Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 5th January 2009 at the Villages Hall, Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham, Mr Charles Tucker, Mr D Baldwin, Mr G Day, Mr M Argyle, Mr E Beever and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Cllr Liz Tucker (WDC, WCC).

The meeting opened at 7.30pm.


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Mills, who was unable to attend, and Cllr Burtoft, who was working away.

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability
Cllr Baldwin declared his interests as chairman of the village hall committee and the junior playground committee and a member of the Community First Responder scheme.

3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of December 1st 2008
The minutes were approved and signed as a true record of proceedings.


4. To consider updates regarding flood alleviation work and further flooding issues
Councillors Cheetham had spoken to Mr Hegarty at Wychavon again and it was agreed to arrange a meeting with flooding offerings in Bishampton so that the local flooding issues could be discussed on site. It was agreed that Cllr Cheetham Argyle, Tucker and Baldwin should attend. Representatives of Broad Lane residents would also be invited.

5. To consider the planned wind turbines planned for the Lenches
The parish council had received one letter from a concerned resident and had been sent correspondence from MP Peter Luff. The chairman had attended the information session in the village and been asked by the protest group whether the PC would consider distributing a questionnaire. It was agreed that the PC would contact the parish council in the Lenches about the issue and would add some information about where to lodge protests in its next newsletter. Action Clerk

6. To consider any housing issues, including the plan for the development of the airfield.

Councillor Mills had met with housing officers as they toured the village to see if there was any suitable site for affordable housing. The clerk had received no further information.

7. To consider a letter about odours from the chicken farm
A copy of a letter of complaint was send to the parish council, from a Bishampton resident protesting to Wychavon’s environmental health department about smells from the chicken farm on the airfield.
Cllr Argyle had contacted Drummonds and had been told that when the chickens were cleaned out at Christmas time, the odour control system had malfunctioned during the severely cold weather and it was hoped the situation would not happen again. Clerk to respond to the complainant. Action Clerk


8. Finance

8.1. To note any receipts
The PC had banked £120 from Worcestershire County Council in reimbursement for lengthsman costs.

8.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for December 2008
In December, the council had received £120 into its current account and paid out £710.61, leaving a balance of £3,191.68 at the statement date of December 24th. The savings account accrued £9.15 interest bringing its total to £22,715.43. This meant that at the statement date of December 24, the council’s total cash assets stood at £25,907.11.
The clerk presented a budget report for the third quarter. This showed the council had spent £42,278.19 and received £24,617.72 in income for the year to date.

8.3. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment:

8.4. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
Clerk’s expenses of £2 were approved.


9. Planning

9.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings

9.2. Current planning applications

9.3. Reports on planning decisions

10. Play Areas

10.1. To hear any update from the BATVH play area committee and consider action necessary regarding the Junior Play Area project

10.2. To consider any other matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
The hedge cutting was reported to have been carried out to an acceptable standard.

11. Footpaths: To consider footpath issues and spending of the footpath grant.
The clerk reported that hardcoring and signpost instalment had been carried out.
The contractor was due to install a kissing gate off Gunnings Lane and another signpost.

12. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs.
Members were still awaiting a meeting with the lengthsman.


13. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues:


14. PACT news

15. CALC/ training matters

16. County and district councillor report
Cllr Liz Tucker (WCC & WDC) reported that the councils were looking at their budgets and also having to consider the income implications of the drastic reduction in interest rates.

17. To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas
Cllr Baldwin reported latest news on the CFR scheme. A new application had to be made for the second set of equipment, but a temporary one was already in use, which had increased coverage locally.

The chairman also reported that there had been complaints to him about horses being ridden in the dark. It was agreed this could be mentioned in the newsletter.

18. To consider any further items of correspondence

Circulation: CPRE Mag/ Community First Parish Plan Guidance info/ Partnership Matters/ Artworks/Game On/ PHS Newsletter/ Local Council review/

19. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council and for the year ahead.
Ordinary meetings for the year:
Jan – Bishampton/ Feb 2nd – Throckmorton/ March 2nd – Bishampton
April 6th – Throckmorton/ May ? Bishampton / June 8th Throckmorton
Jul 6th Bishampton/ Sep 7th – Throckmorton/ Oct 5th Bishampton/
Nov 9th Throckmorton/ Dec 7th – Bishampton.

The meeting closed at 8.50pm

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council Mrs C. Morris