Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 12th May 2008 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham, Mr M Argyle, Mr G Day, Mr C Tucker, (from 8.10pm), Mr E Beever (from 7.40pm), Mr J Morrison and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

The meeting opened at 7.30pm and was adjourned to hear from a member of the public in attendance, Mr John Anderson, who wanted to hear about the latest situation regarding flood alleviation in the village.
The meeting re-opened at 7.40pm.


08.03.1 Election of Chairman and signing of the declaration of office
Cllr Cheetham was unanimously relected to the position of chairman and signed the declaration of office.

08.03.2 Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Argyle said he did not wish to continue as vice chairman and Cllr Tucker was unanimously proposed and elected.

08.03.3 To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and approved from Cllr Burtoft who had work commitments.

08.03.4 To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability
Cllr Argyle expressed his interest in matters regarding the junior play area.

08.03.5 To note the council’s Standing Orders and consider a review at the next meeting
The council agreed there were no changes to be made to the Standing Orders at present.
Clerk to produce a ‘policy folder’ for each councillor to make it easier to review the policy documents. Action Clerk

08.03.6 To note the Code of Conduct
The council noted the Code of Conduct and had no further issues to raise.

08.03.7 To consider the council’s Scheme of Delegation and councillor Areas of Responsibility
Both items were reviewed. The Scheme of Delegation was considered accurate for councillors’ needs. All areas of responsibility were noted and approved –health a safety responsibility is outstanding and to be considered at the next meeting.
Clerk to circulate with policy pack. Action Clerk

08.03.8 To review the council’s Financial Regulations, Risk Assessment and Insurance Requirements
There was nothing to add to the insurance schedule at present. Financial regulations and risk assessments were to be reviewed by Cllr Cheetham and Argyle. Action Cllrs Cheetham and Argyle.

08.03.9 To nominate councillors to represent the parish on Outside Bodies
Cllrs Argyle and Tucker were nominated to continue on the Tip Liaison panel, Cllr Morrison was nominated to continue as PACT representative.

08.03.10 To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on April 7th 2008
The minutes were approved and signed as a true record of proceedings.


08.03.11 To consider the issue of policing in the parish
PC Stuart Toms attended the meeting and was welcomed as a new community police officer, replacing Julie de Paris.
It was reported that PC de Paris had said she was unable to provide a copy of the log to show when officers were in the area and councillors asked PC Tims if he could make an effort to be seen in the village twice a week if possible. He said while he could not promise, he would make every effort to come as often as possible and to communicate with villagers, although he presently had responsibility for 31 parishes in the area.

08.03.12 To consider dog fouling issues – plus Wychavon consultation on increases dog control laws
Wychavon DC is consulting of whether to introduce tougher action on dog fouling by implementing a dog control order which would deal with the following offences:

The issue was also raised at the annual parish meeting following a letter from Mrs Jones pointing out the problems with dog fouling in farmers’ fields along footpath routes.
The Clerk reported that she had pinned a notice on the boards, pointing out that there are dog waste bags in the shop. Cllr Cheetham agreed to fill out the consultation form for Wychavon, pointing out the problems experienced in the parish and it was agreed to once again stress the importance of the issue in the newsletter. Action Cllr Cheetham

08.03.13 To consider the Moat Farm Lane Nature Reserve risk assessment and issues arising
Cllr Cheetham and Argyle agreed to look at the matter as part of the risk assessment review. Thanks went to Mr Averis and all the volunteers for their work.


08.03.14 Finance To note any receipts
The first part of the precept had been received £9,360.00 To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for April 2008 and the annual statement of accounts
The cash reconciliation showed that income in the current account had amounted to £9,360, and expenditure had totalled £2,671.80, bringing its total to £10,316.57. The savings account had accrued £94.89 interest, leaving a total of £40,285.60. This meant the council’s total cash assets stood at £50,602.17.
(Clerk to transfer £7,000.00 to the savings account). Action Clerk To approve outstanding invoices for payment.
The following accounts were approved for payment: To approve claims for expenses/overtime
Clerk’s expenses of £42.66 were approved. (£14.84 mileage - £27.82 stamps and printer ink). To consider any end of year/audit issues
The accounts were being prepared for the internal audit and external audit notices were due to be posted on the notice boards.


08.03.15 Planning Council’s response to planning applications between meetings Current planning applications
No new applications. Reports on planning decisions

08.03.16 Play Areas To hear any update from the BATVH play area committee
None To consider action necessary to develop the Junior Play Area project.
None To consider any other matters relating to the parish play areas – RoSPA report
The safety inspection highlighted some minor issues which Cllr Cheetham and Argyle agreed to study as part of their risk assessment review.

08.03.17 Footpaths: To consider footpath issues and the spending of the footpath grant
As there were no volunteers to walk the footpaths regularly, Cllr Morrison offered to have his name and number published on the notice board so that any issues could be reported to him.

08.03.18 To consider any parish Lengthsman issues – work schedule
Cllr Tucker and the clerk are to meet with Dean to consider work schedules.


08.03.19 To consider housing matters in the parish
Jack Hegarty, Cllr Liz Tucker reported, had met with Qinetiq but was yet to report on the outcome.

08.03.20 Policing in the parish
Dealt with above.

08.03.21 To consider any issues relating to the flooding in the parish and spending of the grant
The clerk raised an issue about the PC commissioning the survey to check the feasibility of diverting water eastwards out of Broad Lane. The contractor had reported that this was work Wychavon would be carrying out when it came to survey the parish but the council unanimously agreed that the clerk should go ahead and book the survey. The PC would be spending approximately half of the flood grant money on the survey (approx £1,000) which they thought would be value for money because it would a) give the council an insight into whether or not this was an avenue worth pursuing and b) it would enable Wychavon to proceed more quickly with its work when its action group came to review the flooding in the village and the scheme already planned for Broad Lane – expected later in the year. Action Clerk

08.03.22 To consider plans to close rural Post Office branches
No news.

08.03.23 To consider progress on the state of the pavements in Bishampton and request for new ‘cul de sac’ sign in Moat Farm Lane
These were issues raised at the Parish Meeting. Following on from the lengthsman’s survey, the county highways officer had confirmed that three areas of Bishampton had been earmarked for repair as soon as possible while others had been placed on their longer term list. Clerk to request a sign for Moat Farm Lane to warn lorries that it was a cul de sac. It seemed that large vehicles sometimes mistook the road for Broad Lane and also were having difficulty turning in the street. Action Clerk


08.03.24 PACT news

08.03.25 CALC/ training matters
Clerk to circulate

08.03.26 To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas
Cllr Burtoft had requested that the council consider the role of the parish council and ways it could work more effectively.
Members wanted to discuss it with him at a future meeting and asked the clerk and chairman to think of ways in which future agendas may be simplified.
Cllr Liz Tucker reported:

08.03.27 To consider any further items of correspondence

08.03.28 To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council and dates for theThrockmorton Annual Parish Meeting

The meeting closed at 9.20 pm

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Chairman Date
Clerk to the Council Mrs C. Morris