Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 4th May 2010 at the Parish Room Throckmorton

Members and Officers present:
Mr D Cheetham (chairman), Mr G Day, Mr R Hodgkins, Mr J Mills, Mrs L Rimell, Mr C Tucker (from 7.45pm), Mr D Baldwin, Mr M Argyle (until 8.15pm) and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Mrs E Tucker, Worcestershire County Councillor and Wychavon District Councillor.

The meeting opened at 7.35pm.
It was adjourned to hear from Mr E Morris and Mr Steve Osbourne, who attended to talk about Item 11. It was decided to discuss the issue and speak to them afterwards (see below).
The meeting reopened at 7.38pm.

1. Election of Chairman and signing of the Declaration of Office
Cllr Argyle took the chair and Cllr Cheetham was unanimously re-elected chairman. He signed the declaration of office and then took the chair for the remainder of the meeting.

2. Election of Vice Chairman
Cllr Tucker was re-elected vice chairman in his absence (provided he had no objection).

3. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Cllr Beever was working away and his apology was noted and approved.

4. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability

Cllr Tucker arrived.

The council brought forward Item 11, after the following resolution: To exclude the public and press for the debate concerning the following item in view of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed. (see minute below)

Non council members left at 7.42 and discussions were held in confidence until 8.15pm (Cllr Argyle left) when the meeting was suspended to hear from Mr Morris and Mr Osborne – see attached note. The meeting reopened at 8.35pm.

5. To note the council’s Standing Orders and consider a review at the next meeting

6. To note the Code of Conduct
The council noted the Code of Conduct.

7. To consider the council’s Scheme of Delegation and councillor Areas of Responsibility

8. To review the council’s Financial Regulations, Risk Assessment and Insurance Requirements

9. To nominate councillors to represent the parish on Outside Bodies

10. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on April 6th 2010
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings.

11. To consider the implications of the purchase of the Bishampton shop building and other issues regarding the future of the shop and post office
The council discussed latest reports from the working party and the chairman and unanimously agreed that, subject to financial details being agreed, the council would buy the shop premises (shop and flat) and then sell the flat in order to reduce the amount of debt which the parish would have to bear. Members agreed that the preferred scenario would be to offer the flat for sale to a prospective shopkeeper. If a shopkeeper wanted to run the shop without purchasing the flat, it would be offered for sale but the shop would remain in council ownership.
It was agreed that Cllr Baldwin should join the working party in order for a more detailed financial plan to be drawn up before the council made final agreement to borrow the money.
It was agreed that Cllr Argyle should draw up an advert to place in various media, up to a cost of £500, offering accommodation available and negotiable rent for the shop premises, in order to a) see what the interest there would be from potential shop-keepers and b) to minimise time that the shop would be out of action.
It was agreed that the idea would be put to the parish at the Annual Parish Meeting.
It was noted that the clerk had received several more letters of support for the parish Council’s attempts to keep the shop open, from residents at Willow Bank residential home in Tilesford.

12. To consider items for the Bishampton Annual Parish Meeting
It was agreed that the main topic for the meeting would be the shop.

13. To consider applications for Rural Rate Relief: Bishampton shop

The council again made the following resolution: To exclude the public and press for the debate concerning the following item in view of the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

It was decided that more information was needed about the rural rate system, in the light of the shopkeeper leaving, before the council could decide whether to support a parish contribution of £126.79. Action Clerk


14. Finance

14.1. To note any receipts.

14.2. To approve outstanding invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment:

14.3. To approve claims for expenses/overtime

14.4. To consider any end of year/audit issues: to approve the accounts, complete the annual return and the annual governance statement

15. Planning

15.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings

15.2. Current planning applications

15.3. Reports on planning decisions

16. Play Areas

16.1. To consider any matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
Rospa Inspection/play area notices/safety procedure. Cllr Baldwin agreed to look at the points raised in the report. Nothing was urgent.

17. Footpaths: To consider footpath issues and spending of the footpath grant
No current issues

18. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs
Nothing to report.

19. To consider any newsletter/website issues
It was agreed that the clerk should print out notices for councillors to distribute, publicising the Annual Parish Meeting. Action Clerk


20. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues

21. Telephone box/ PACT news


22. CALC/ training matters
Clerk to ask if Cllr Baldwin can attend Wellbeing training if there is a local session.

23. County and district councillor report
Cllr Liz Tucker spoke about the drainage work and about footways.

24. To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas
It was noted that a solicitor’s letter had been received saying that a resident of Moat Farm Lane was angry about people accessing the nature reserve, via their driveway. They had been stopping people going in and turning away even the volunteer workers.
They said they interpreted the access agreement as being limited to ‘bird sanctuary’ owners for occasional maintenance and objected to it being open to general public, and to the direction signs showing people the way in.
The letter threatened that the home owners would put a padlock on the gate, giving the parish council a key and preventing the general public from having access. They demanded that the signs be removed, or they would remove some.
It was noted that the land was leased by the parish from Wychavon District Council, so it was agreed that the district solicitor be consulted. Action Clerk

25. To consider any further items of correspondence

26. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
It was agreed that Bishampton Parish Meeting would take place on Monday 24th May 2010, 8pm at the Villages Hall.
There is also a PC meeting scheduled for Monday June 7th 2010.

The meeting closed at 9.50pm
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Chairman DateClerk to the Council
Mrs C. Morris


Mr Eddie Morris heard the outcome of the council’s discussions and plans to sell the flat while leasing the shop. He indicated that he would like to continue renting the flat – and asked the council to consider that as an option - but said he would not like to buy it. He also commented on his opinion of the structure of the building.
Mr Steve Osborne attended so that the council could ask him questions if they wanted to. It was noted that the Post Office had written in to say that it would close in June but Steve confirmed that he would keep the shop going on a rolling, monthly contract until he found other employment or his lease ran out. He asked the council to note that he had shop fittings which may appeal to a new owner of the shop. Councillors thanked him for attending.