Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Thursday 16th November 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (chairman) Mr M Argyle, Mr E Chadwick, Mr J Morrison, Mrs T Gilligan, Mr E Beever and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

The meeting opened at 7.35pm.

The chairman and vice chairman of Pinvin Parish Council and County Councillor Liz Tucker attended the meeting, as representatives from neighbouring parishes who had been invited to share their views about the plans for Throckmorton airfield. There was a general discussion about the plans during an open forum session at the start of the meeting until 8.11pm when the Council meeting began.

06.12.01 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Carter, who was away, and Cllr Tucker, who was attending another meeting.

06.12.02 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on November 6th 2006 and note the minutes of the play area committee.
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman and the play area minutes were signed as noted.

06.12.03 To consider the parish council response to the Throckmorton Airfield Draft Supplementary Planning Document and Sustainability Appraisal.
Councillors discussed the issue and instructed the clerk to compile a report from the comments made.

Council’s response attached below.

06.12.04 To hear reports from councillors and note any items for the December meeting agenda.
Cllr Cheetham asked for the maintenance of Bishampton War Memorial to be included on the agenda for December.

The clerk reported some correspondence:

Councillors noted the following road closure announcements from the county council:

The council noted that following the clerk’s application for an E-On grant for Christmas Lights (minute 6.11.26), the council had won one of the top £2,500 grants to buy and fit lights and decorations in the parish. According to the terms of the application, all decorations must be bought and fitted by December 11th, so it was agreed Cllrs Carter and Argyle should work with the clerk to organise spending and fitting within the time limit.

06.12.05 To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as Monday, December 4th, at 7.30pm at the Villages Hall, Bishampton.

The meeting closed at 9pm.

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council Mrs C.Morris

Cheques were signed relating to payments previously agreed for:



Noting Wychavon’s Key Objectives for the development of a business and technology park at Throckmorton Airfield, Bishampton and Throckmorton Parish Council would like to make the following response:

Objective 1 : To provide additional guidance on the appropriate form and types of development on site:

The parish council feels it is vital to preserve the rural character of the area and would be strongly against any development of industry which falls within the B2 business use category but is outside the remit of a ‘business and technology park’. The parish would endorse Wychavon’s policy of ensuring any application for use is strictly ‘consistent with the rural location’ of the site.

The document notes that any building on site should not ‘exceed the height of existing buildings’. However, many buildings - and many neighbouring properties - are on lower ground than the existing hangars, which means new buildings could be very tall when viewed from the western side of the site. The council wants to ensure that the buildings measure the same size, or less, than the hangars, rather than reaching the hangar roof height.

Objective 2 : To provide flexible policies which support the development of new and existing businesses at Throckmorton:

The parish council would like to see a type of Section 106 Agreement in place relating to the use of the site as a whole, to carefully control development by any future purchaser of the land. While QinetiQ gives assurances that any kind of ‘dirty’ industry would spoil its own delicate work and ambitions for the site, there is little reassurance if the company decided to sell in the future - a new owner could take a different view. It is here that the parish feels strong enforceable guidelines should be in place.

The parish is also concerned that businesses could move onto the site to service QinetiQ’s needs but then it would be difficult to prevent a change in character once they are established. There is a concern that their use to QinetiQ could have a shelf life and then a different commercial production could begin.

For instance, a firm is already installed producing glass fibre products, for QinetiQ, but QinetiQ’s needs appear to have diminished, or are just a small part of the firm’s production, and a large hangar is now used for the manufacture of commercial plastic products – ie conservatory parts.

The parish would be keen to see agreement/policies in place to ensure changes in use can be prevented.

Objective 3: Enhance linkage of the site with wider movement networks:

The parish agrees with the current policies which state that no development should take place which involves further traffic on the current road network.

Looking at the proposed routes for a new access road, the council has the following comments to make:

The parish council would also like to see in place a planning clause linking this development with the building of the Wyre Piddle Western Bypass link over the railway line, to Pershore, which members believe would be essential for the local road network if there was to be any sustainable development of the site. This would avoid extra traffic passing homes at Pinvin, extra strain upon Pinvin crossroads and secure the completion of another part of the local road network/motorway corridor.

This plan should also involve the upgrading of the road past Hurst Park Cottages for future sustainability.

Under no circumstances should traffic be allowed to enter the site from the Long Lane entrance and no other entrance should be opened along the airfield boundary. This would prevent other traffic from using the new road and cutting through the area and also prevent any further development of the north-eastern side of the airfield (the poultry and transport firms) which would have a serious impact upon both Throckmorton and Bishampton villages and their rural natures, both in terms of environmental damage and effects upon unsuitable local road networks.

Objective 4: Provide policy control that will safeguard and enhance the quality of the local environment:

Careful landscaping of the site should be carried out to screen the development from neighbouring properties and to limit sound carrying across the open area.

The parish also calls for very careful scrutinising of each application to govern the light pollution, noise pollution and environment pollution of any of the businesses.

And no lights should be installed along the access road, to limit its impact upon the rural area at night.

The parish would also be keen to see controls in place to help preserve the endangered species and wildlife on site and their habitats.

The parish is pleased to have been consulted and while recognising the need for sustainable development in our district, hopes Wychavon councillors will share its views and help to install all the necessary safeguards to ensure the rural nature of our parish is preserved as far as possible.



Minutes of the meeting of the Bishampton Junior Play Area Advisory Committee held on Friday November 3rd 2006 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton.

Members and Officers present: Mr D Baldwin, Mrs S Osborne, Cllr B Lammas, Cllr M Argyle, Mrs C Morris (Clerk)

The meeting opened at 7.30pm

06.02.01 Apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Mrs P Gregory

06.02.02 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting on July 26th 2006.
The minutes were approved.

06.02.03 To elect a chairman for the committee
Mr D Baldwin was unanimously elected as chairman.

06.02.04 To redefine the site boundary.
The committee heard how the neighbouring landowner had pointed out that the southern boundary of the site was in fact not the outer stock fence but the line of the inner trees which would make the site smaller than anticipated. A new site plan was presented and the committee agreed to look again at site design/requirements (see items 5&6). The committee also agreed that the trees, arching over the site, should be trimmed back to give maximum space, with a view to creating a neater hedgerow.

06.02.05 To consider tenders for site clearance.
The committee heard that two tenders had been received for the clearance and preparation of the site, however, they related to the originally drawn boundary and the removal of trees. It was agreed to tender again to the firm with the lower quote and a local contractor for the removal of the play equipment, the clearance of the site and the trimming of the trees. Action clerk/chairman

06.02.06 To reconsider equipment size and layout.
Members redesigned the layout in rough form and it seems possible to still include all items first requested: Cradle swings, flat swings, a see-saw, a slide/climbing frame and a roundabout, as well as talking pipes. It was agreed that the chairman would draw out a plan and Mrs Osborne would contact and meet Wicksteed contractors on site, with the clerk, and obtain advice and an initial quotation based on the ideal specifications. The specifications could then be passed to other firms for comparison quotes. Action Chairman/Mrs Osborne/Clerk

06.02.07 To consider preparing tenders for equipment supply.
To be developed as above.

06.02.08 To hear an update on funding.
Cllr Carter has agreed to continue in his investigation of funding sources and will attempt to discover the best way to organise various grants, whether via the parish council or Villages Hall Committee. Mr Baldwin asked the committee to note his possible conflict of interest as chairman of the Villages Hall Committee, which is one organisation which will be asked for a contribution. Action Cllr Carter

06.02.09 Planning – To determine whether a planning application is required and consider its preparation if so.
Cllr Argyle advised that although a planning application was not a legal requirement, it would be prudent to seek planning approval and advice. It was agreed that the application should be submitted by the parish council through Cllr Argyle as soon as a final plan was complete. Action Cllr Argyle

06.02.10 To construct a draft timetable/programme.
Deferred to a future meeting.

06.02.11 To consider VAT implications.
Cllr Carter to investigate. See item 8.

06.02.12 Any other business.
The committee also noted:

06.02.13 To consider a date for the next meeting.
The committee agreed on Tuesday December 5th as a provisional meeting date, if the meeting with Wicksteed had taken place.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm

C Morris

Clerk to Bishampton and Throckmorton Parish Council.