Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 26th June 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D.Cheetham (Chairman), Ms T.Gilligan (until 9.33pm), Mrs B.Lammas, Mr M.Argyle, Mr E.Beever (from 8.15 pm), Mr E.D.Carter (Acting Clerk)

One member of the public was present from 7.56pm: Ms C.Morris

The meeting opened at 7.41pm

06.07.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllr Tucker who had a previous meeting, Cllr Chadwick who was working in London and Cllr Hall who had work commitments.
The chairman agreed to speak to Cllr Hall about her attendance record. ACTION DC

06.07.02 Declarations of interest
Cllr Carter declared a prejudicial interest in item

06.07.03 To approve the minutes of the meeting 16th May 2006.
The minutes were approved and signed.

06.07.04 Finance To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for 24th May 2006.
The cash reconciliation indicated that as of 24th May 2006 the council held £9,539 in the deposit account and £8,288 in the current account after allowing for outstanding cheques of £1,575 yet to be presented. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following payments were approved for payment To note the payment of the annual insurance premium to Allianz Cornhill of £858.08 as agreed in minute 06.06.05.
This was noted. To approve the acting Clerk’s expenses for May 2006.
Clerk’s expense of £97.20 were approved. The clerk drew the council’s attention to the fact that expenses were more than budget and he suspected that the past clerk had not made an accurate record of the expenses incurred; particularly mileage. To receive the External Auditors report for 2004/5.
This was read out by the clerk and accepted for publication. ACTION EDC To receive the Internal Auditors report for 2005/6.
This was read out by the clerk and accepted apart form the fact that the Internal Auditor had declared there was no asset register. The clerk would query this point with the auditor. ACTION EDC To note correspondence from the External Auditor and to consider an amendment to the annual return for 2005/6.
A letter from the External Auditor advised the council to reconsider its response to box 4 of section 2 of its Annual Return for 2006. After consideration the council agreed to amend its response from “no” to “yes”. ACTION EDC

The auditor also asked that the council adjust its assets or payments to ensure conformity. The clerk explained that there was a discrepancy because the council acquired equipment for the new play area before the end of the financial year but had not paid for the equipment and installation until June 2006. The clerk had briefly spoken to Clement Keys on the matter and would write to clarify the position. If the auditors feel that the council did not justifiably own the equipment until it had been paid then the clerk will modify the Annual Return 2006 to remove those items from the asset register. ACTION EDC To note the request for further information in respect of the recent VAT claim.
The clerk reported a letter form HM Revenue & Customs regarding the recent VAT claim and stated that the information requested had no been provided. To agree the final settlement arrangements of funds from the Villages Hall for the play area.
The Villages Hall Trust has advised the council that the balance of funding for the new play area from the remaining contributors has now been received. The council agreed that following payment of the play area invoice of £38,533 and having agreed to make a further contribution of £4000 as per minute the amount to be contributed from the Village’s Hall Trust was £34,533 which included £1,500 donated by the council to the project in 2004. Of this £28,000 was received in the last financial year leaving a balance due from the Villages Hall Trust of £6,533. This figure was agreed and the clerk would advise the Villages Hall Trust. ACTION EDC

The break for cheque signing was deferred to the end of the meeting as Cllr. Gilligan had to leave by 9.30pm

Cllr Beever joined the meeting at 8.15pm

06.07.05 Planning To note the response by the council to planning applications
W/06/00953/LB & W/06/00952/PP – Replace flat roof dormers with pitched roof Hayes, Main Street Bishampton, WR10 2NH.
This item had been deferred to clerk with comments from Cllrs Llamas and Chadwick as follows. “The Parish Council has no objections to the above application and generally believes it would improve the visual aspect of the building” To make comment on planning application W/06/00925/PP – Erection of a two storey front extension, minor alterations at rear and internally Glebe Cottage, Church End, Bishampton, WR10 2LT.
The council made the following comment to the Wychavon District Council Planning Department. “The council has serious objections to the development because of its size and impact on the street scene in the village. It considers that the scale of the building is disproportionate to that of other buildings in the vicinity and, since these are relatively few, the visual impact would be overpowering. As such the council feels that the development fails to meet criteria SP policy CTC1 of the Worcestershire County Structure Plan 1996-2011 (2001 (SP) and policy GD2 of Wychavon District Local Plan Review Revised Deposit (July 2003).” To receive reports on planning decisions To consider comment on any late planning applications
There were no late planning applications.

Cllr Carter left the room To receive a response from Wychavon D.C. to the breach of planning conditions taking place in respect of application W/04/00426/CU use of lake adjoining Vale Golf Club for coarse fishing.
The council noted the response from Wychavon District Council to the Chairman’s letter and wished to be kept informed of all future development. It was suggested that all residents in the area be advised to write or phone their objections in order to keep the issues in focus. ACTION DC

Cllr Carter returned to the meeting To review the council’s procedures for dealing with planning applications.
The clerk reminded the council of the procedure which they had agreed to adopt when dealing with planning applications outside of council meetings. These are that the council, as a statutory consultee, delegates all decisions arising under Development Control consultations to the Clerk in consultation with one or more named councillors determined by the council. The current position was that the named councillors were Cllrs Argyle, Chadwick and Lammas. The council wished to discuss how this had operated in connection with the recent application concerning Willow Bank Nursing Home and issues raised by local residents. Because of the confidential nature of some of the comments the council went into closed session.

Members of the public left the meeting.

A confidential discussion took place concerning this application and the impact on vulnerable residents.
The council agreed that where a Development Control application was delegated to clerk and involved Throckmorton or Tilesford, Cllrs Gilligan and Beever would also make comment.

Members of the public were re-admitted to the meeting

06.07.06 To approve an application for footpath work during the forthcoming year.
The following footpath work was approved for this year as a basis for the footpath grant application :-

1. Hardcore on muddy section at bottom of Jubilee Walk. Footpath 559. Grid reference 251200. Estimated cost £150.

2. Hardcore at muddy section of Footpath 546, plus installation of some sort of steps to ease access on what becomes a slippery and dangerous surface in winter months. Grid reference 251400. Estimated cost £250.

3. Replacement of two-plank ditch crossing with three-plank one on Footpath 517, grid reference 251550. Estimated cost £115.

4. Replacement of two stiles with two 3ft gates for improved access (materials already ordered, awaiting date for installation). Footpath junctions of 551 and 541. Grid reference 251400. Estimated cost £190.

5. Refixing of finger post on Footpath 565, junction with road. Grid reference 249250. Estimated cost £30.

6. Undergrowth clearance twice a year on Bridleway 605, 606, 607, 608. 1000 metres. Estimated cost £400.

7. Undergrowth clearance twice a year on Bridleway 559, 560, 561 and 562. 300 metres. Estimated cost £120.

8. Undergrowth clearance twice a year on Footpath 507. 40 metres. Estimated cost £12.

TOTAL £1267

The clerk would make the return on last years work, which was under spent by £147, and make a bid for the coming years work of £1210. ACTION EDC

06.07.07 To consider further actions in respect of the junior play area at Bishampton Villages Hall.
In view of the significant cost of removing the existing equipment and some views that the equipment may be serviceable for a couple of years further use the chairman and clerk had obtained estimates from P.D.Hughes and R.J.Langston to repair the are. Unfortunately they had only been received a few hours previously and were not easy to compare or identify essential as opposed to non-essential work. Furthermore, it was not clear whether a further inspection would be required by the insurance company. The clerk was asked to consult with the insurance company and draw up a more direct comparison of works. ACTION EDC

Cllr Gilligan left the meeting at 9.33pm due to pressing work commitments

06.07.08 To consider any progress in respect of appointing a permanent clerk.
One lady had expressed and interest and was considering an application. The clerk would continue to advertise the post locally, place an advert with CALC and ask one of the previous applicants if they wished to re-apply. A closing date would be set for 1st August. ACTION EDC

06.07.09 To consider actions in respect of the fallen apple tree in the VH grounds.
The clerk would ask if the contractor who removed the tree if he wished to submit an invoice for the work carried out in removing the tree. ACTION EDC

06.07.10 To consider any actions in respect of damage to the Silver Jubilee commemorative signs.
This item was deferred due to pressure of time and the fact that any work could not be carried out until the autumn anyway.

06.07.11 To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas.
It was agreed that an item be included at the next meeting to discuss how the council might support vulnerable residents in parishes. ACTION EDC

06.07.12 To consider any further items of correspondence.
The clerk reported letters of thanks for grants from the Rev A.Bennett for the Benefice Newsletter and St.James burial ground, From Mrs J.Baldwin for the Gardening Club in support of the village planters and from the Mrs S.Marchant for the Silver Circle.

A discussion paper from the ODPM had been received on Procedures for making, confirming and enforcing bylaws. The clerk was asked to read and make any comment at the next meeting. ACTION EDC

A draft Worcestershire Children and Young Peoples Plan had been received and Cllr Beever agreed to read and report to the next meeting. ACTION EB

The clerk reported that Wychavon District Council had adopted the Statement of Community Involvement on 25th May 2006.

Members allowances rates effective from 1st April 2006 had been received from Wychavon District Council as agreed with the NJC. These will only apply to councillors if the council adopts and publishes its allowance rates.

Further draft reports of Worcestershire’s Waste Core Strategy Preferred Option and Consultation on Sustainability Appraisal have been received for comment by 14th July and the clerk will circulate. ACTION EDC

06.07.13 To affirm the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Monday 7th August at 7.30pm at the Villages Hall, Bishampton.

Cheques for invoices agreed earlier in the meeting were written and signed

The meeting closed at 2202

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Chairman Date
Acting Clerk Eric Carter