The highways department have an issue regarding traffic. The Parish Council’s comments and concerns remain unchanged from their previous advices.

06.01.08 Planning Appeal APP/H1840/A/06/1195641 – Mr A Richards and Others
The Parish Council’s comments remain as before, and the Clerk would write accordingly.

Cllr Lammas gave her apologies and left the meeting at 9.30pm.

06.01.06 Finance Cash Reconciliation
The cash reconciliation sheet was passed to councillors and the Clerk confirmed that the balance in the current account was £8,770.23. The amount in the deposit account was £19,368.97. The Clerk would send an electronic copy of the cash reconciliation sheet to the Chairman for the website. AEB Approval of payments
The following payments were approved:-

06.01.09 Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda
Cllr Liz Tucker reminded councillors of the Area Forum meeting on 11th January, where there would be a briefing on the coming year’s document – the meeting will be held at the Civic Centre in Pershore. There would be discussions on hospitals and dentistry and a presentation by sixth formers from Pershore High School.

Cllr Carter advised councillors that a letter of resignation had been received from the Clerk to terminate her employment at the end of the next two-month period. A vacancy notice would be posted on notice boards and on the CALC website. An advert for the newssheet was also required. EC/AEB

06.01.10 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting would be held on Monday 6th February 2006 at 7.30pm.

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 10.00pm.

………………………………. …………………………………..

Chairman Date


Bishampton & Throckmorton Parish Council Budget 2006/7

Actual to
Est to
12/12 05
£14,000 £14,000 £14,000 £14,000 £18,030
£250 £241 £380 £300
£398 £1,032 £1,300 £1,300 £800
£6 £0 £0 £0
Parish Plan
£2,997 £0 £0 £0
TOTAL RECEIPTS £14,404 £18,279 £15,541 £15,680 £19,130
Balance from Reserves
£7,577 £9,829  
TOTAL   £14,404   £25,856 £15,541 £25,509 £19,130
Staff costs
£3,002 £3,600 £2,574 £3,456 £4,500
Audit & Insurance
£721 £900 £580 £900 £1,200
Meeting costs
£115 £180 £101 £140 £180
£0 £1,200 £289 £900 £200
£0 £100 £0 £100 £100
£598 £1,200 £151 £800 £1,200
Mowing & Clearance
£2,431 £2,200 £2,557 £2,557 £3,150
Villages Hall Grants & Donations
£341 £1,659 £1,731 £1,731 £1,000
Throckmorton Parish Room Grants & Donations
£785 £5,873 £539 £5,873 £500
Play Areas
  £0 £0 £4,000 £200
Other Grants & Donations (inc. VH 2004/5)
£1,863 £1,200 £845 £1,200 £900
Rate Relief
Subscriptions & Training
£385 £500 £205 £300 £500
Admin & Stationary
£453 £500 £127 £400 £500
£20 £700 £363 £363 £500
Election costs
£0 £0 £0 £0 £0
Public Transport
£0 £200 £0 £0 £0
Parish Plan
£166 £5,844 £59 £2,789 £0
TOTAL EXPEDITURE £10,880 £25,856 £10,121 £25,509 £15,130
Transfer to Reserves
TOTAL   £10,880   £25,856 £10,121 £25,509 £19,130
RESERVES           £13,373 £17,373


End of Year Prediction

Total estimated receipts 2005/2006       £15,680
Total estimated payments 2005/2006 £25,509
SURPLUS/DEFECIT FOR THE YEAR (to/from reserves)     -£9,829
Current account at 30/11/2005       £8,770
Deposit account at 30/11/2005 £19,334
VAT refund (estimate) £518
Cash position at 30/11/2005 £28,622
Add estimated receipts to 31/3/2006 (inc deposit account interest) £139
Less estimated payments to 31/3/2006 £15,388
ESTIMATED TOTAL FUNDS AT 31/3/2006 £13,373


Notes from the Open Session

The issue of the play area was discussed. Planning permission has been granted and the four clauses had been addressed. There was a further meeting on Wednesday 11th January with the planners. Cllr Lammas questioned safety regulations and it was advised that the suppliers would certify the installation with a project manager on site, during installation. With regard to funding, the grant making bodies must know that the money is being paid to the Parish Council. The Treasurer Roger Wood has advised this verbally, we understand. Not all the grant money has been received yet. The Clerk advised that the Parish Council couldn’t spend money it doesn’t have. It will be necessary to find out what kind of guarantees are in place. The contract with Sutcliffes is no deposit and payment 30 days net.

The shortfall needs to be considered correctly – the Parish Council need to weigh up the certainty of paying out £3500 against the possibility of £5000. The Sutcliffe quote was not available and therefore scrutiny of the quote should be delegated to a sub-committee. The group would consist of Cllrs Lammas, Gilligan, the Clerk and Mr Baldwin and would meet later in the week. The committee would then report back to the Parish Council at the next meeting.