Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 1st March 2010 at theVillages Hall Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (chairman), Mr M Argyle, Mr G Day, Mr R Hodgkins, Mr J Mills, Mrs L Rimell, Mr E Beever (from 8pm) and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Mrs E Tucker, Worcestershire County Councillor and Wychavon District Councillor

The meeting opened at 7.30pm.


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Cllr Tucker was otherwise engaged and Cllr Baldwin was abroad - their apologies were accepted by the council.

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability
Cllr Rimell declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 8 and so it was agreed to hear the item at the end of the meeting so she could leave beforehand.

3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on February 1st ‘10
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings.

4. To review the council’s obligations under the Freedom of Information Act
The clerk had drawn up a draft schedule which it was agreed could combine with an annual report for publication at the beginning of the new municipal year. Clerk to distribute to councillors by email. Action Clerk


5. To consider any updates regarding the future of the village shop and post office
Cllr Cheetham made a report to the council. He said that the working party had met and had been in discussions with the owner of the building, as well as with the shopkeeper and the tenants of the flat.
The council unanimously voted that the working party should continue to pursue the possibility of the purchase of the shop before coming back to the council with any proposals and that a special meeting should be called if needs be.
It was noted that the required number of councillors had completed the Power of Wellbeing training which meant that once the power was adopted, it had the authority to buy the shop if necessary. It was agreed to vote to adopt the power at the next meeting and also to seek borrowing permission from the Government, should the council need to pursue a loan. Action Clerk/Chairman
The clerk had produced a draft community survey but it was agreed that further consultation/newsletters should take place when there was firmer news – at the parish meetings in April/May if it was possible.
It was noted that there had been a significant collection of letters supporting the parish council in its efforts to save the shop and post office from closure and a second piece in the parish magazine could generate further opinion on the subject.

6. To consider a grant for the Throckmorton Parish Room
The Throckmorton Village Charity plans some maintenance and new notice boards at the parish room and the PC agreed to award it the usual £500 annual grant.

(The following item was taken at the end of the meeting after Cllr Rimell had declared her interest and left the building.)

7. To consider the mowing and footpath contract for the coming year
Three tenders were received for consideration and it was decided that, as the prices were all very close, and that the council had been pleased with the current standard of work, that it would continue to employ the same contractors – GBD (Evesham) for the amenity mowing and Limebridge for Rights of Way clearance - for the next three-year period, providing that all the PC conditions continued to be met. Clerk to reply. Action Clerk

8. To consider a response to a community transport survey
The council studied proposals for a new circular bus route being considered by the county council. Members were unanimously in support of the plan. Clerk to respond. Action Clerk

9. To agree arrangements for the parish annual Litter Pick
It was agreed that the annual litter pick should go ahead and councillors agreed to take on a stretch of verge and encourage villagers to join in. Cllr Cheetham, Argyle and Tucker were to be the main contacts for the pickers. Action Clerk/ councillors

10. To consider parish nominees for the Bishampton Relief in Need Charity
Mrs Betty Lane and Mr Eric Jones are the current Parish Council nominees to be trustees of the charity and their term expires on April 11th. They had both indicated that they would be happy to continue so the council agreed it would like them to do so. Action Clerk


11. Finance

11.1. To note any receipts and to approve invoices for payment

11.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for February 2010
The cash reconciliation showed that the council had written cheques for £675.06 during February, one of which, for £24, had not been presented. This brought the total in the council’s current account at the end of February to £7,103.32. In the savings account there had been £1.34 in interest, which brought its total, at February 28th, to £33,736.73. Allowing for the unpresented cheque, the council’s total cash assets at February 28th stood at £40,816.05.

11.3. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
The clerk’s expenses of £23.00 (£17 printer ink and £6 mileage) were approved.

12. Planning

12.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings

12.2. Current planning applications

12.3. Reports on planning decisions

13. Play Areas - To consider any matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
It was agreed in the budget that the PC should fund a trim of the hedges around the village hall grounds each year. It was noted between meetings that February would be the best time of the year, environmentally, to do that and our contractor also advised that it was better to carry out a major cut in the winter months. After consultation with Cllr Cheetham and Argyle, the clerk asked him to go ahead. The council approved the action.
The clerk reported that she had to fill in hire agreements and nominate fire wardens for Bishampton Villages Hall. As well as the clerk, Cllr Cheetham and Argyle signed up as fire wardens and it was hoped Cllr Baldwin would sign up on his return from his travels. It was noted that a fire drill should be staged annually by the council.

14. Footpaths and Conservation Area: To consider rights of way issues and funding for improvements for the conservation area
Cllr Hodgkins Rodney reported that he bought some gloves and a wheelbarrow and a saw horse for those working on the conservation area, for which he was reimbursed (see finance above). The lengthsman has installed a new fence. Posters had been put up asking for volunteers to help with some clearance work and Cllr Rimell and Mr Rimell had visited to see how they could help with the
He asked the council to consider its role – and whether benches, for instance, could be a good idea to encourage people to use the site.
The council agreed that at this stage, signs would be a good idea, to inform people how to find the site. Priorities were to be given to health and safety signs and then a sign could be placed pointing people to the site entrance and information panels could be planned.
Cllr Hodgkins is to make a plan of what signs are required so prices can be investigated. Action Cllr Hodgkins/Clerk

15. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs
It was noted that the money available for 2009/10 was due to expire and that the PC had not used up the full amount. It was agreed to ask the lengthsman to clear some bramble patches in the parish – on the airfield and covering drain culverts in Bishampton – as well as his usual work, before the scheme restarted in April. Action Clerk

16. To consider any newsletter/website issues
It was agreed that a newsletter would be arranged as soon as there was something firm to be reported about the shop.


17. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues


18. PACT news

19. CALC/ training matters
Cllr Hodgkins was attending councillor training sessions.

20. County and district councillor report
Cllr Liz Tucker spoke about smells from the landfill site; about reports of noise nuisance with skidding cars on the airfield; about her pursuit of pavement improvements; about the closure of Pinvin Post Office; and reported that the environmental health and trading standards departments were being centralised across the county.

21. To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas

22. To consider any further items of correspondence

23. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting of the parish council was set for TUESDAY, April 6th 2010 (Monday is Bank Holiday). The schedule for the annual parish meetings would be decided according to news of the shop.
The meeting closed at 9.20pm

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Chairman DateClerk to the Council
Mrs C. Morris