Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 7th August 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D.Cheetham (Chairman), Mrs B.Lammas, Mr M.Argyle, Mr E.D.Carter (Acting Clerk)

The Council went into open session prior to the meeting and details are attached. (click here)

The meeting opened at 7.58pm

06.08.01 Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllrs Tucker and Chadwick who were on Holiday and Cllrs Gilligan and Beever who were working away from the area.

06.08.02 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest.

06.08.03 To approve the minutes of the meeting 26th June 2006.
The minutes were approved and signed.

06.08.04 To note the resignation of Cllr Hall
This was noted and the clerk is dealing with the Electoral Roll Officer. A notice of co-option will be issued if an election is not called. The chairman will write to Mrs Hall thanking her for her service. ACTION EDC, DC

06.08.05 Finance To note receipts to the Parish Council
The following receipts were noted

The clerk had transferred £10,000 from current to deposit account on receipt of these large cheques. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for 24th July 2006.
The cash reconciliation indicated that the council holds £11,919 in the deposit account and £19,555 in the current account. Since the reconciliation a further £678 had been received from Worcestershire County Council, probably the footpath grant, and a further interest of £17.59 had been added to the deposit account in July bring the total cash assets of the Parish Council to £32,171.
The clerk was instructed to transfer a further £5,000 from current to deposit account. ACTION EDC To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following payments were approved for payment To approve the acting Clerk’s expenses for June & July 2006 of £66.59
These were approved To make adjustments to Clerk’s mileage rate to allow for Inland Revenue expense limits and receive a refund from the Clerk of £32.30
The clerk explained that although his mileage claims had been as agreed by National Joint Council for Local Government Services a visit to the Inland Revenue Offices indicated that these would attract tax as they were over and above the 40p/mile allowed for mileage claims. In order to reduce his liability the clerk would adjust the previous mileage claims to 40p/mile and make a refund to the council of £32.30. This would be made by only claiming £31.29 of the expenses agreed in Expenses for June, July and all future claims would be based on 40p/mile although it would be up to a future clerk as to how they dealt with this tax issue. To consider and approve any outstanding grant awards for 2006/7
The clerk advised the council that, although a grant of £1000 for the Villages Hall had been set in the budget, this had not yet been paid. It was agreed to make this grant. ACTION EDC To receive the amended Internal Auditors report for 2005/6
The amendment was noted as now including an Asset Register To receive the External Auditors report for 2005/6.
This was accepted To arrange an internal audit of accounts
Cllrs Cheetham and Lammas will inspect the accounts in the next month. ACTION EDC, DC, BL

The break for cheque signing was deferred to the end of the meeting

06.08.06 Planning To note the response by the council to planning applications

W/06/01095/CU - Temporary stationing of mobile home for accommodation of Fishery Manager, ancillary store and WCs plus removal of condition 8 consent W/04/00426 (i.e. no time restrictions upon use of fishing lake) to allow night time fishing. Vale Golf & Country Club, Hill Furze Road, Bishampton.

The following had been sent to planning

Parish council objections to this application are based around the following;

1 Re accommodation and store;

2 Night fishing; To make comment on planning application

W/06/01277/PN Addition of a one bedroom single storey annex, Hayes Farm, Hill Furze Road, Bishampton.
The council had no comments in respect of this application. To receive reports on planning decisions.

W/06/00925/PP – Erection of a two storey front extension, minor alterations at rear and internally Glebe Cottage, Church End, Bishampton, WR10 2LT
This was noted as approved subject to planting conditions to limit the visual impact.

W/06/00952/LB – Replace flat roof dormers with pitched roof Hayes, Main Street Bishampton, WR10 2NH.
W/06/00953/LB – Replace flat roof dormers with pitched roof Hayes, Main Street Bishampton, WR10 2NH.

It was noted that this had been approved.

06.08.07 To note any response to the application for footpath work during the forthcoming year
The clerk had received no direct response apart from a cheque from Worcestershire County Council for £678 which is presumably the footpath grant.

06.08.08 To consider approval of funding for training a further operator of the council’s brush cutter.
The council approved £135 for Cllr Chadwick to undergo brush cutter training at Pershore College in September. Cllr Chadwick to ensure he obtains a VAT receipt made out to the council. ACTION EC

06.08.09 To consider arranging regular clearance of the footpath between Throckmorton Chapelry and the new Parish Rooms.
The council agreed that this should be considered when setting next years schedule for footpath cuts. ACTION EDC

06.08.10 To consider the adoption of a policy for Councillors Allowances.
The council agreed to accept a policy of allowances for councillor’s mileage claims as defined by the Independent Remuneration Panel. It did not accept payment of a Members Basic Allowance or any subsistence allowance. The Clerk will post the appropriate notice. ACTION EDC

06.08.11 To receive a report from the Junior Play Area Committee.
The report was accepted including the terms of reference for the advisory committee and is attached to these minutes (click here). However, more accurate measurements seemed to indicate that the proposed equipment could not fit into the area designated and hence the committee need to resubmit the equipment proposal with accurate drawings of where the items will be placed. ACTION MA, BL, EDC

06.08.12 To consider further actions in respect of the junior play area at Bishampton Villages Hall.
The council now considered the best approach would be to remove all the old equipment and clear the area. One quote was obtained and the other contractor had not yet submitted a quote. The council agreed to accept the submitted quote but if the clerk received a lower quote from the local contractor within the next week this should be accepted. ACTION EDC

06.08.13 To consider any response to Wychavon District Council’s Rural Affordable Housing Guidance Policy
The Guidance Policy was noted but the council felt there was nothing significant to comment on at this stage.

06.08.14 To consider any response to Wychavon District Council’s Statement of Principles on the Gambling Act 2005
The council noted this Statement of Principles but had no comment to make.

06.08.15 To receive a report and make comment on Local Authority Bylaws in England: A Discussion Paper
Cllr Carter read out some of the issues contained in the paper but felt most were more appropriate to Wychavon District Council. The issues surrounding new Dog Control Orders from April 2006 were noted.

06.08.16 To note the council’s response to Worcestershire’s Waste Core Strategy Preferred Option and Consultation on Sustainability Appraisal
Councillors had considered this strategy but had found nothing of significance to comment upon at a local level.

06.08.17 To adopt a policy limiting the archive storage of council printed documents and to consider how best to store archive documents
The clerk raised the issue of the amount of archive storage being held by the Parish Council – in excess of two 4 drawer filing cabinets. The council agreed that planning papers and large proportion of correspondence could be destroyed after 12 months as archives copies are held in Pershore or Worcester. Accounts should be kept for seven years. Minutes should be kept for as long as practicable as they had historical value. The clerk would approach the Villages Hall to see if any storage was available in the building. ACTION EDC

06.08.18 To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas.
There were no reports but it was noted that the issue of the Bishampton Stores should feature on the next agenda. ACTION EDC

06.08.19 To consider any further items of correspondence.
The clerk reported correspondence on the storage of explosives on the airfield, failure to empty litter bins in Bishampton & Throckmorton, Lack of progress on signage for Vale Golf and the Villages Hall and a leaflet and introductory letter from the Airfields of Britain Conservation Trust.

06.08.20 To affirm the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Monday 4th September at 7.30pm at the Villages Hall, Bishampton.

The council went into confidential session

06.08.20 To short list applications for the post of Clerk to the Parish Council and make arrangements for interview(s).
Applicants for the post of clerk were short listed. It was hoped that interviews would be held on or near 22nd August. The interview panel would be Cllr’s Cheetham, Lammas and Beever. ACTION EDC, DC, BL, EB

The council came out of confidential session

Cheques for invoices agreed earlier in the meeting were written and signed

The meeting closed at 9.55pm

………………………………. …………………………………..

Chairman Date

Acting Clerk Eric Carter

Notes on the Open Session preceding the Council Meeting

Bishampton Parishioner and owner of Bishampton Stores Mr S. Osborne asked the Parish Council for views on how to make store more attractive to customers. The shop was clearly considered as a highly significant amenity, as identified in the Parish Plan, but ways need to be explored to improve its potential.

The council agreed to place this for discussion on the next agenda.




Minutes of the meeting of the Bishampton Junior Play Area Advisory Committee held on Wednesday 26th July 2006 in the grounds of the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mrs S.Osborne (Acting-Chairman), Cllr B.Lammas, Cllr M.Argyle, Cllr E.D.Carter (Acting Clerk)

The meeting opened at 7.35pm

06.01.01 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Mr D.Baldwin and Ms P.Gregory

06.01.02 To accept the terms of reference for the committee
The proposed terms of reference are that:-

The committee should consult with parishioners with a view to identifying the specification of equipment to replace the equipment in the Junior Play Area at Bishampton Villages Hall which has reached the end of its useful life. The committee should identify suitable items of equipment from major suppliers and produce an outline costing for the council to consider. On agreement of the equipment and its location with the Parish Council the Parish Council would submit a Planning Application, obtain suitable quotes and work with the committee to establish suitable sources of funding. Any grants obtained would be on behalf of the Parish Council who would subsequently own and maintain the equipment.

06.01.03 To elect a chairman for the committee
The committee felt it would be better to have a chairman who was independent of the Parish Council. As nobody present fitted that requirement and was prepared to stand as permanent chairman it was agreed that Mr.D.Baldwin be approached. For this meeting Mrs S.Osborne agreed to act as chairman. ACTION EDC

06.01.24 To identify the requirements of the Junior Play Area
The target age range for the area would be 2 -6 year olds
Mrs S.Osborne reported that after discussion with the “Tiddlers” group and other parents of youngsters in the village the outline requirements were for

It was also felt by the committee that the addition of a secure duplex acoustic communication system would be attractive to young children (a pipe to talk down).

06.01.25 To examine suitable equipment for the area and consider appropriate suppliers from whom to obtain a tender
Several options were considered in respect of the swings. It is not permitted to mix cradle and flat swings in the same bay so possibilities were either a double bay with four swings or two bays with twin swings or twin swings and single swing. The latter saved little in terms of cost or space and 4 swings in a row is probably difficult to manage in the available space hence two bays with twin swings, one with flat seats and the other with cradle seats, is the current proposal.

Based on the Wicksteed catalogue the current proposals are as follows:-

Item Supplier ref Supplier Cost Area sqM
Swing – Flat seats
Swing Cradle seats
Glow worm
Whirly bird
Slide & Climbing kit
Talking pipe x 2
Talking flowers

Costs are based on the Wicksteed catalogue and do not include the safety surfacing needed; a rough estimate of the cost of safagrass would be £4500. Installation costs are currently unknown but would probably be in the region of £5000 assuming the ground had been levelled and the old equipment removed. Allowing for some contingency and the cost of clearing the area this would suggest that a budget figure £23,000 ought to be considered.

Quotes would need to be sought from more than one suppliers and likely installers of the above or similar equipment would be Wicksteed, Sutcliffes or SMP(playgrounds)

06.01.26 To consider potential outline layout
Following an estimate of the area available the layout attached to these minutes is proposed. In order to achieve this layout all trees within the area would need to be removed.

06.01.27 To consider appropriate sources of funding
Subject to approval of the initial proposals at the next Parish Council Meeting of 7th August and subsequent planning approval, the committee would seek funding from, Wychavon DC, Awards for All, Severn Waste and the Welcome Foundation. It was noted that Tiddlers had offered to contribute and it was hoped that the Villages Hall and the Parish Council might make a contribution.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm


Mr D.Baldwin has agreed to act as chairman

The Wychavon grant discussed has closed for this year but will be available for suitable applicants from March 2007

The exact measurements of the area concerned which is triangular and have been computed by an eminent carterographer are as follows

AB=29m where AB is the road side and B is nearest the VH

BC= 18m and CA=22m

By a little trigonometry that puts the angles of a=38º  b=50º  and c=92º