Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 24th May 2010 at theVillages Hall Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (chairman), Mr C Tucker, Mr M Argyle, Mr G Day, Mr R Hodgkins, Mr J Mills, Mrs L Rimell, and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Mrs E Tucker, Worcestershire County Councillor and Wychavon District Councillor.

The meeting opened at 9.40pm, immediately after the Annual Parish Meeting.

1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Cllr Baldwin’s and Cllr Beever’s apologies were noted and approved.

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability

3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on May 4th 2010
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings.


4. To consider the implications of the purchase of the Bishampton shop building and other issues regarding the future of the shop and post office
The council unanimously agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting’s overwhelming vote in support of the council’s plans was mandate for the council to continue with the shop building purchase. It was agreed to engage a solicitor, order a full survey of the property and proceed with the purchase of the shop and sale of the flat. It was agreed that Cllr Argyle should move ahead with placing adverts in local papers and that the papers should be approached in order to maximise publicity for the situation. Action Chairman, Clerk, Working Party.

5. To consider applications for Rural Rate Relief: Bishampton shop.

6. To consider action regarding the access dispute at the Moat Farm Lane Nature Reserve
It was noted that after the PC’s letter in response to the solicitors, the householders had padlocked the gate and removed the sign on it (the other two remain) – though the padlock remains off while they are on holiday.
They have spoken to Liz Tucker and offered to meet the parish council to discuss the issue. Wychavon solicitors agree that the deeds allowing access do not restrict access to any numbers of people or restrict public access.
Cllr Hodgkins reminded the council that there had always been a sign on the gate, that the signs were erected because the county nature reserves officer had recommended them as best practice in running a reserve and that investigations of the access arrangements appeared to indicate that the PC had acted properly. It was noted that the Wychavon solicitor (Wychavon District Council owns the site and the PC leases it) agreed with the PC that there was no restriction on access in the agreement.
Cllr Liz Tucker suggested that the meeting would still be a good opportunity for views to be aired. She said that she had suggested a leaflet be produced explaining the purpose of the nature reserve. It was agreed that a leaflet be drawn up and that the meeting be arranged, with a Wychavon solicitor if possible. Cllr Hodgkins to check on some ownership issues beforehand. Action Cllr Hodgkins/Clerk


7. Finance

7.1. To note any receipts and approve outstanding invoices for payment.
The following invoices were approved for payment:

7.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for April 2010 and the annual statement of accounts
The monthly cash reconciliation was postponed until the next meeting.
The annual bank reconciliation was signed by the chairman.

7.3. To approve claims for expenses/overtime.
The council approved the clerk’s expenses for April 2010 - was £11.84.

7.4. To consider any end of year/audit issues: to approve the accounts, complete the annual return and the annual governance statement.
The council approved the Annual Governance Statement and approved the annual accounts. The council delegated the signing off of the annual return to Cllr Cheetham, subject to no issues being raised by the internal auditor.
The clerk asked councillors to note that three invoices had been missed out in the written minutes, during the summer, although they were included in the accounts, reported at the time and cheque authorisation forms had been completed:

They were noted and approved.

8. To receive reports from councillors and items for future agendas

9. To consider any further items of correspondence

Circulation: Parish Matters/ Worcs Warden newsletter/ Pershore High Newsletter (inc Zambia report!/ )CPRE newsletter

10. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The council confirmed that the next meeting be held as scheduled on Monday, June 7th 2010, at Bishampton.
The meeting closed at 10.10pm

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Chairman Date
Clerk to the Council