Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Monday 6th April 2009 at theVillages Hall Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr C Tucker (acting chairman), Mr M Argyle (until 8.30pm), Mr J Mills, Mr J Morrison, Mr G Day and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Cllr Liz Tucker (WDC, WCC).

The meeting opened at 7.30pm and adjourned at 7.35pm to hear from Rod Stroud and Erica Page from Vale Villages Against Scottish Power. See notes below.

The meeting reopened at 8.00pm.


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Cheetham, who was away on holiday and Cllr Baldwin, who had another engagement. Cllr Burtoft sent his apologies and also a letter of resignation. He regretfully felt unable to continue as a councillor due to his heavy work commitments. The council expressed its regret and asked the clerk to write to Cllr Burtoft to thank him for his hard work on behalf of his community. Action Clerk
Clerk to begin the co-option process. Action Clerk

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability

3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on March 2nd 2009
The minutes were signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings.


4. To consider a request for a grant from the local Silver Circle group
The Silver Circle was unanimously awarded its usual £200 grant.

5. To consider a request for a dog bin at the rear of the Dolphin
Cllr Mills reported that the Dolphin landlady has inquired about the possibility of a dog bin at the back of the Dolphin where walkers had allowed their dogs to foul the garden area. It was noted that dog bins are no longer subsidised by Wychavon and any new bin would have to be bought by the PC, which would also have to pay for it to be emptied. It was agreed that the clerk would investigate the feasibility of that location and that councillors would see whether the current bins were being used, in case there was a need to move one. The clerk would also put out renewed appeals for more care in the area and the situation would be reviewed at a later date. Action Clerk/Cllrs

6. To consider issues flooding/drainage issues in Bishampton and the flood alleviation grants
Cllr Tucker was still investigating how the parish could use the £5k flooding grant. Action Cllr Tucker
Wychavon MD, Jack Hegarty, was asked about the current state of the Bishampton Broad Lane scheme and he said there was progress with the schemes before Bishampton on the works list. Harvington Phase 1 had been completed so had North Littleton. Some work had commenced at Tibberton and consultants were on board for Harvington Phase 2 – a joint exercise with the County Council.

The PC had been served with a notice to clear the ditch next to the nature reserve (south side). But the officer at Wychavon recognised that it could not be cleared until the neighbouring ditch had been dug out. Cllr Argyle and Cheetham to liaise with Mr Grundy (WDC) to see how best to proceed with the drainage in that area. Action Cllr Cheetham/Argyle
In the meantime, water leaking onto the pavement at the southern end of Main Street was being analysed to see if it was coming from water in the reserve or from a burst main under the houses.

Cllr Argyle left the meeting at 8.30pm


7. Finance

7.1. To note any receipts
£75 was received from WCC in repayment for lengthsman work.

7.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for March 2009.
The statement of cash reconciliation for March showed that in the current account, with an opening balance of £15,458.44, £75 had been banked and cheques for £1,207.42 had been written. Cheques totalling £225.25 had not yet been presented, which left a total in the account, at March 31 of £14,551.27. The savings account had accrued £1.75 in interest, bringing its total to £22,721.03. That meant, that allowing for the unpresented cheques, the council’s assets at the end of March stood at £37,047.05. The clerk gave the councillors an (unchecked) report on the end of year budget which showed that, without VAT, the council had received £33,698.32 in income and spent £40,105.02 which included spending and grants for the junior play area. Clerk to brief councillors further at next meting. Action Clerk

7.3. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment:

7.4. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
Clerk’s expenses of £8.32 (mileage and stamps) were approved.

The clerk reported that she had received the audit notification. The council agreed to employ the same internal auditor at the same fee as last year. Action Clerk


8. Planning

8.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings
Cllr Argyle and Cllr Tucker had looked at the Scoping Document for the Lenches wind farm and no issues were raised.

8.2. Current planning applications

8.3. Reports on planning decisions

9. Play Areas

9.1. To consider any matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
Rospa Inspection/play area notices/safety procedure. Deferred for liaison with Cllr Baldwin.

10. Footpaths: To consider footpath issues and spending of the footpath grant
The council was pleased to note that a new Parish Paths Warden had been appointed, Mr Gordon Kingston from Broad Lane. Clerk is investigating responsibilities re the repair of the stile at the southern end of Main Street.

11. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs
The clerk had received no report from the Lengthsman. It was agreed that Cllr Cheetham and Cllr Tucker would make contact again.

12. To consider any newsletter/website issues
There had been no feedback from the recent newsletter. It was agreed that the next one would be a summer issue after the annual meetings and could include an end of year report, as well as information about the wind farm and the dog fouling situation.


13. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues


14. PACT news
No new issues.

15. CALC/ training matters – Clerk’s appraisal report
The chairman had carried out the clerk’s appraisal and an in-house audit of the accounts. There were no issues to report. The only request was that the clerk would try to issue the councillors’ detailed agenda as early as possible.

16. County and district councillor report
Cllr Tucker reported:

17. To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas
Litter Pick report. All those who took part in the litter pick were heartily thanked for their time and effort (the clerk had put up thank you posters too). Dozens of bags of rubbish had been gathered by helpers in the villages.

Cllr Tucker reported that a PC grant had enabled a new hedge to be laid by the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers at the Parish Room.

18. To consider any further items of correspondence

Circulated: Police authority info/ Parish Matters mag/ Fieldwork mag/ Artsworks/Game On/ Countryside Voice mag/ Bus Bulletin/ Awards for All grant info/ PHS newsletter/

19. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council and for the annual meetings

It was agreed that (if the hall is free) the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council meeting could be combined at Bishampton on May 11th.
A Throckmorton annual parish meeting could take place on June 1st before our normal June meeting.

The meeting closed at 9.26pm

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council Mrs C. Morris

Notes from the public session

Mr Rod Stroud and Ms Erica Page attended the meeting and outlined the latest situation regarding the campaign against Scottish Power’s plans to site wind turbines in the Lenches, bordering Bishampton. The group’s aim is to raise public awareness and gather support in order stop or delay as far as possible the upcoming planning application, expected in September. The chairman thanked them for attending and the issue was raised on the agenda.