Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday 16th May 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Ms T.Gilligan (Chairman), Mr D.Cheetham, Mrs B.Lammas, Mr M.Argyle, Mr E.D.Carter (Acting Clerk)

The meeting opened at 7.37 pm

06.06.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Beever and Cllr Chadwick who were detained at work.

06.06.02 Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Cllr Cheetham was proposed as chairman by Cllr Lammas, seconded by Cllr Gilligan and unanimously elected.
Cllr Lammas was proposed as Vice-Chairman by Cllr Carter, seconded by Cllr Argyle and unanimously elected.

Cllr Cheetham accepted office and took the chair.

06.06.03 Declarations of interest
Cllr Carter declared an interest in agenda item

06.06.04 To approve the minutes of the meeting 3rd April 2006
These were approved and signed.

06.06.05 To consider insurance policy options for the coming year
The clerk presented two insurance policy quotations from Allianz Cornhill and Zurich. The quotation from Allianz Cornhill of £890 was accepted subject to the inclusion of the village seat, notice boards and dog bins. An amendment in the value of the village seat to a value of £1200 was requested.
The clerk also reported that a reduction of 5% could be obtained by undertaking to remain with Allianz Cornhill for a 3 year period. It was agreed to take up this offer.
As the above decisions will affect the premium for payment and the due date is 1st June 2006, the clerk will obtain a cheque signature for the final amount outside the meeting subject to a maximum value of £900. ACTION EDC

06.06.06 Finance To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for the end of April 2006
The clerk presented a cash reconciliation from bank statements dated 19th April 2006 which indicated that there was £35,015.16 in the current account with £36.23 of cheques not yet presented. The deposit account held £19,509.87. The total book value was £54,525.23.
The clerk had also established that the half yearly precept of £9,015 had been received together with a payment of £2,004 for Parish Plan work. The clerk also reported that the £10,000 transfer from the deposit account to the current account had taken place on 2nd May giving a total in the current account as of today of £54,034.16. To approve payment for the amenity area work (£38,533+vat)
It was noted that Mr David Baldwin still had concerns over the levelling and reseeding of the ground and had suggested that the Parish Council settle its part of the invoice whilst the Villages Hall would retain a sum from their invoice pending a resolution of the issues. Approval was given to make the payment of £45,276.29. To approve other outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment To note an additional payment of £36.23 made under Standing Order 54(b) to the Allianz Cornhill to provide insurance cover for the new play equipment.
This was noted To approve the acting clerks expenses for April 2006
Expenses of £67.41 were approved To approve grants bid for in the 2006/7 budget
The following grants were approved To appoint a fourth councillor as an authorised cheque signatory
Cllr Cheetham was unanimously appointed as the fourth authorised signatory for cheques.

The council meeting broke whilst cheques were prepared and signed

06.06.07 Planning To note the response by the council to planning applications
W/06/00503 - Variation of condition number three of planning permission ref W/99/00210 to enable the continuation of the use of an existing building and associated lorry and car parking.
W/06/00504 - Variation of condition number three of planning permission ref W/01/01699/PN to enable the continuation of the use of grain storage bins.
The council has responded to these applications by asking for assurance that To make comment on planning application W/06/06/00740 - Part first floor and part two storey extension to existing building Willow Bank House, Long Lane, Tilesford, WR10 2LA
Councillors had concern over the visual impact of the development on neighbouring properties. Planning councillors would pay a site visit and make comments to the clerk. ACTION EC, BL, MA To receive reports on planning decisions
It was noted that the planning decision on Lynley, Broad Lane, Bishampton had been upheld by the planning inspector and that development was refused. To consider comment on any late planning applications
The following planning application had been received since posting the agenda
06/00785 Conservatory at 17 Babylon Lane, Bishampton, WR10 2NN
The council recorded that they had no comment to make. ACTION EDC

Cllr Carter left the room and Cllr Lammas minuted the Council’s decision on item To consider any response to the breach of planning conditions taking place in respect of application W/04/00426/CU use of lake adjoining Vale Golf Club for coarse fishing.
The council instructed the clerk to write to Wychavon District Council Planning Enforcement drawing their attention to the breach of planning conditions which appeared to be taking place. ACTION EDC

Cllr Carter returned to the room and resumed the position of acting clerk

06.06.08 To confirm the councils fixed assets.
The clerk presented a copy of what appeared to be the councils assets including the new play equipment but excluding installation costs. These amounted to £2,7266 and were approved.

06.06.09 To adopt the revised risk analysis and consider actions arising
It was noted that the situation regarding the apple tree (minute was outstanding. Cllr Argyle had inspected the base and agreed it should be removed and he would endeavour to undertake this soon. The council set a deadline for removal of three months. ACTION MA Weekly play area inspections
As this is a requirement of the insurance policy the clerk would contact Allianz Cornhill to establish the sort of inspection they were requesting. A checklist would then be drawn up and the duty rotated around Bishampton councillors and the Villages Hall Management Committee if they agree. A list for signature and comment each week is currently located in the Villages Hall notice board and inspections have been carried out so far by the clerk. ACTION EDC Conservation/ROWAG volunteer approved list
Cllr Chadwick is currently dealing with bringing this list up to date and ensuring that all volunteers have signed to say they have received and understood the relevant safety instructions for their work. ACTION EC Risk Assessment of volunteer activities
The clerk would discuss with Cllr Chadwick and review the assessment. ACTION EDC, EC Risk Assessment of the Conservation Area
Cllr Argyle would review this when he attends the area shortly to remove some dead trees. ACTION MA

06.06.10 To approve and sign the councils Annual Return
The clerk read out the details of the return and the comments in respect of variances and non-compliance on a statement of assurance were agreed. The Annual Return for 2005/6 was signed.

06.06.11 To nominate trustees for the Bishampton Relief in Need Charity
The clerk read a report from Mr E.Jones of Stanton Fields, Bishampton concerning the Bishampton Relief in Need Charity which indicated that both he and Mrs E.Lane of College Row, Throckmorton were prepared to act a trustees for a further period of four years. Their nomination was unanimously approved and the clerk will notify them. ACTION EDC

06.06.12 To consider the recent inspection report on the play areas and decide on appropriate action.
The clerk presented the recent safety reports on the play areas.
All outstanding items on the new teen area had now been dealt with. The junior play area had a number of serious problems and the reports recommendation was for removal. The council agreed that it had ownership of the items of equipment and would arrange for removal as soon as possible. As soon as possible Cllrs Cheetham and Argyle would fence off the area with safety fencing. The clerk would obtain a quote from Limebridge for total removal of equipment and ground works and Cllr Cheetham would ask for a quotation from a local contractor. The clerk was empowered to spend up to £500 to ensure a prompt removal of the equipment in the interests of safety. ACTION EDC, DC, MA

A council advisory committee would be formed comprising of Cllrs Argyle and Carter together with Mr D.Baldwin, Chairman of the Villages Hall Management Committee and possibly one other member of that committee. The sub-committee would cost and research the available options in discussion with the local playgroup and report to the main meeting of the council the minutes of their meetings. The clerk would be present at meetings of the sub-committee and meeting would be public and advertised in accordance with local government requirements. It was considered probable that the council would make a planning application in respect of new equipment on the site. Cllr Lammas would also approach a some mothers of young children in the village to see if they would be prepared to work on the committee. The clerk would contact Mr.D,Baldwin and Mrs A.Bufton (Chairman, Bishampton Tiddlers). ACTION EDC, BL

06.06.13 To formally approve the Parish Plan
The parish plan was adopted by the council and passed for printing. In order to be adopted by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) (Wychavon DC) as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) a Sustainability Appraisal would be required. Since Wychavon DC did not yet have a framework on which to base this it was considered appropriate to print the plan and consider this at a later stage. ACTION EDC

06.06.14 To consider any gratuities in respect of the Parish Plan work carried out by parishioners
In view of the vast contribution (running into several solid days of work) made by one parishioner, not a councillor, in terms of unpaid effort towards completing the parish plan it was unanimously agreed that a small gift up to £20 should be made. ACTION EDC

06.06.15 To consider responsibilities and actions during acting clerks absence 23rd May to 19th June
Planning applications during this period would be monitored by Cllrs Argyle and Lammas. ACTION BL, MA

06.06.16 To consider actions in respect of appointing a permanent clerk.
The clerk would place an advert in the Newsletter, on the notice boards and with CALC. During the clerk’s absence enquires would be directed to the chairman and the clerk would deal with requests for application forms and job deals after 19th June. A tentative date for closure was set as 10th July 2006. ACTION EDC

06.06.17 To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas.
Cllr Lammas also reported a very large pothole in Babylon Lane, Bishampton and the clerk agreed to contact highways on the matter. ACTION EDC

Cllr Lammas reported that in the recent heavy rain there had been flooding of the road between the Dolphin and shop in Bishampton. Cllr Argyle, who had previously inspected the drain said that it was only a four inch pipe and it was unlikely that it would cope in extreme conditions. He would enquire as to the possibility of it being jetted to remove silt build up. ACTION MA

Cllr Gilligan requested that the issue of speeding vehicles in Bishampton raised at the Parish Annual Meeting be placed on the agenda. The clerk reported that a call had been mad to local beat officer and that highways would be informed of the bollards missing at the end of the village. ACTION EDC

Cllr Cheetham asked if any action had been taken over the direction signs to the Vale Golf Club and the clerk reported in a recent phone call to highways they stated that they should have been dealt with in April but the contractor was rather behind with the work and they should be installed very shortly.

06.06.18 To consider any further items of correspondence.
The clerk reported correspondence from Mr P.Luff MP and Wychavon District Council on the matter of the proposed merger of the west Mercia police force. Cllr Cheetham agreed to review the correspondence to see if there were any further actions which the council could take in representing their interest in the matter. ACTION DC

The clerk presented a copy of a letter sent to Editor of TWM and Communications Advisor at Wychavon District Council from Mr A.M.Pearce of Bishampton expressing frustration over not receiving TWM or other Wychavon publications or publications from the Primary Care Trust or the County Council now that the Evesham Journal was no longer distributed in the village. The council agreed to put the matter of the Evesham Journal distribution on the next agenda. ACTION EDC

06.06.19 To affirm the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
This was agreed as Monday 26th June


Chairman Date

Acting Clerk Eric Carter