Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 6th September 2010 at theVillages Hall Bishampton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (chairman), Mr C Tucker, Mr M Argyle, Mr G Day, Mr J Mills, Mrs L Rimell (from 8.15pm), Mr D Baldwin, Mr E Beever and Mrs C Morris (Clerk)

In attendance: New clerk Mrs M English

The meeting opened at 7.30pm and was adjourned to hear from Mr Peter Charlesworth. See attached note.


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Hodgkins, who was on holiday and from Cllr Rimell who had to attend late.

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability.
Cllr Baldwin’s interest in the Community First Responder Scheme was noted.

3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on July 5th and 14th 2010
The minutes were signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings. A note was made that Cllr Rimell was also included on the shop interview panel.

4. To note and review the council’s Standing Orders; Financial Regulations (circulated) and Risk Assessment
The clerk had worked on the standing orders but as they, and the financial regulations, were so involved, it was agreed to adopt them as they were and to make alterations as issues arose – all councillors will have a copy and can raise any issues they feel they would like to address. Clerk to circulate new copies. Action Clerk.
Risk assessment: to be reviewed by new clerk and chairman.


5. To consider the appointment of a new clerk
Michelle English signed a contract and it was agreed that the outgoing clerk would continue working for an overlapping month so there could be a handover as smooth as possible.

6. To consider the next stages in the purchase of the Bishampton shop building: contract, lease agreements, Power of Wellbeing
Councillor Cheetham reported on the situation with the contract – signing was imminent.
The clerk reported that the money would be borrowed a fortnight before we need it and a deposit of £16,000 due on the signing of the contract would be arranged to be covered from reserves. Action Clerk/Chairman
Cllr Argyle reported that 27 people had responded to the adverts for a shop-keeper and all were being given the chance to send in their business ideas for the short-list and interviews would follow. Action Cllr Argyle
It was noted that several of the applicants had asked to rent the flat rather than buy it, which is why the council felt it must consider that as a real option. Even though there were concerns about the financial burden on the parish, it was agreed that commercial reality should also drive the issue forward and renting could be considered if the cost would cover the cost of the extra mortgage. It was agreed to consider this formally once the situation with interviewees was finalised.
It was noted that Cllr Hodgkins had been in touch with the post office, and Peter Luff, to try to persuade them to consider reversing their decision to downgrade the post officer service, without success but with some positive signs that it may be considered at a later date.

7. To consider a complaint from a Throckmorton resident about noise from airfield events
A resident had complained about motor events on the Marshalls site which were proving very noisy and a regular occurrence. The clerk reported that she passed on the complaint to the environmental health department and they confirmed that two complaints had been received and they were looking into the matter. It was noted that usually a detailed log of incidents was necessary in order to establish the nature of a noise nuisance.
It was agreed that the PC should write to Marshalls to tell them about the complaints and ask if they could consider supplying a calendar of events, so neighbours could be informed beforehand. Action Clerk

Cllr Rimell arrived at this point.

8. To consider a request for a loan or donation for the Bishampton history society for the production of a book on village history
The Clerk declared her interest as she was helping the group put the book together.
She told the council that the group has been working on the book of the photographic history of Bishampton for some time and it is now coming together and production could be under way by the end of the year. The group was asking for an indication of whether the council would support the venture, with a loan to help cover publishing costs before money from the sale of the book was recuperated. Exact costs were not yet known. Any profits from the book would go to a village charity.
Councillors indicated that they would look favourably at a proposal for financial support at the time of publication.


9. Finance

9.1. To note any receipts and approve invoices for payment
Councillors noted to following receipt:

The following invoices were approved for payment:-Paid between meetings: (under clerk’s delegated powers)

Current invoices :

It was noted that several invoices for work on the Main St/Stanton Fields project were to be repaid by Wychavon DC as they formed spending as part of a flooding grant, awarded to the parish but held by the district council. The clerk presented spending for this project to date:

£191.84 was left from previous £2k grant which was paid to the council for flood alleviation work in Jan 08( i.e. -£191.84)

LEAVING £1656.61 which will be claimed from the other £5k grant awarded to the PC in July 2009, held by Wychavon.

A total of £3,343.39 remains of that grant and Cllr Argyle reported that the next stage of the work could use almost all the remaining grant. See also item 15.

9.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for July/August 2010 and consider any audit/annual return issues
The bank reconciliation for July/August showed that, in the current account, a total of £458 had been banked and cheques had been written for £2695.90. All cheques had been presented, leaving a total at the end of August of £6,678.95. The savings account had accrued £2.82 in interest, which brought its total to £33,745.09. This meant that at the end of August 2010, the council’s total cash assets stood at £40,424.04.
The clerk reported that the annual return was returned without any issues raised.

9.3. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
Clerk’s expensed for July and August were approved: £22.92 ink and stamps, £10 mileage.

10. Planning

10.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings and reports on decisions
The following comments were made between meetings, after consultation with planning members:

The following applications had been determined by Wychavon DC:

10.2. Current planning applications
There were no new applications to consider.

11. Play Areas: To consider any matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds

Cllr Rimell declared an interest and left the room

A quote was considered from Smart Cut for the erection of a chain link fence behind the goalposts to stop balls going into next door’s gardens. The quote was accepted and it was agreed the work should go ahead.

Cllr Rimell returned.

She reported on some minor issues at the playground and the issues on the RoSPA inspection were checked again. It was noted that Cllr Cheetham and Cllr Hodgkins had carried out work on the site to address some of the issues raised in the report.
Cllr Baldwin agreed to check the climbing frame. Action Cllr Baldwin

12. Footpaths and Nature Reserve
A footpath report by the Parish Paths Warden Gordon Kingston was given to councillors. He said:

“The Bishampton Rights of Way Action Group (10 members) have given the PPW considerable support over the summer months and a number of priority jobs have been undertaken. Thanks are due to this group in particular for their efforts. The work would benefit even more if we have more members
1 – We have started to replace old way-marking signage (arrows and fingerposts) although the majority of this work has been scheduled for this autumn.
2 – A couple of broken stiles have been repaired and two gates on the jubilee trail. The Tarver’s kissing gate on Badgers Lane is due to be delivered (correct one this time!) later this week.
3 – the Badgers Lane ‘wet’ problem has still not been resolved. The PPW has attempted to clear major vegetation blockage from time to time and removed patches of very tall burdock which concealed the setts and were a real danger to horse riders.
4 – clearing of stiles, gates and ROW has been undertaken wherever possible by the PPW.
Contact has been maintained with landowners and farmers where necessary. This has meant contact with three more individuals over the summer. These include the tenant farmer of Redmills and he owners of Marshalls Transport. A resident of Throckmorton has kindly agreed to help support the PPW in this parish.
Work has commenced on putting the new sleeper steps at the top of Bishampton Bank (above the golf course) thanks to the assistance of Rodney Hodgkins and Nigel Smith. It is hoped to complete the work over the coming month. Materials were sourced from the golf club and WCC so the parish will not incur costs.”

Cllr Hodgkins had send a note to say that the Moat Farm Lane Nature Reserve volunteers were now considering work for the winter period would again be asking for some helpers. It was noted that the plan to dig out the pond had not yet happened but councillors may try to revive the scheme before it got too wet.

13. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs
It was agreed that in the clerk should look at alternative lengthsman services to cover while the lengthsman continued to be absent. It was still unknown whether he would return to work. Action Clerk

14. To consider any newsletter/website issues

15. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues:
Community First Responder Scheme:
Cllr Baldwin reported on the latest situation and that a new kit was ready for purchase for use by the two newest recruits to the scheme. A £600 cheque was written – this purchase had been approved previously and a sum had been set aside in the budget.
Cllr Argyle reported that work has been carried out to clear the Main St/Stanton Fields drain and all affected have received a letter to explain the work and to point out that they have responsibility for the drain in future once it was brought up to standard. Cllr Argyle said foul water was still finding its way into the drain and investigations were under way to find out where it was coming from. The next stage in improving the drain would be to line it with plastic. It was reported that there was noticeable improvement in drainage during recent heavy rain.
Telephone box: The phone box was formally decommissioned and handed over to the PC. The insurance company confirmed it was covered under the council’s public liability policy. The council agreed it did not want to insure it for property damage. Clerk to post a sign in the box to say it was no longer owned by BT. Action Clerk

16. PACT news

17. CALC/ training matters
Cllr Day had attended training sessions and was pleased to report that the parish council appeared to be run closely to the CALC guidelines. Clerk to circulate new times and dates for training sessions in the autumn. Training for the new clerk would be arranged as soon as possible. Action Clerk


18. County and district councillor report
Cllr Tucker reported on:

Councillors also discussed the Government idea to cap council tax, which could have implications for the shop scheme, but there was no firm idea yet for how it would affect parishes.

19. To receive reports from councillors, items for future agendas and items of correspondence

Circulation pack: Clerks and councils direct/ Community First Newsline/ Carers and Caring News/ Nuclear Power / PHS newsletter

To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council.

The next meeting was confirmed as October 4th, 7.30pm Throckmorton.The meeting closed at 9.30pm

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Chairman Date
Clerk to the Council


Mr Charlesworth spoke about the shop purchase and said people he had spoken to in the village believed the flat should be retained with the shop building and rented, rather than sold, to the incoming shop-keeper.
He also said that there were plans to revive the old newssheet and asked if the parish council would like to spearhead the project and offer a loan to cover its initial costs.
The chairman thanked him for coming and said re the shops issue - the option was something which would be discussed. He said the council would need to put the newssheet request on the next agenda and asked Mr Charlesworth to come forward in the meantime, with a firmer proposal and indication of support – from neighbouring councils, organisations and advertisers