Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on Monday, 14th May, 2007, at the Villages Hall, Bishampton.

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (chairman), Mrs B Lammas, Mr M Argyle, Mr J Morrison, Mr C Tucker, Mr J Mills and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).
Also present was County and District Councillor Liz Tucker.

The meeting opened at 7.37pm.

07.05.01 Election of chairman and signing of Declarations of Office
Cllr Cheetham was Proposed by Cllr Argyle and Seconded by Cllr Lammas and unanimously elected Chairman of the Parish Council. He welcomed the returning councillors and the newest member, Cllr Mills. All present members signed their Declarations of Office.

07.05.02 To consider apologies and approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and approved from Cllr Beever who had unavoidable work commitments.

07.05.03 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Lammas was proposed as Vice Chairman by Cllr Cheetham and unanimously elected.

07.05.04 Declarations of Interest:

a) Register of Interests: Councillors received a new Register of Interests to complete.

b) To declare any personal or prejudicial interests in items on the agenda: Cllr Lammas and Cllr Argyle declared an interest in Item 15 as members of the Junior Play Area Committee.

07.05.05 To note Standing Orders and consider reviewing them at the next meeting
Clerk to purchase an electronic copy and circulate to members in order to tailor a copy for Bishampton and Throckmorton. Action Clerk

07.05.06 To note the revised Code of Conduct
The Council noted the new code and decided all members should study their own copy with a view to adopting it at the next meeting. Clerk to distribute. Action Clerk

07.05.07 To consider the council’s Scheme of Delegation
Clerk to distribute model for councillors to consider at next meeting. Action Clerk

07.05.08 To consider councillors’ areas of responsibility and appointing members to committees
Areas of responsibility were agreed and are attached on a separate sheet (click here) . Further responsibilities would be considered after further members had been co-opted.

07.05.09 To consider a review of the council’s financial regulations, risk assessment and insurance requirements
The council agreed that the clerk should pay the current insurance renewal and if the reviews resulted in anything extra, it would be added later. Meanwhile Cllrs Cheetham and Lammas would liaise with Mr Eric Carter about the risk assessment and insurance and Cllr Tucker would study the financial regulations. Clerk to circulate details. Action Clerk/ Action Cllrs Cheetham/Lammas/Tucker

07.05.10 To nominate councillors to outside bodies
Cllrs Lammas and Morrison agreed to continue on the PACT group and they agreed they would like Cllr Beever to remain the CALC representative.

07.05.11 To consider a review of issues/actions regarding the Parish Plan
Clerk to prepare report on action point progress for consideration at next meeting. Action Clerk

07.05.12 To approve the minutes of the previous parish council meeting held on April 2nd 2007
The council approved the minutes and the chairman signed them.

07.05.13 Finance To note any receipts
The council had received £9,000 from Wychavon District Council - the first part of its precept for the year. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment:

Payment of £5 to CALC was approved for a new set of accounting spreadsheets but as CALC was in the process of issuing a £5 credit note to the council for swift payment of the subscription charge, the debt had been cancelled out. To Approve the Statement of Cash Reconciliation for April 07
The statement of cash reconciliation for April was approved. It showed that in the current account, £1,500 in income had been received. Outgoings amounted to £1,021.07, leaving £2,721.41in the account at the statement date of April 24th. The 30-day savings account earned interest of £81.05, bringing its total to £33,182.54. This brought the council’s total cash assets at April 24th to £35,903.95. To approve the accounts for 2006/7
The Clerk presented the year’s accounts and they were adopted by the council. To carry out necessary actions to complete the internal audit/annual return
The Clerk reported that the accounts were with the internal auditor. The council studied the annual return and filled in the statement of declaration. Members agreed they had reviewed the effectiveness of the internal audit system when councillors reviewed procedure in preparation for the new clerk starting in September and were still happy with its effectiveness. Members agreed that subject to there being no concerns from the internal auditor, the chairman should sign the annual return ready for it to be sent to the external auditor ready for the June 18th. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
The clerk reported expenses of £35.92 for April. To consider an application for Rural Rate Relief
The council passed the following resolution: ‘In view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded, pursuant to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. The reason being to consider applications for rural rate relief payments.’
Members agreed that the application from Bishampton Stores and Post Office was of benefit to the local community and should be supported and agreed to pay the parish contribution of £116.55.

07.05.14 Planning To note the response by the planning committee to applications received between meetings
None received To make comment on current planning applications
The council studied the following plans and made the following comments:

W/07/00633/PN Willow Bank, Tilesford. 16 one-bed sheltered units
The council heard a report from Cllr Lammas, who, along with Cllr Liz Tucker, had met with residents to hear their views.
The council objected to the application on the grounds that it was unjustified development in the open countryside, that it would result in overdevelopment of the site, that it would be unsustainable development, creating a ‘ghetto’ of elderly people in the open countryside away from transport or facilities. There were also concerns about its amenity – as the development would contain a sewage plant at its centre – and about its location in relation to the flood plain for the nearby brook. To receive reports on Wychavon planning decisions

07.05.15 Play Areas To hear any update from the BATVH play area committee
There was no update, although it was noted that the committee had a meeting due in the coming week. To consider any action necessary to continue work on the junior play area project.
Members noted the comments made at the Annual Parish Meeting about the lack of progress so far in building a new play area. While councillors agreed criticisms were mainly the result of a lack of understanding about the hard work that all involved had already carried out, they noted that their reserves allowed them the option of paying for the project if grants were not forthcoming. The council agreed that it would keep that option in mind, with a view to enabling the project to be completed by the end of the financial year. In the meantime, they would wait to hear from the Play Area Committee after its next meeting. They also agreed to approach the village hall committee to see if it would also consider increasing its donation. Action Clerk
The council also agreed to accept a quote for £485.00 from Limebridge Rural Services for the clearance and levelling of the ground. Action Clerk To consider issues arising from the RoSPA safety inspection
The inspector praised the new Play Area as a ‘big improvement’ and identified some low risk areas for monitoring. Medium risks were identified in two areas – where there was some barbed wire on a boundary fence and where fingers could be trapped in the kissing gate. Cllr Cheetham and Cllr Argyle agreed to meet on site and study the report findings. Action Cllr Cheetham/Argyle To consider any other matters relating to the play areas
There were no further play area matters to be considered.

07.05.16 Footpaths - To consider any footpath issues
The council heard that it had been offered a £600 grant under the Parish Paths Partnership for footpath work in the coming year, after applying for £1175. It was agreed that the new footpath representative, Cllr Morrison, would liaise with his predecessor, Mr Edward Chadwick, to work out a scheme of priorities for the coming year
See also correspondence.

07.05.17 To consider the provision of further dog waste bins
The council felt it had enough dog waste bins and didn’t wish to take up the latest offer from WDC.

07.05.18 To consider financially supporting a Community First Responder Scheme
Mr David Baldwin had written to inform the council that volunteers in the village had gathered together to run a scheme which would mean local people were trained to use a defibrillator. This would mean they could administer first aid in the event of someone in the village suffering a heart attack, in the hope of keeping them alive until an ambulance could arrive. Mr Baldwin asked the council for a £2,000 grant to enable the volunteers to buy a defibrillator. The whole scheme was to be run in conjunction with the ambulance service and was aimed for use in rural areas where the ambulance could be delayed by vital minutes if it was in another part of the district. The council agreed the scheme was a good idea in principle but members asked to learn more about it before committing the money. Clerk to request a speaker for next meeting. Action Clerk

07.05.19 To hear any issues regarding the sewer/roadworks in Bishampton
The council noted residents’ views expressed at the Annual Parish Meeting about their disappointment with the state of the roadworks/roads/reinstatement now the major sewer renewal works had almost finished. Cllr Liz Tucker had been in touch with Mr Roger Ockenden and said she would organise a site visit with him and a county council officer to assess the state of the village and the roads.

07.05.20 To hear about CALC training opportunities
Clerk to circulate details and members to indicate whether they are interested. Action Clerk/Members

07.05.21 To consider progress on a Parish Lengthsman scheme
A candidate for the job of parish lengthsman was interviewed by the chairman, vice chairman and clerk before the meeting. He had agreed to undertake training involved and the council agreed to take him on as their Lengthsman contractor subject to a satisfactory agreement on rates of pay. It was agreed that the clerk should continue with preparations and investigate usual rates of pay for Lengthsmen. Action Clerk

07.05.22 To consider any issues arising from the litter pick
The litter pick was completed at short notice and everyone was thanked for taking part. The council had requested an early date, (first week of April) before the verges became overgrown and agreed it would be a good plan to do the same next year. Action Clerk

07.05.23 To consider plans to close rural post offices
There was no update on this issue.

07.05.24 To consider a request to financially support the Air Ambulance
The council decided that as the County Air Ambulance is a voluntary service which benefits the whole community (particularly in rural areas) members unanimously agreed to donate £200 from its grants budget.

07.05.25 To hear any progress on a Memorial for Canadian Airmen
There was a suggestion that the old pill box in Tilesford could be preserved by the council and could serve as a monument to remember the airmen. Members agreed to look further into the ownership of the building. Cllr Liz Tucker offered to ask the county council for information. Action Clerk

07.05.26 To consider involvement in the Wychavon Parish Games
The council agreed to publicise the parish games to see if anyone would like to take part.

07.05.27 To consider reports from councillors and items for future agendas


07.05.28 To consider any further items of correspondence

07.05.29 To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The date for the next meeting was set for Monday, June 4th at the Parish Room, Throckmorton.

The meeting closed at 11.37pm.

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Chairman Date