Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 13th March 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Ms T.Gilligan (Chairman), Mr E.Chadwick, Mr C.Tucker (7.47‑8.04pm), Mr D.Cheetham, Mrs B.Lammas, Mr M.Argyle (7.34-8.14pm), Mr E.Beever (from 7.49pm), Mr E.D.Carter (Acting Clerk)

The meeting opened at 7.32pm

06.04.01 Apologies for absence
There were no apologies for absence.

06.04.02 Declarations of interest
Cllr Cheetham declared a prejudicial interest in item planning application W/06/00222/PN.
Cllr Chadwick declared a prejudicial interest in item planning application W/06/00353/PN.

06.04.03 Appointment of clerk
Cllr Gilligan reported that no appointment had been made at the recent interviews. Cllr Carter agreed to operate as an unsalaried “Acting Clerk” whilst remaining as a councillor. This was proposed by Cllr Gilligan, seconded by Cllr Lammas and unanimously agreed.

06.04.04 Resignation of Chairman
Cllr Carter read out a letter of resignation as Chairman which was accepted.

06.04.05 Election of Chairman and Vice-chairman
Cllr Carter proposed Cllr Gilligan as Chairman. This was seconded by Cllr Cheetham and unanimously agreed.
Cllr Gilligan signed the acceptance of office.
Cllr Carter proposed Cllr Argyle as Vice-chairman which was seconded by Cllr Gilligan and unanimously agreed.

06.04.06 To approve the minutes of the meeting 20th February 2006
These were approved and signed.

06.04.07 Finance
A letter instructing the bank to give access to Cllr Carter as acting clerk to receive accounts and transfer monies between current and deposit accounts was signed by the three account signatories, Cllrs Argyle, Lammas and Chadwick. Approval of cash reconciliation
This was approved although noted that the last entry of interest paid to the deposit account had not been included as a bank statement had not been received in time for the meeting. The following invoices were approved for payment

An invoice has been received from NPower for the Throckmorton Parish Room electricity supply but, as this and the previous readings were estimates, Cllr Tucker was asked to provide an accurate reading before payment was made. CT

Cllr Beever joined the meeting

As Cllrs Tucker and Argyle had other engagements and needed to leave the meeting shortly item 06.04.17 was considered next.

Cllr Tucker left the meeting Report from the Internal Audit
The clerk read out the report received from the Internal Auditor. It was noted that there was an outstanding VAT reclaim and the clerk would deal. EDC Revised financial controls
The clerk proposed that the Financial Regulations be amended to include a requirement that cheque signatories also initial the invoice for which the cheque was being drawn. He also requested that a formal check of the accounting records was made by two of the three cheque signatories roughly every 3 months and there comments minuted at a council meeting. Approval of Limebridge Mowing Contract
Issues remained over the areas to be cut in respect of the Bishampton verges. The Clerk would clarify the matter with Limebridge and Cllrs Carter and Gilligan would make a decision on any minor revisions to the quote. TG, EDC

Cllr Argyle left the meeting

06.04.08 Planning The following planning applications were considered

Cllr Cheetham left the room

Cllr Cheetham rejoined to the meeting
Cllr Chadwick left the room

Cllr Chadwick rejoined the meeting The following reports on planning decisions were received The following late planning application was considered

06.04.09 Arrangements for the Annual Parish Meetings
The Bishampton Annual Parish Meeting will be held at 8.00pm on Monday 15th May in the Villages Hall and the Throckmorton Annual Parish Meeting at 8.00pm on Tuesday 16th May in the chapelry if permitted.
There would be no special arrangements for the meeting but the clerk would request contributions from the usual groups. EDC

06.04.10 Approval of revised hire terms for the Villages Hall
These were approved and the clerk will sign acceptance. EDC

06.04.11 Completion of the “Open Space & Needs Assessment”
This was discussed and it was agreed that the clerk should complete the audit forms also pointing out that the area indicated around the Villages Hall, Bishampton was incorrectly shown. EDC

06.04.12 Resignation of the Bishampton/Throckmorton Parish Path Warden
The resignation of Mr Peter Averis was noted. The clerk would draft a letter of thanks and ask for any volunteers for the position by placing notices on the notice boards and in the parish newsletter. Cllr Chadwick would also discuss and seek any volunteer from the ROWAG EC, EDC

06.04.13 Response to police re-structuring proposals
The council agreed to support the West Mercia force in their desire to remain independent and the clerk would write to Peter Luff MP and Mr David Brierley, Director to the Authority. EDC

06.04.14 Progress on the Parish Plan
It was agreed that this needs a final push by all councillors to ensure completion. In order to be incorporated in Wychavon District Council’s future Local Development Scheme the plan needs to be submitted after March but must incorporate a sustainability appraisal. A working session would be required to achieve this.
It seems that printing costs will be under £1000 based on a quote of £650 per 500 books from Evesham Printers for the plan in its current format. The clerk will check on monies owed to Mr Eric Charlwood for his services in compiling the data analysis. EDC
Cllr Gilligan will contact Ms Kay Wilson in respect of needs for any further monies and any suggestions to enlist professional assistance to enable completion. Any future bids for money need to be made before the end of March. TG

06.04.15 Councillor responsibilities
This was deferred until the AGM when it was hoped more councillors would be present.

06.04.16 Dog Fouling
In response to increased complaints a notice was approved for use on notice boards and in the parish newsletter. This should also include information about whom to contact at Wychavon District Council in respect of this problems. EDC

06.04.17 Councillors Reports Throckmorton Parish Room
Cllr Tucker reported that the Scout Association had now been given absolute title to the land on which the Parish Room stands by Land Registry. He anticipated that the sale would now be completed within a three or four weeks.
He also reported that pipes had frozen in the recent cold spell but that there seemed little point in repairing the problem as the building would be demolished within a few weeks. Apple Tree in Villages Hall Amenity Area
Cllr Argyle reported that a discussion with Mr John Edgely had suggested that the base may be rotten which would necessitate removal of the tree. Cllr Argyle said there was no immediate danger and he would investigate the matter further to establish the extent of the problem. In the meantime the tree was suffering from an infestation of ivy and Cllr Argyle would cut this away to prevent further growth. MA Report from County Councillor Mrs E.Tucker
The clerk read a report received by email from Cllr E.Tucker in which she reported that Worcestershire County Council had approved to centralise all Highways Partnership Units and that in the approved budget they had cut £1.4M pounds from the Road Maintenance budget.
She reminded the council that the next Hill & Moor Landfill Liaison Meeting was on Wed 22nd March at 7.00pm. Cllr Argyle reported that he would not be able to attend and the clerk was asked to contact the parish representative Mr S.Wibberley to advise him of the time and date. EDC

06.04.18 Date of Next Meeting
This was set for April 3rd 2006 at 7.30pm in the Villages Hall, Bishampton

As there was no further business, the meeting closed at 9.23pm.


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Chairman Date
Acting Clerk Eric Carter