Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 6th October 2008 at the Parish Room, Throckmorton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham, Mr C Tucker, Mr J Morrison, Mr D Baldwin, Mr D Burtoft, Mr G Day, Mr J Mills and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Cllr Liz Tucker (WDC, WCC).

The meeting opened at 7.30pm and adjourned to hear from PC Stuart Toms who was pleased that he did not have to report any crime in the villages. He reported that the PACT panel for the Pinvin ward was to meet soon, with Mr Peter Jesson, from Bishampton, as chairman. The survey in the shop did not produce any significant areas of concern for the parish – only three replies were received.
Cllr John Mills, speaking as a member of the public, regarding his rural rate relief application. Councillors thanked Mr Mills.

The meeting reopened at 7.42pm.


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Argyle, who was abroad on holiday.

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability
Cllr Baldwin declared his interest as chairman of the village hall committee and as co-ordinator of the First Responder scheme. He also declared his membership of the Bishampton Junior Playground Committee. Cllr Mills declared his interest in Item 9, as did Cllr Cheetham as a personal friend of Mr Mills.

3. To review the council’s allowances scheme
Despite an increase in mileage allowance for local Government workers, it was agreed that the current rate of 40 pence per mile for councillors and clerk was adequate and that the council allowances policy should remain the same. Clerk to advertise. Action Clerk

4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Sept 4th 2008
The minutes were approved and signed as a true record of proceedings.


5. To consider reviewing the role of the parish council and its function in the community
It was agreed that a working party meeting, would be held at Bishampton village hall on November 10th, 7.30pm, to consider the above question. Cllr Liz Tucker is to chair the meeting and all councillors were invited to take part. Cllr Burtoft to organise the hall. Action Cllr Burtoft

6. To consider the parish council’s response to the Wychavon flood action plan and any further issues regarding flooding in the parish
The clerk reported a Flooding and Water Safety seminar being staged by WDC and the fire and rescue service on October 15th.
Cllr Tucker was making ready to send off all the flood information for the WDC flooding Action Plan. It was reported that there had been some drain work near Moat Farm Lane but there was no news on any of the work that had been planned for the village.
It was agreed that Cllr Cheetham, Cllr Baldwin and Cllr Liz Tucker would try to arrange a meeting with Wychavon chief executive Jack Hegarty to stress the council’s view that work in Bishampton should start as soon as possible.

7. To consider a response to the Joint Core Strategy proposals (housing)
Members looked at the Joint Core document and it was agreed that the clerk should draft a response from the comments made. Action Clerk

8. To consider developments regarding the future of village amenities
The clerk had sent a letter to Mr Osborne at the shop, indicating the council’s willingness to talk to him about the difficulties which he faces. He replied that he would consider visiting the council’s November meeting.
The PC had also published a large article in its Newsletter. One reply had been received,
from someone who aimed to use the shop more but was disappointed that there was not a greater range of produce on offer. It was agreed that the letter should be copied to Mr Osborne for his information. Action Clerk

Cllr Mills and Cllr Cheetham declared their interest and left the room for the following item.

9. To consider an application for Rural Rate Relief (Mr J A Mills, Haircare Advice Salon, Bishampton)
The council agreed unanimously that in difficult times, they would like to support all village businesses and agreed to offer the salon the full rate relief for 2007/8 and 2008/9 which amounted to a total of £47.76.

10. To consider a letter regarding bus shelters for schoolchildren
Members read a letter from a parishioner asking them to consider providing a bus shelter for the children waiting for the school bus. They said that while they had sympathy, there were six bus stops on each side of the road throughout the parish and unfortunately could see no areas where pavements were wide enough for a bus stop to be sited.
Clerk to reply. Action Clerk


11. Finance

11.1. To note any receipts
The council had received the second part of its precept payment - £9,360.00

11.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for September 2008 and note the quarterly budget report
The council noted the clerk’s budget report for the second quarter.
The cash reconciliation showed that in September, £9,360.00 had been banked and £1,807.74 had been spent, leaving £12,408.87 in the current account. The savings account had accrued £36.46 in interest, bringing its total to £15,641.24. Allowing for an unpresented cheque for £28.50, this left the council’s total cash assets at the end of September standing at £28,050.11.

11.3. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoice was approved for payment:

11.4. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
Clerk’s expenses of £8 were approved.


12. Planning

12.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings

12.2. Current planning applications

12.3. Reports on planning decisions

13. Play Areas

13.1. To hear any update from the BATVH play area committee and consider action necessary regarding the Junior Play Area project
The opening ceremony was due for Oct 24th (pub night) at 7.30pm. The council also agreed to fund a plaque to remember those who contributed to the funding. Cllr Baldwin to organise. Action Cllr Baldwin

13.2. To consider any other matters relating to the parish play areas

14. Footpaths: To consider footpath issues and spending of the footpath grant - Need for new footpath warden
Mr Peter Averis had written to resign his position as Parish Paths Warden at the end of the year, having held the position since the scheme began. The Council thanked him on behalf of the parish for his hard work over the years – clerk to write. It was agreed that in the next newsletter, the post would be advertised.
In the meantime, the clerk will seek a meeting with the county footpaths officer to discuss all the footpath issues. Action Clerk

15. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs
The council asked the clerk to request that the lengthsman trims the hedge outside the village hall before the playground opening, and that he provides the council with his check-sheets for the playground inspections.Action Clerk


16. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues


17. PACT news
See PC Toms’ news above.

18. CALC/ training matters
The clerk reported the Calc AGM, on October 9th.

19. To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas
County and District Councillor Liz Tucker reported that area forums were due to take place. She also spoke about the new wheelie bin system and gathered experiences of the new service. She heard that there was confusion over the brown bin days, that people in Throckmorton were given the wrong leaflet and left the wrong bins out during the first week and that some people who had requested special help had not received it.

20. To consider any further items of correspondence

Circulation: PHS Newsletter/Worcs events diary/ Community First newsline

21. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council

The next meeting was confirmed as November 3rd, Bishampton Villages Hall The meeting closed at 9.45 pm

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Chairman Date
Clerk to the Council Mrs C. Morris