Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 7th June 2010 at theVillages Hall Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (chairman), Mr C Tucker, Mr M Argyle, Mr G Day, Mr R Hodgkins, Mr J Mills, Mrs L Rimell, Mr D Baldwin, Mr E Beever and Mrs C Morris (Clerk).

In attendance: Mrs E Tucker, Worcestershire County Councillor and Wychavon District Councillor.

The meeting opened at 7.30pm and was adjourned to hear from Mr Jackson. See attached note.

1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability None

3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on May 24th 2010
The minutes were approved and signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings.

Item 4 was deferred to the end of the meeting

4. To note and review the council’s Standing Orders; Scheme of Delegation; Areas of Responsibility; appointments to outside bodies; Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment
The Standing Orders had been distributed electronically. Councillors decided to look at them for the next meeting, for when the clerk would draw up a proposal for discussion.
The Scheme of Delegation and Areas of Responsibility were reviewed (attached).
The review of the Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment was deferred to the next meeting.

5. To consider the next stages in the purchase of the Bishampton shop building: to consider affirming the council’s intention to borrow money to do this
It was reported that a local surveyor had kindly agreed to carry out a survey at a reduced cost and agreed that it should go ahead. Councillors agreed that some structural issues raised would be pointed out to him and his advice followed.
The council agreed to appoint the county legal department to handle the purchase on its behalf, noting that not only was it a cheaper option, according to prices gathered from other firms, it could be beneficial to work with a legal team with specialism in council operations.
The Application for Borrowing Approval had been sent round electronically and was approved by the council and signed by the chairman, to be sent off to CALC and then on to the government for approval.
The clerk reported that she was in the process of finding a qualified clerk to oversee the use of the Power of Wellbeing. Action Clerk
The council noted that initial advertising for a shopkeeper/postmaster had not yielded a response. Further adverts were planned. Action Cllr Argyle
Clerk to produce a poster for distribution and to promote the matter in a newsletter. Action Clerk
Chairman to approach Business Link Action Chairman
Cllr Hodges to promote in Feckenham shop Action Cllr Hodgkins
Cllr Tucker to contact the Wychavon Small Business Advisor Action Cllr Tucker
All councillors to think of ways to publicise the issue Action All Cllrs!

1. To consider items arising for the Bishampton Annual Parish Meeting: the parish newsletter.
Clerk to invite the vicar to a meeting to discuss the matters raised. Action Clerk

2. To consider applications for Rural Rate Relief: Bishampton shop.
The council noted that its contribution to the rate relief could be recouped at a time when Steve left the shop, so it was agreed that the PC would support the full amount of relief and pay its contribution of £126.79.

3. To consider the access dispute at the Moat Farm Lane Conservation Area.
A meeting with the home owner is being held before the main meeting tonight.
Cllr Cheetham, Cllr Hodgkins and Liz Tucker met with the complainants who said that the change in regime and the signs had attracted many more visitors to pass over their driveway and that some had left pushchairs or bikes on their drive. They conceded that they had no right to block access to the reserve in any way and said they were happy for a small sign to be placed back on to the gate.
Cllr Hodgkins said an area had been set aside inside the reserve gate where bikes etc could be left off the driveway and the clerk had prepared a leaflet which could be distributed to tell people the rules about the reserve, ask them to have respect for neighbours and tell them that the gate would be closed at dusk. The council agreed and the chairman thanked all involved for coming to an agreement. Action Clerk
It was also formally agreed to call the area the ‘Moat Farm Lane Nature Reserve’.

4. Finance

4.1. To note any receipts and approve invoices for payment
The following invoices were approved for payment:

4.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for May 2010 and consider end of year/audit/annual return issues
The council noted that the Internal Auditor had raised no issues with the accounts and approved the annual accounts and return. The chairman signed the return and the bank reconciliation. Clerk to post. Action Clerk

4.3. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
The clerk’s claim for half a day’s overtime was approved (printing of notices plus extra work involved in the shop purchase to date) plus expenses of £12.40 (mileage).

5. Planning

5.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings and reports on decisions

5.2. Current planning applications

6. Play Areas : To consider any matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
The clerk reported that with the lengthsman out of action, Cllr Rimell (who has attended a course on playground inspections) had agreed to undertake the weekly play area checks in the short term (for the same cost as the lengthsman should she wish). She had indentified a couple of areas for attention and Cllr Baldwin agreed to look at them. She agreed to also find a price to erect fencing behind the goals to stop balls going into the garden next door. Action Cllr Rimell
Cllr Cheetham agreed to study the Rospa report for action needed. Action Cllr Cheetham
The clerk was asked to see if a neighbouring lengthsman could stand in for Mr Winter for the time being. Action Clerk
Cllr Tucker and Hodgkins agreed to make a monthly check strategic drainage points in the meantime. Action Cllrs Tucker/Hodgkins

7. Footpaths: To consider footpath issues and spending of the footpath grant
The Footpath Warden’s report was noted and it was noted that he was looking for volunteers in Throckmorton to help him keep an eye on the path network there.
It was reported that the footpaths had not been mown for some time. Clerk to check.
It was also noted that some mowing of the village hall had not been carried out adequately, clerk to also check this. Action Clerk

8. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs (See item 6)

9. To consider any newsletter/website issues
Clerk to produce a newsletter between meetings.

10. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues

11. CALC/ training matters
Training dates had been circulated. Cllr Day was attending a couple of sessions.

12. County and district councillor report
Cllr Tucker spoke about housing, the continuing work on a new bus service and cuts expected with the new Government.

13. To receive reports from councillors, items for future agendas and items of correspondence

14. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meeting was confirmed as Monday, July 5th, Throckmorton.The meeting closed at 9.37pm

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Chairman Date


Mr Jackson asked the chairman if he had considered other options when considering funding for the shop purchase. The chairman confirmed that the working party formed to look into the feasibility of the purchase had considered other methods of funding the scheme but had concluded that the best option was that which had been proposed and which the council had adopted. Mr Jackson asked for specific details on alternative considerations and the chairman said he was not willing to discuss the details. Mr Jackson asked for minutes from the working party meetings but was informed that the discussions were not minuted, as working party discussions did not have to be recorded, being as they were discussion forums with no powers to make decisions. Mr Jackson was asked to stop shouting. He asked to speak about the shop item on the agenda and was asked to do it at the start of the meeting. He spoke about an incident involving the police in Manchester and his campaign to seek out police corruption in West Mercia. He said rich people who had made money from the sale of land in the village should have been asked to contribute to the cost of purchasing the shop.


A parish council may delegate decisions to a committee or the clerk, as the proper officer. The council may not delegate matters to one councillor, including the chairman.
Working groups may meet informally, without public notice but must make recommendations to the council.
Committees and working groups of the council should agree terms of reference and review them annually.

Urgent decisions required between scheduled meetings of the council are delegated to the clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the council. Should either councillor need to declare a prejudicial interest in the item, then the clerk should approach the councillor with special responsibility for the area or, if this is not relevant, then the first councillor in the alphabetical (surnames) list.
Decisions made under this delegation must be reported to and minuted at the next meeting of the council.
Under this delegation, where appropriate, the clerk may decide that an extraordinary meeting of the council be called to deal with the urgent matter.

The council, as statutory consultee, delegates all decisions arising under Development Control consultations to the clerk in consultation with members of the planning group. Membership of this group is reviewed by the council at the annual meeting.
Planning applications will usually be considered at parish council meetings but sometimes decisions need to be made between meetings. In these cases, the relevant papers are to be circulated to all planning group members who should return their comments to the clerk, who will then collate a response for the relevant department.
Decisions made between meetings under this delegation must be reported to and minuted at the next meeting of the parish council.
Information on all major planning applications will be circulated to all members for comment and must be further considered at the next parish council meeting – or a special meeting will be called if necessary. Throckmorton members should also be informed about applications in their ward.

The staffing committee must consist of at least three people, including two councillors.
The committee will be responsible for:

Councillor Areas of Responsibility – updated 07/06/10
Click Here

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Chairman DateClerk to the Council