Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 7th July 2008 at the Parish Room, Throckmorton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham, Mr C Tucker, Mr M Argyle, Mr D Baldwin, Mr D Burtoft (from 7.40pm), Mr G Day, Mr J Mills, Mr J Morrison and Mr E Beever (from 7.50pm) and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Cllr Liz Tucker (WDC,WCC).

The meeting opened at 7.30pm and was adjourned to hear from two Bishampton villagers concerned about flooding. See attached note. The meeting reopened at 7.55pm.


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence.

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability.
Cllr Baldwin declared his interest as chairman of the village hall committee and he and Cllr Argyle declared their membership of the Bishampton Junior Playground Committee.

3. To review the council’s Risk Assessments (PC, MFL Conservation Area, PlayArea), allowances scheme.
Cllr Cheetham was continuing to assess play area risks. Barbed wire had been removed at the village hall but he was to liaise with Cllr Baldwin about the removal of wood at the playground and about signs which should be erected. He also reported that he had removed wood from round a bench in the village where there was a tripping hazard.

4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on June 2nd 2008.
The minutes (previously circulated) were signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings.


5. To consider reviewing the role of the parish council and its function in the community.
It was agreed that a working party be formed, including all councillors and Cllr Liz Tucker, to meet during August to discuss ways in which the council could function more effectively. Councillors are to send the clerk holiday details so a date could be set. The outcomes could then be reported to the September meeting.
Cllr Tucker agreed to chair the group. Action cllrs/clerk

6. To consider plans to join with other villages to purchase speed-activated signs.
The PC decided to register its interest with Rous Lench Parish Council and was keen to hear more about proposals.

7. To consider a request for a grant from the Bishampton and District Gardening Club.
The council unanimously agreed to make a £50 grant to the club.

8. To consider the outcome of the drainage survey and issues relating to floods/drainage in the parish as well as spending of the flood alleviation grant.
The report showed that there were difficulties because of land levels along Broad Lane which could mean excavation too deep and too expensive to make drainage eastwards a viable option. The council agreed, though, that there were still options to be considered to and that the report should be presented to Wychavon as a starting point for engineers to consider further when their flood action group came to study the parish in detail. Clerk to write to Wychavon. Action Clerk


9. Finance

9.1. To note any receipts.
£500 was received from Bishampton Tiddlers towards the new play area.

9.2. To approve the statement of bank reconciliation for June 2008 and the annual statement of accounts.
The bank reconciliation for June showed that there had been £500 paid in to the current account and £1,088.16 had been spent. £5,000 was transferred to the savings account and that left a total of £3,852.10 in the account at the statement date of June 24. With the transferred £5,000 and monthly interest of £91.83, the savings account totalled £45,462.31. That meant the council’s total cash assets for June stood at £49,314.41.
The clerk also presented the council with a budget report which showed that income for the year to date stood at £10,631.60 and spending at £5,136.27.

9.3. To approve outstanding invoices for payment.
The following accounts were approved for payment:

A cheque for £28,963.75 for Wicksteed for the junior playground was signed. Clerk was instructed to make payment once Cllr Baldwin was happy with alterations and an inspection sheet had been received. Action Clerk

9.4. To approve claims for expenses/overtime.
The council approved the clerk’s expenses of £12.24.

9.5. To consider the internal auditor’s report and any end of year/audit issues and adoption of accounts/annual return.
The annual return had been signed and posted as there were no issues raised from the internal audit. The council approved and adopt the accounts subject to no issues arising from the external audit.


10. Planning

10.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings.
Considered under delegated powers at the previous meeting, the following comment was sent to Wychavon DC:
W/08/01446/PP 21 Cottage, Long Lane, Tilesford – Extension to link house and outbuildings to form a kitchen and lobby.
While having no real objection, the council would like to point out that part of this proposal (the garage) lies outside the original garden of the property and so, presumably, outside of the development boundary for the area.

10.2. Current planning applications

10.3. Reports on planning decisions.

11. Play Areas

11.1. To hear any update from the BATVH play area committee and consider action necessary regarding the Junior Play Area project.
Cllr Baldwin confirmed that the play area was complete and that a small issue with a piece of equipment was being corrected. The council agreed that a cheque should be signed and he and the clerk should present it on completion of all matters and on receipt of a safety check certificate. The council agreed that it would be a good idea to officially open the play area when a family pub night was being launched at the village hall and that Cllr Liz Tucker should open it. Cllr Baldwin and clerk to liaise. Action Clerk/Cllr Baldwin

11.2. To consider any other matters relating to the parish play areas.
Cllr Baldwin asked if the lengthsman could oil some squeaky parts of the play area. The chairman also reported that pieces of wood were still left at the play area and needed removal. Cllr Baldwin/Cheetham to liaise. Action Cllr Cheetham/Baldwin

12. Footpaths: To consider footpath issues and spending of the footpath grant.
The footpaths officer has offered the PC £375 in grant money for the coming year, to be spent, along with the money remaining from last year (£270). Clerk to accept the grant and continue liaison with the footpaths department.
A letter from Gillian Thorne of Bishampton read: “There is a well-used dog walk at the end of Gunnings Lane but no waste bin nearby. Is there any scope for putting a bin there for dog waste or are there likely to be problems with emptying it due to limited access?”
It was considered that it would be difficult to find a suitable place for another dog bin in that area but Cllr Morrison also reported that he had walked footpaths recently and there was a real problem with fouling - Cllr Day reported that he had difficulty accessing his own land by wheelchair because of the mess. Despite notices and articles in every newsletter, the problem was continuing on footpaths, even though pavements were improved. Gunnings Lane and the end of Babylon Lane were two particular problem areas.
The council agreed that the clerk should draft a letter to be sent directly to homes around the village to try to encourage people to be more careful. Action Clerk
There had been more concern about the overgrown path by the village hall - see correspondence. Cllr Day reported that the landowner was in the process of clearing the route. He had also kindly trimmed back the hedge overhanging the pavement.
The council also considered Mr Anderson’s comments about developers blocking a footpath at the rear of Broad Lane. It was agreed that Cllr Cheetham would look at the path and report to the clerk. Action Cllr Cheetham/Clerk

13. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs.
The Lengthsman had cleaned the war memorial and cut back undergrowth and inspected the drains as well as dug a grip on the airfield.
The council agreed to ask him to oil the play area.


14. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues


15. PACT news

16. CALC/ training matters.
Cllr Day was attending sessions.

17. To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas.
Cllr Argyle reported that he had witnessed a Marshalls lorry travelling through Throckmorton very carefully and quietly at 4am one day. It was agreed that the council should write to the company to thank the drivers who take the trouble to take such care.

18. To consider any further items of correspondence.

19. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council:
Monday, September 1st 2008

The meeting closed at 9.35 pm

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Chairman Date
Clerk to the Council Mrs C. Morris

Notes from the public session
The Broad Lane residents had seen the flooding survey results and urged the pc to continue pressure for action from the district council and press for further investigation to alleviate the rainwater run-off from the fields at the eastern end of Broad Lane.
Mr Anderson also told the council how it appeared that development of bungalows in Broad Lane had apparently led to some blockage of a neighbouring footpath. Members promise to investigate.