Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 7th December 2009 at theVillages Hall Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (Chairman) Mr C Tucker (Vice Chairman), Mr M Argyle, Mr E Beever, Mr G Day, Mr R Hodgkins, Mr D Baldwin, Mr J Mills, Mrs L Rimell and Mrs C Morris (Clerk)

In attendance: Mrs E Tucker, Worcestershire County Councillor and Wychavon District Councillor

The meeting opened at 7.33pm.

It was adjourned to hear from Mr McGinity and Mrs Argyle, who were concerned about the future of the village shop and post office. Mr McGinity presented some information to the council (re: the Plunkett Foundation which financially supports community shop schemes) and both remained to hear the council’s debate.

The meeting reopened at


1.To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence

2.To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability
Cllr Tucker recorded his involvement with Throckmorton Village Charity. Cllr Day declared an interest in the Nutkins Dray planning application as a friend of the applicant and Cllr Rimell declared an interest in her own planning application, which had already been dealt with. Cllr Mills declared his involvement with Item 8.

3.To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on November 2nd 2009
The minutes were signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings.

4.To review the council’s obligations under the Freedom of Information Act


5.To consider the future of the village shop and post office and the role of the parish council in support it
The council unanimously agreed it wanted to support the presence of a shop and post office in the village. Members had ideas for its development but first, it was agreed that it was necessary to gather some further facts before the issue could be developed.
It was agreed that
a) the chairman should approach the landlord of the building to see what options may be open to the council;
b) the clerk should find out from CALC the council’s power to buy/lease a building; and
c) the chairman should approach the vicar about the plans for the church to take over Flyford stores to see if there would be any option for shared management etc.
It was agreed that (with no meeting set for January), when further news was gathered, the council would call an extra meeting – or a working party would meet (comprising Cllr Cheetham, Cllr Hodgkins, Cllr Mills and Mr McGinity and Mrs Argyle) to consider further steps.
Cllr Hodgkins reported that he worked at the community shop in Feckenham and that the chairman would be pleased to talk to anyone considering a similar scheme. It was noted for future talks.

6.To consider issues regarding the Lenches wind turbine scheme
It was reported that a planning application was now expected at the end of January.

7.Christmas in the parish: Christmas tree; request to fund Mulled Wine
The council thanked the Day family for supplying the village Christmas tree again.
Members also agreed to fund the mulled wine refreshments for the Christmas Eve carol singing evening up to £30.

8.To consider complaints about parking on pavements in Bishampton
An official complaint was made to the council regarding parking on the pavements near the hairdresser’s. Cllr Mills, who owns the properties there has spoken to the police about the issue and agreed to speak to clients and tenants to ask them to try to avoid obstructing the pavement for pedestrians.
The clerk reported that there had also been a complaint made about the rubbish collectors bins on the pavements after emptying them. Wychavon was notified and the situation seemed to have improved.

9.To consider any issues regarding the adoption of the Bishampton telephone kiosk
The clerk has applied for the adoption and has organised an electricity supplier. The handover will mean that the telephony is removed and we are left with an empty kiosk with a light in. It was agreed that the kiosk should be used as an information centre with a map listing village properties along with other useful information. Cllr Tucker agreed to investigate costs to have a sign made.

10.To consider a £500 grant request for Bishampton Villages Hall
The village hall committee asked for a £500 grant for this year, rather than the usual £1,000 in order to replace fire extinguishers and this grant was approved by the council.
The council also agreed to pay for one professional cut of the hedges per year as part of the PC mowing contract.
Clerk to inform the BATVHT committee. Action Clerk
It was noted that the village hall had a fire inspection and it was found that the fire hydrant over the road was overgrown and not useable. The lengthsman cleared all of the village hydrants and the highways officer confirmed that it costs could be recouped under the lengthsman scheme.

11.To consider the future of the parish Newssheet and parish council financial support
The council regretted that the new plans for Newssheet would lose the community involvement in its production and members were concerned that the new-look Newssheet would be more of a commercial enterprise. Therefore, members agreed they could not offer financial support.



12.1.To note any receipts and to approve invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment:

12.2.To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for November 2009
The reconciliation showed that in the current account in November, there had been no income and spending of £732.27, leaving its total at the end of the month at £10,560.36. In the savings account, interest had been accrued of £1.43, bringing its total to £33,732.48. All cheques had been cleared so at the end of November, the council’s total cash assets stood at £44,292.84.

12.3.To approve claims for expenses/overtime
The clerk’s expenses of £13.00 were approved (£4.68 stamps and £8.32 mileage).

12.4.To consider the parish council budget for the next financial year and to set the precept for 2010/11
The council considered the clerk’s budget report and spending predictions for the rest of this year and for the year ahead and agreed to keep the precept at the same level - £17,500. Action Clerk


13.1.Council’s response to planning applications between meetings
The following plans came to the council between meetings and were dealt with by delegated powers:

13.2.Current planning applications
Councillors considered the following plans:

13.3.Reports on planning decisions

14.Play Areas : To consider any matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
It was agreed that the council would ask Rospa to carry out safety checks again in the new year. Action Clerk
Cllr Baldwin agreed to look at some damaged safety mats, reported by the lengthsman, and see what needed replacing. Action Cllr Baldwin

15.Footpaths and Conservation Area: To consider rights of way issues and funding some improvements for the conservation area
It was agreed to fund the cost of a fence along one side of the conservation area to stop people taking short cuts with their dogs and encourage proper use of its paths and gates.
It was also agreed to pay for repairs to Cllr Hodgkins’s chainsaw which was broken while work was carried out on site.
The footpath warden had asked for funds in the budget to carry out work in the coming year:

a) A £300 contribution towards the cost of a kissing gate in Badgers Lane
It was agreed to leave the money in budget in case it was needed but that other, less costly ways of dealing with the problem (like installing a stile instead) would be investigated first.

b) That the council could continue paying for regular mowing of the paths in order to ensure regular attention. Approx £350

c) To contribute £500 towards replacing stiles and gates during the coming year

d) A £50 budget for meeting costs for path volunteer recruitment meetings.
This was agreed, although the clerk was asked to point out
to Mr Kingston that the village hall was free to community groups without income.

16.To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs
The clerk reported lengthsman work for the month.

For highways:

for the PC:

17. To consider any newsletter/website issues.


18.To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues:


19.PACT news

20.CALC/ training matters
January 4th Throckmorton Parish Room 7 for 7.30pm. Training session.

21.County and district councillor report
Cllr Liz Tucker reported on budget concerns of the district and county councils.

22.To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas

23. To consider any further items of correspondence

Circulation: Pershore Transport Questionaire results/ Pershore High newsletter/ Worcestershire Warden newsletter/ Children and young people strategic partnership info/ Community First Newsline/ Caring News/ Countryside Voice

24.To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting of the parish council was affirmed as Monday, February 1st 2010.The meeting closed at 9.30pm

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Chairman Date

Clerk to the Council
Mrs C. Morris