Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 2nd February 2009 at the Parish Room, Throckmorton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham, Mr Charles Tucker, Mr D Baldwin, Mr G Day, Mr M Argyle, Mr E Beever, Mr J Mills and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Cllr Liz Tucker (WDC, WCC).

The meeting opened at 7.30pm and was adjourned to hear from members of the Skywatch Civil Air Patrol. See notes below.
The meeting reopened at 8.05pm.


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Burtoft and Cllr Morrison, both of whom had work commitments.

2. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Jan 5th 2009
The minutes were approved and signed as a true record of proceedings.

3. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability.
Cllr Baldwin declared his interests as chairman of the BATVHT and as co-ordinator of the Community First Responder scheme. Cllr Tucker also declared an interest as a member of Throckmorton Village Charity.


4. To consider updates from the recent flooding meeting and related issues
A meeting was held with Wychavon Chief Exec Jack Hegarty, with the leader of the council, with WCC officer David Lavender and with Broad Lane representatives. Councillors Cheetham, Tucker, Argyle and Baldwin attended. All reported a successful meeting, with great benefit to all parties meeting together. The Clerk had written to thank participants. It was agreed that there was little more the parish could do at present, apart from continuing to monitor the situation closely.

Cllr Tucker had reviewed the Wychavon DC flood plan for Throckmorton and it was to be returned with only a minor alterations. Clerk to post. Action Clerk

5. To consider housing issues – regional strategy and local affordable housing sites.
The clerk had circulated information from an affordable housing meeting in the village. The housing development officer has requested a meeting with the parish council to discuss preferred sites and the council agreed this could be arranged. Action Clerk

6. To consider issues arising from an expected talk by the Sky Watch Civil Air Patrol
The council had no formal planning application to consider for the Sky Watch scheme but members agreed that while they supported the scheme in principle, they would be inclined to make sure with planners that the siting of the temporary buildings would not compromise the Section 106 Agreement in place on that portion of the airfield land.

7. To consider a request for a grant from Throckmorton Village Charity
The charity requested a £500 grant for the Parish Room, which it intends to spend on improving the hedges and supplying a baby changing unit in the toilets. The money had been set aside in the budget and members agreed to the grant.

8. To consider renewing membership of the CPRE
Members agreed to pay the £29 annual subscription.
Members agreed not to renew the Ordnance Survey map copying licence which was also due.


9. Finance

9.1. To note any receipts
The council had banked £9,000 from BATVHT (Junior Play Area grant from Severn Waste) plus £5,100.01 in reclaimed VAT.

9.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for January 2009
The statement of cash reconciliation showed that in the current account in January, the council banked £14,100.01, bringing its total to £17,291.69. It spent a total of £708.31 and allowing for one cheque (£1) which had not yet been presented, its total at the statement date of January 24th, stood at £16,584.38. The savings account had accrued £1.93 in interest, bringing its total to £22,717.36. This meant that as of January 24th, (allowing for the unpresented cheque) the council’s total cash assets stood at £39,299.74.

9.3. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment:

9.4. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
The clerk’s expenses of £9.86 were approved.

9.5. To consider the clerk’s annual pay scale increase
The annual pay scale increase for clerks (from April 1st) had been set at 2.45%. Councillors agreed it should be applied and backdated.
The clerk reported an error in calculating the previous payscale, which led to an overpayment of £51.48 over the past nine months. The clerk’s increase was calculated and salary adjusted accordingly. (detailed on payment sheet) Apologies from clerk.


10. Planning

10.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings

10.2. Current planning applications:

10.3. Reports on planning decisions

11. Play Areas

11.1. To hear any update from the BATVH play area committee and consider disbanding the committee
The chairman sent thanks to Cllr Baldwin and all those who had been involved in the Junior Play Area Project. All bills were now paid, grants banked and VAT reclaimed so it was agreed that the committee could be formally disbanded – (Cllr Baldwin to make BATVHT arrangements). Clerk to give thanks in newsletter. Action Cllr Baldwin/ Clerk

11.2. To consider any other matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
It was agreed that RoSPA make this year’s playground inspection. It was agreed that the clerk should review all safety points raised from last year’s report. Action Clerk
It was also agreed that the clerk should purchase some safety tape and put in place a procedure for the immediate closure of an item of equipment in the event of serious damage. Action Clerk
The lengthsman had carried out repairs to the steps at the village hall and had fitted stoppers to remove pinch points at the kissing gates.
The council noted that Mrs Gibson was carrying out playground inspections and agreed that would be acceptable. She was hoping to attend a training course when it was staged in the spring.

12. Footpaths: To consider footpath issues and spending of the footpath grant
Work was being carried out to replace a stile with a kissing gate off Gunnings Lane and to replace a signpost on the Throckmorton road.
The council was also pleased to note that further interest had been shown from a Bishampton resident in the job of Parish Paths Warden.

13. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs – report
A meeting was held with Dean and Cllrs Cheetham and Tucker and work schedules discussed. Dean had sent a notice detailing the drains he had attended to but some were not included. Clerk to issue reminder. Action Clerk

14. To consider any newsletter/website issues.
Clerk to produce a newsletter – to include: wind farm/ Sky Watch/ precept details/ Play area/ Flooding/ CRF latest.


15. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues:


16. PACT news
No news

17. CALC/ training matters
Nothing new

18. County and district councillor report
Cllr Liz Tucker reported that there would be some budget cuts from WDC which would include the £500 grant to parishes for the annual litter pick and the £500 grant available for councillors to distribute. The county council was reviewing its budget soon.
She reported on the landfill liaison meeting where she said chipped rubber was now being used to line the cells and where a new scheme to increase the use of methane produced was expected to produce enough electricity to power all of Pershore and more.

19. To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas
The issue of the bad bend out of Bishampton towards the Lenches was raised. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the highways department. Action Clerk

20. To consider any further items of correspondence.

21. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting was confirmed as being on Monday, March 2nd 2009 at The Villages Hall, Bishampton.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council Mrs C. Morris

Notes from the public session

Mr John Morgan, a pilot with Sky Watch Civil Air Patrol, spoke to the meeting about the group’s activities and its plan to base itself on the airfield, on land owned by Marshalls Transport. Councillors were given information packs about the voluntary service, which uses microlights to supplement the work of the emergency services, in support of the police helicopter and for other public service work, like for the district council, eg in times of flooding/for a missing person search. He said the group was applying for permission to base the aircraft on the airfield, with a cover, a caravan to be used as an operations base and a secure unit to store equipment. Existing runway area was to be used for take-off and landing. Members of the charity were thanked for attending and keeping the parish informed of their intentions.