Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 2nd April 2007 at the Parish Room, Throckmorton..

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (chairman), Mrs B Lammas, Mr E Carter, Mr M Argyle (from 8pm), Mr J Morrison, Mr E Beever (from 7.45pm), Mr C Tucker (from 8.30pm) and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

The meeting opened at 7.37pm.

07.04.01 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Chadwick and Cllr Gillian, who were working away from the area.

07.04.02 To record : a) Declarations of Interest (personal & prejudicial) and b) any changes to be notified to the Register of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality
Cllrs Carter, Lammas and Argyle recorded a personal interest in item 6 and Cllr Cheetham recorded a personal interest in item 25.

07.04.03 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on March 5th 2007
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman.

07.04.04 Finance To note any receipts
The council had received notice that it had won a £1,500 grant which was due to be transferred into its account. To approve the Statement of Cash Reconciliation for March 07
The statement of cash reconciliation for March was approved. It showed that in the current account, no income was received but £1,000 had been transferred from the 30-day savings account. Outgoings amounted to £453.49, leaving £2,250.84 in the account at the statement date of March 23rd. The 30-day savings account earned interest of £74.48, bringing its total to £33,101.49. Allowing for two unpresented cheques, totaling £35.36, this brought the council’s total cash assets at March 23rd to £35,315.97. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment: To approve claims for expenses/overtime
Clerk’s expenses of £35.92 were approved.
Clerk’s overtime of 1 day - £67.10 – (for dealing with extra work, research and reports over February and March) was approved. Clerk’s report on budget/finances
Clerk distributed budget sheets which showed that initial calculations suggested the council gained £4,014 more than it had expected and spent £7,695 less than anticipated in 2006/7, which was mainly because it had allowed extra money to fund Throckmorton Parish Room, which was not needed. The council also thanked Cllr Carter for his unpaid work as temporary clerk during the year, which meant the council had saved hundreds of pounds in wages. Clerk to produce a report on the year’s finances at the annual meetings. Action Clerk To consider any action necessary regarding forthcoming audits
There were no issues to consider at present.

07.04.05 Planning To note the response by the planning committee to applications received between meetings
None received To make comment on current planning applications
The council studied the following plans and made the following comments:

Action Clerk To receive reports on Wychavon planning decisions

Cllr Argyle arrived at 8pm

07.04.06 Play Areas To hear an update from the BATVH play area committee.
Cllr Carter reported that the village hall committee had been unable to meet the deadline for the Severn Waste grant application which was a major funding source, so the project was likely to be delayed until later in the year unless further funding could be found. To consider any action necessary to continue work on the junior play area project.
Request to make the junior play area safe to use now: Mrs Bufton asked, on behalf of the Bishampton Tiddlers Group, that the land (where tree stumps and equipment had been cut off but not removed) could be made safe while funds are being gathered, so the orange temporary fence could be removed and the members and hall users could make use of the land.
Members agreed to proceed with Phase One of the project – to get a quote to remove all stumps, level and seed the ground ready for equipment to be installed at a later date.
In the meantime, Cllr Cheetham will attempt to make the fence stronger to try to ensure no children can get in there to play. Clerk to ask Limebridge to carry out the work and to write to Mrs Bufton to explain the situation to the Tiddler Group. Action Clerk & Cllr Cheetham

Invoice sent between meetings: The council approved an invoice sent between meetings in order to claim a grant from Pershore Market town Fund for £1,500 (see finance). To consider any other matters relating to the play areas.
There were no further play area matters to be considered.

07.04.07 Footpaths - To consider any footpath issues
Two plaques have been broken off along one of the footpaths. Cllr Chadwick reported that they are the red ones detailing events during the Queen's reign which were erected on the Badgers Walk section of the Jubilee Walk. A villager has both signs and has asked for them to be refixed. Cllr Carter to fix them. Action Cllr Carter

07.04.08 To consider the latest situation regarding the proposed mobile phone mast
The Clerk, as the council had promised in its statement last month (attached), sent out letters to T-Mobile, BAM, Mr Robertson and MP Peter Luff to try to arrange a meeting between all parties. Mr Shaughnessy from T-Mobile replied to say he had already been approached for a meeting with BAM but would be happy for the PC to take part and be happy for PC to chair and minute proceedings. BAM did not want PC involvement on these terms, however, so it was felt it would not be right for the PC to attend. Despite promising to report back to the PC, neither party has provided any information on the talks.
Mr Luff had replied to the council’s letter, advising the PC where to address any opinions regarding the national issue of phone masts and planning permission.
The council also noted several complaints to councillors about the signs/campaign in the village and heard how the clerk had written to BAM to inform its members about this during the month.
Members also heard that following an approach from a parent regarding the safety of the ribbon fence on land at the Main St/ Babylon road junction, the county council had been contacted to establish ownership of the ground. It belongs partly to the County Council and to private owners. They heard that the fence had been vandalised.
Members agreed that they had explored the avenues open to them to try to seek a solution. Anyone with further complaints or opinions would be assisted in contacting the correct body involved.

Cllr Tucker arrived at 8.30pm

07.04.09 To hear any issues regarding the sewer/roadworks in Bishampton
There was no news on how the roadworks were progressing.

07.04.10 To hear a report from the PACT meeting
Cllr Morrison reported: “Cllr Lammas and I attended the first PACT meeting on Friday 9th March at St Nicholas Middle School, Pinvin.

The meeting was attended by members from the surrounding parishes and chaired by Peter Davey, our local bobby. Peter was keen to promote that PACT stands for 'Partners and Community Together' Not 'Police and Community Together' as some members thought.
Peter had already surveyed all of the relevant villages with one simple question. "What do you think is the biggest problem affecting your village?" As far as Bishampton goes, the top contenders were:

  1. Speeding through the village
  2. Dog Fouling
  3. The Erection of the Phone mast

The Plan is to tackle the top problems and provide feedback."
There has been a police traffic patrol in the village twice since the meeting to deter speeding motorists, the council noted, and Cllr Morrison and Lammas will be monitoring dog fouling.

07.04.11 To hear a report about the Community First Parish Plan evening
Cllr Lammas reported: “On Wednesday 14th March 2007, I attended, at Avoncroft Museum, a presentation organised by Community First, on behalf of Worcestershire Parish Plan Liaison Group.
After looking at the many stands on display providing information and support for both Parish Plans and community activities, I enjoyed a buffet and chatted with many parish councillors, community workers and met Pat Edwards from Calc.
Presentations of Certificates made by Sir Michael Clarke ('a well known speaker, researcher and champion of community action') followed for those who had completed their Parish Plans. Sir Michael was very enthusiastic and informed us that a survey carried out regarding Parish Plans revealed that a minimum of 70 hours unpaid work was needed to achieve their adoption.
The programme of speakers was very informative covering subjects for Rural Youth Work, Healthy Ageing Exercise Club in Evesham, Calc, Zero Carbon Communities and Arts and Leisure. 
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole evening, however I did feel extremely guilty receiving the certificate and praise as I did nothing towards Bishampton and Throckmorton Parish Plan. Therefore I wish to express a huge thank you to Toni Gilligan and Eric Carter for the lion’s share they contributed, and all other councilors, towards achieving our Parish Plan.  We now need to acquire an Action Team to comply with our Parish Plan.”
The council was unanimous in its thanks to Cllrs Gilligan and Carter and any other councillors who had taken part and agreed to frame the certificate in the hope it could be placed on show at the new Throckmorton Parish Room. Action Clerk

07.04.12 To hear about CALC training opportunities
CALC has a bursary available which will discount councillor and clerk training. To be reconsidered after the elections.

07.04.13 To consider a Parish Lengthsman scheme
After consulting members, the clerk had taken the opportunity between meetings to express an interest in the scheme, in order to claim a £2,000 grant which could be used to employ a worker to help with parish highways work. The council agreed to pursue the scheme and to try to find someone willing to tackle the job. Action Clerk
It was also agreed that the £500 grant from this year’s parish clean-up could be put with the lengthsman grant to be spent on such work in the villages.

07.04.14 To consider plans to close rural post office branches
The council noted the plans to close 2,500 rural post offices and resolved to monitor the issue in the event that Bishampton was one of those named for closure. Action Clerk

07.04.15 To consider subscribing to the Society of Local Council Clerks
The council decided not to subscribe at this time.

07.04.16 To consider a council subscription to a local newspaper
The council decided it did not need to reserve copies of a local paper.

07.04.17 To consider the daffodil planting around the villages
The council happily noted the displays of daffodils which the gardening club had planted at the entrances to Bishampton, with PC funding.

07.04.18 To consider the maintenance of Bishampton War Memorial
Bishampton Gardening Club had been consulted on the cleaning issue and advised pressure washing the memorial, pruning the holly trees and planting to improve the looks of the fence behind. The council noted that it had been advised to use a brush and water for a clean-up, rather than any pressure treatment. Members deferred any work as a possible scheme for a new lengthsman.

07.04.19 To hear any progress on a Memorial for Canadian Airmen
No progress.

07.04.20 To review the status of the council’s risk management schedule
A new playground inspection rota was postponed until after the election. RoSPA was due to have inspected the play area in March and its recommendations would also be taken into account.

07.04.21 To consider reports from councillors and items for future agendas


County Cllr Liz Tucker reported:

07.04.22 To consider any further items of correspondence

Circulation: Wychavon Community Action Partnership/ FieldWork (CPRE Mag)/ Postwatch info/ WDC Parish Matters (one each) / WMR Assembly ‘Speaking Out’/ Clerks and Councils Direct/ CALC Chairman’s annual letter/ Animal Welfare Act/ Parish Plan Newsletter/ Local Council Review mag/ Pershore Volunteer Centre news/ CPRE Countryside Voice

07.04.23 To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The date of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, followed by the May Parish Council Meeting was agreed as Monday, May 14th, at 7.30pm at Bishampton Villages Hall.

The Annual Parish Meeting for Bishampton was set for Wednesday, May 9th, at Bishampton Villages Hall (7.30pm) and the Annual Parish Meeting for Throckmorton was set for Tuesday, May 8th at Throckmorton Parish Room (7.30pm).

Councillors made the following resolution: ‘In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded, pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The reason being to consider staff and personnel issues.’

07.04.24 Clerk’s wages and appraisal

The clerk left the room.

Cllr Lammas reported: On 20th March I met with Carolyn for her Appraisal. All councillors were sent a copy of this in readiness for discussion during our council meeting, the outcome of which is:

The clerk returned

07.04.25 In the light of a recent complaint made against a councillor
The council noted its actions in response to the letter and studied the CALC model complaints procedure. Members decided to draw up their own version of a formal complaints procedure for approval. Action Cllr Lammas/Beever

The council also considered its actions relating to protocol when visiting parishioners. Members agreed that they considered it acceptable to call upon parishioners involved in important issues, but they must take care to introduce themselves clearly and state whether they were acting on their own behalf or were on council business.

The meeting closed at 10.20pm.

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council Mrs C. Morris