Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 1st October 2007 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr M Argyle, Mr J Morrison (from 7.45pm), Mr J Mills, Mr D Baldwin, Mr D Burtoft and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

Also present from 9.30pm was County and District Councillor Liz Tucker.

The meeting re-opened at 7.30pm.

07.10.01 To receive apologies and approve the reason for absence
Cllr Cheetham (chairman) had sent his apologies as he was away on holiday, Cllr Lammas sent her apologies for personal reasons and Cllr Beever sent his apologies as he was working away from home. All were accepted and Cllr Argyle took the chair.
He read out a letter of resignation from Vice Chairman Cllr Beryl Lammas and councillors expressed their regret that she was forced to leave the council for personal reasons. It was agreed that the clerk should write to thank Cllr Lammas for her hard work on the parish council and to send a small gift of flowers.

07.10.02 To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability
Cllrs Argyle and Baldwin declared personal and prejudicial interests in item 6. Cllr Burtoft declared a personal interest in Item 10 and a planning matter.

07.10.03 To approve the minutes of the PC Meeting held on Sept 3rd 2007
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman as a true record.

07.10.04 Finance To note any receipts To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for September and note the budget report for the second quarter
The reconciliation sheet for September shows that in the current account, there was £201.66 income and £2,051.38 expenditure. This left a total of £3,362.52 and there were no unpresented cheques. The 30-day account gained £93.37 in interest, which brought its total to £33,610.64. This meant the council’s total cash assets (as of the bank statement date of September 24th) stood at £36,973.16.
The budget sheets show that income to date, including the full precept stands at £19,169.15 and expenditure amounts to £10,540.
Councillors were each given a copy of the account and budget sheets. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment: To approve claims for expenses/overtime
Clerk’s expenses of £46.66 were approved (printer ink set £32.50, stamps £8.60, mileage £6.00). The council also agreed to reimburse Cllr Baldwin’s expenses in buying grass seed for the junior play area (see above). To hear news about the External Audit

07.10.05 Planning To note the council’s response to applications between meetings Current Planning Applications:

AB/07/02079/AB: Proposed steel-framed barn for storage of machinery. Nightingale Farm, Main St, Bishampton.
Cllr Burtoft declared a personal interest as a near neighbour.
Members said they would like to see existing buildings/brownfield sites on the farm used instead of what appeared to be a further extension of buildings into open countryside, which would be visible from homes in Babylon Lane. They were concerned that the plan was not clear as it did not show the existing barn in that area and its position in relation to the proposed new building.
Clerk to report views to Wychavon. Action clerk Reports on planning decisions


07.10.06 Play Areas
(Cllr Baldwin had declared his interest as chairman of the play area committee and also chairman of the BATVH management committee/ Cllr Argyle had declared his interest as a member of the play area committee) To hear any update from the BATVH Junior Play Area Committee
The committee was still awaiting news on its applications for major grants. To consider any action necessary to continue work on the Junior Play Area project
Cllr Balwin reported that he had seeded the soil patches left after the old play area equipment had been removed. He reported that the car park had not been mown. Clerk to report. Action clerk To consider any other matters relating to the play areas
The Lengthsman’s play area checks showed that a swing seat had apparently been cut with a knife. It was useable currently but it was noted that it would be a good idea to keep a spare swing in case of damage in future, as it was more difficult to safely take the swings out of use than it would be to replace one. Members agreed to order two new swings - £29.00 each – to keep in storage. Action clerk

07.10.07 To consider any issues relating to flooding in the parish
Cllr Argyle reported that he had completed a survey sent to the PC which showed all the properties which flooded, ready for the Wychavon flood action group to study.
The PC had written to Wychavon for confirmation that the Bishampton drainage project had not been sidelined and had been sent a letter from the Head of Environmental Services, which said that although there may be some delay in the work because of urgent repairs, it had not been sidelined and progress was continuing.
Cllr Argyle was planning to visit the engineers to discuss the issue and try to keep the matter as a priority.

07.10.08 Footpaths – To consider any footpath issues
All landowners bordering the Badgers Walk footpath have received a letter from the PC, asking if they can pay attention to cutting the path back as far as possible when they come to have their hedges trimmed. Cllr Morrison to liaise on matter of footpath volunteers. Action Clerk/Cllr Morrison

07.10.09 To consider adding the churchyard in Bishampton to the PC mowing schedule
Clerk to prepare a report with costings for next month. Action clerk

07.10.10 To consider the latest situation regarding the mobile phone mast
(Cllr Burtoft had declared a personal interest as a member of BAM and neighbour of the site)
The PC had sent the letter agreed last month in response to the various Government departments which had been in correspondence about the mast. A reply had been received from the Dept of Communities and Local Government. MP Peter Luff had also written to say that after the recent Government reshuffle, he had written to the departments to make sure new officers were aware of the situation in Bishampton.
Cllr Burtoft reported that the mast was in place but not yet operational. Some villagers were looking into the possibility of legal action and some were ready to monitor emissions. BAM also requested, through Cllr Burtoft, that its members be immediately informed of any further developments regarding the mast. The council agreed any public information would be shared with villagers as soon as possible.
As the latest letter from the Dept for CLG failed, in members’ opinion, to answer the questions asked by the PC, it was agreed to ask the chairman to speak with Peter Luff to discuss how he could help raise the PC’s points about the lack of consultation with communities before decisions on locations are made.
It was also reported that some people had approached councillors to say they were unhappy with the ribbon fence remaining in the centre of the village which they saw as an eyesore. Cllr Burtoft promised to pass their views to the BAM committee’s next meeting. Action Cllr Cheetham.

07.10.11 To hear any issues regarding roadworks in Bishampton
Following closure notices which said that two of the three roads out of Bishampton would be closed for resurfacing at the same time, the clerk had contacted the highways department which had eventually confirmed that they would be tackled one at a time. The Throckmorton road was currently closed and Hill Furze was due next.

07.10.12 To consider progress on the Affordable Housing Survey and PC Newsletter
The survey had been distributed with the NewsSheet. Community First would analyse the results and send a report to the PC when it was complete.
The PC Newsletter had also been written by the clerk, who had printed the colour sections. The rest had been photocopied by Peter Charlesworth and then distributed with NewsSheet. Members thanked all involved.

07.10.13 To consider any Parish Lengthsman issues
The PC was disappointed that equipment for the Lengthsman had still not arrived from the county council. Clerk to enquire again. It was reported that the Lengthsman had checked drains around the parish for blockages and made a report (clerk to report blockages). He had also been removing ragwort, had cleaned graffiti from a sign and had trimmed a hedge to improve visibility at a junction in Throckmorton. He reported that he does not have a waste carrier’s licence, so is unable to remove soil. Clerk to make enquiries. Action clerk

07.10.14 To consider plans to close rural Post Office branches
The PC newsletter had invited comments about people’s needs and wants regarding the shop in the event that the post office did close. It was agreed to wait to see the response, after which Cllr Burtoft would pursue ideas of further consultation so the village could be prepared for what may happen in the coming year.

07.10.15 To hear progress on the review and adoption of

Councillors’ Areas of Responsibility: With Cllr Lammas’ resignation, it was agreed that Cllr Mills should take her place on the planning group (now Cllrs Cheetham, Argyle, Morrison, Mills). Cllr Burtoft is to take her responsibility on the staffing group (with Cllr Cheetham) and Cllr Baldwin will join the finance group (with Cllrs Cheetham, Argyle and Mills) and take Cllr Lammas’ place on the PACT panel. Clerk to arrange change of cheque signatories. Action clerk

07.10.16 To consider a letter regarding hedge trimming in Throckmorton
The clerk read a letter from a resident-to-be in Throckmorton who was asking whether he could trim the trees bordering the play area in the village and the trees bordering the Close and the main road, and whether the PC could contribute to the cost.
The council decided that Cllr Argyle should inspect the hedges around the play area, and the lengthsman would also be asked to take a look before the matter was discussed at the next meeting. Clerk to write to thank the man for his interest. Action clerk

07.10.17 To hear a report regarding progress on the Parish Plan
Clerk had circulated copy (attached below). Councillors asked to raise any points they felt needed attention for the next agenda. Action Cllrs

07.10.18 To consider the planned changes in the refuse collection
The council supported the scheme in principle, which was planned to increase recycling and reduce landfill, as long as there was sufficient provision for people who had physical or practical problems using wheelie bins. Clerk to pass views to Wychavon. Action clerk

07.10.19 To consider the payment of a Chairman’s Allowance
The council considered a suggestion of a £1,000 per year chairman’s allowance, as suggested in a training session.
Members felt they were happy to keep a provision in their policy for a chairman’s allowance, so that any chairman could claim expenses from carrying out extra duties if they needed to. They felt, however, that there was already provision for urgent payments to be made under the clerk’s delegated powers, which, added to a good contingency budget and reserves would allow for most spending possibilities which might arise, all of which should be clearly recorded in the accounts.

07.10.20 PACT meeting in Bishampton
It was noted that there will be a meeting of PACT (Partners and Community Together) on October 10th when representatives from the police, Wychavon and the County Council would be on hand to answer questions and hear people’s points of view. Cllr Baldwin offered to take Cllr Lammas’ place on the PACT committee and try to attend on behalf of the PC. Action Cllr Baldwin

07.10.21 To consider the issue of speeding in the parish
The clerk has requested that the county council installs a speed/traffic checking device, for the road heading out of Throckmorton towards Hill, following concerns that from a villager that the speed limit is not adequate or being heeded. The continuing concerns about cars speeding through Bishampton would be raised at the PACT meeting by Cllr Baldwin, who would request that a police speed check could be carried out now there are no roadworks in the village. Action Cllr Baldwin

07.10.22 To consider the installation of new litter bins in Bishampton
It was agreed that the clerk should try to arrange for the replacement of the litter bin already outside the Dolphin drive and for the fitting of another in Abberton Road. Clerk to investigate. Action clerk

07.10.23 CALC/ training matters
Clerk had attended a risk management and budgeting course and councillors approved her signing up to a ‘minuting for clerks’, session and clerk’s gathering in November.
Members were reminded of the Wychavon planning training at Throckmorton Parish Room on Mondays, October 8 and 15, 7.30pm.

07.10.24 To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas
County and district councillor Liz Tucker gave her report. She spoke about:

07.10.25 To consider any further items of correspondence

Defra – Ways to Tackle Climate Change/ Parish Plan Newsletter/ Joint Core Strat / Town and Parish Standard / Worcestershire TeleCare annual report / CALC news/ Regional Assembly ‘speaking out’.

07.10.26 To affirm the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Monday, November 5th, Throckmorton.

The meeting closed at 9.44pm

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council Mrs C. Morris


As Part of the Hot Topics Survey, the parish plan highlighted people’s concerns as follows, in order of importance:

1 – The future of the airfield

2 – Village Life

3 – Roads

4 – Housing

5 – Young People

6 – Landfill Site

7 – Public Transport

8 – Parish Council

9 – Village Health

Action plans were drawn up for each issue:-

The Airfield:
The parish plan says:
The Parish Council will continue to support the Wychavon District Council’s Local Plan strategy for the airfield. If this changes, or there are future development proposals made, the Parish Council will reflect the views given here in any consultation with the District Council and neighbouring parishes. In the event of different proposals the Parish Council would, in any case, seek to establish the views of the parishioners in each village and other local stakeholders.
The PC has supported the policy and strategy employed by Wychavon for the development of the site. It, with local district councillors, was involved in the recent consultation about the development of the airfield and the development of a new road to take any extra traffic away to the Wyre bypass. It also informed the parish about the consultation and invited further opinions.

The parish plan says:
The maintenance of the roads is outside the remit of the Parish Council, and is the responsibility of the Highways Agency, part of Worcestershire County Council. The results of the parish survey make road maintenance and traffic control a Parish Plan guideline. Specifically the following actions:

  1. Maintaining and increasing the pressure on the Highways Agency regarding the upkeep of the roads. Conveying to Highways Agency the strength of opinion demonstrated in the Parish Plan about the state of the roads.
    Action: Parish Council, local District and County Councillors to keep in the attention of the County Council.
  2. The improvement of strategic roads in poor weather conditions.
    Action: Parish Council will liaise with the County Council.
  3. Increased monitoring and reporting of poor road condition.
    Action: Parish Council and residents.
  4. Increased control of illegal parking, speeding and the movement of large vehicles through the villages.
    Action: The Parish Council in liaison with the Police.
  5. The reduction in the volume of HGV traffic particularly in Throckmorton village and Long Lane which are badly affected.
    Action: Liaison with local businesses. Some have, in the past, been very cooperative in re-directing their drivers to more suitable routes.

The Parish Council will continue to explore ways of reducing the impact on affected households and has supported the development of the George Lane link in respect of the ECON11 proposal but has opposed it joining up with Long Lane.
The PC, with local district and county councillors, has continued to monitor the road conditions and report areas of concern. During the recent major sewer works, councillors and villagers worked together to try to ensure the roads were left in a decent state. Members also asked for gritting and warning signs to be placed along the diversion route. Speed checks have been carried out and requested via PACT and the PC has supported the building of the new road from the airfield to the Wyre bypass.

Village Life:

The parish plan says:
The Parish Council supports a range of local groups with grants and other support. It will continue to do this.

  1. The survey revealed the importance attached to Bishampton village shop, further research and development are needed to ensure continued viability
    Action: Parishioners, with the support of the Parish Council.
  2. Throckmorton parish room has reached the end of its life, and replacement is necessary. It is much missed.
    Action: Throckmorton Charity with support from and in liaison with, the Parish Council will support a project to replace the parish room. (Since the start of the Parish Plan, the Throckmorton Charity has achieved much progress with this, making successful approaches to Severn Waste and DEFRA, for funding for a new parish room.)
  3. The survey indicated that a significant proportion of the parish would like to see some form of local medical services. Research is required to identify the nature of what is wanted, and the level and viability of the potential uptake.
    Action: The Parish Council, local health and voluntary organisations.
  4. Repair, maintenance and improvement of storm drains.
    Action: Parish Council, and District Council
  5. Although there was general satisfaction with the electricity services, there is a possible problem with power ‘outages’, which requires monitoring.
    Action: The Parish Council co-ordinating; local residents
  6. The maintenance of footpaths and bridleways to ensure safe and easy access.
    Action: Rights of Way Action Group, Parish Council and landowners. (Since this survey was conducted there has been a significant improvement in the crop clearance of public footpaths by local farmers.)
  7. The perception of Police presence.
    Action: Parish Council in consultation with the police.

The Parish Council continues to give grant to organisations which request assistance and support causes which would lead to the preservation/enhancement of village life (ie mowing of the churchyard, defibrillator).
Members are gathering information in readiness to fight plans which may lead to the closure of the Post Office and shop.
The Throckmorton Parish Room has been completed and is supported by the parish council.
Medical services – no action as yet, although WDC is pointing out local concern after its involvement with the parish plan.
Storm drains – the PC has put aside money to help improve drainage in Bishampton but is waiting for Wychavon to carry out the work.
Power cuts are monitored in the village and the PC is ready to support any villagers suffering problems.
The PC continues its membership of the parish paths scheme where it monitors the paths and organises programmes of work locally which are funded by the county. This had led to much improvement of the paths. This work is ongoing.
The PC continues to liaise with the local police and to monitor crime and other police issues in the parish. PC members have joined a local panel, organised by the police, to look at the issues which cause communities most concern.

Landfill Site:
The parish plan says:
Regular liaison about the operation of the landfill site to ensure prompt recognition and response to problems will continue.
Action: Parish Council, the Hill and Moor Landfill liaison group.

The PC has a representative on the landfill liaison group who can pass issues back and forth to the organisers (there is room for one more member) – ongoing.

The parish plan says:
There is no support for development outside village boundaries; Throckmorton residents might support an affordable housing development outside the boundary, but not enthusiastically.
There is no majority support for any further housing development inside village boundaries, though opposition in Throckmorton is not as strong as in Bishampton.

In the event that in real life development cannot be frozen, both groups:-

These views will form the ‘strategic intent’ at Parish level.
Action: The Parish Council will take these views into account when commenting on Planning Applications. Investigation of possible sites suitable for affordable housing: Parish Council, District Council Social Housing Office.

A housing survey is being prepared for distribution in October to establish the need for affordable homes in the parish. Wychavon planners are aware and obliged to take into account the village comments made in the parish plan when considering new development. The PC continues to consult and take local views into account when commenting on parish planning applications, as well as on district, county and regional planning policy.

Young People:
The parish plan says:
The improvement and maintenance of the play areas;
Action: Bishampton – the Villages Hall Committee, Parish Council, young people;
Throckmorton – Parish Council, young people, landowners
(Since the start of the Parish Plan, the Parish Council established a steering group together with members of the Villages Hall Management Committee to improve the amenity area at the Villages Hall in Bishampton and make it more attractive to older children. The steering group has consulted with parishioners, produced a plan for installing new equipment and obtained significant grants towards the project. The Parish Council has obtained planning approval from Wychavon District Council and work was completed in March 2006.)
The identification of a suitable site and development of a larger playing field:
Action: The Parish Council, young people. (It is hoped that the improved amenity area at the Villages Hall described above will make better provision for ball games).

The senior play area is in place and proving very popular and the PC is working towards providing a junior play area next year. Its maintenance and monitoring are ongoing.
No further area for a larger playing field has been identified but there were some areas set aside for ball games at the senior playground.

The parish plan says:
There seems insufficient uptake of traditional public transport to justify approaching bus companies to increase their provision. The Parish Council will inform bus companies of the findings of the survey in case adjustments to services would improve use. In an age of increasing concern about the environmental cost of our continued dependence on the motor car, and concern about rural isolation, there is an imperative to look at innovative schemes that get around the dilemma described. The Parish Council will investigate other schemes.

The PC brought these issues to the attention of the County Council and continues to look at any transport issues as they arise.