Minutes of the Parish Council held on Monday 4th October 2010 at the Villages Hall, Throckmorton

Members and Officers present: Mr D Cheetham (chairman), Mr C Tucker, Mr M Argyle, Mr G Day, Mr J Mills, Mrs L Rimell, Mr D Baldwin, Mr R Hodgkins and Mrs M English (Clerk).

In attendance: Mrs C. Morris

The meeting opened at 7.30pm and was adjourned to hear from Mrs Argyle. See attached note.


1. To receive apologies and to approve the reason for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Beever, Cllr Tucker, Cllr L Tucker,

2. To record: a) Declarations of Interest (Personal & Prejudicial) and b) Any changes to be notified to the Register of Interest and Gifts & Hospitability None

3. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on July 5th and 14th 2010
The minutes were signed by the chairman as a true record of proceedings. It was decided the minutes would be put on the notice board (2 weeks after the meeting) in draft form


4. To consider the next stages in the purchase of the Shop – including completion of finances and finding the tenant/purchaser for the shop and flat
It was noted that the contract had been signed on September 17, when a deposit of £16,000 was paid by banker's draft from the savings account (at a cost of £20). The date for completion was given as November 30, 2010.
The council heard that interviews were planned with 3 prospective tenants on Wednesday 6th October.
The council unanimously agreed that following advice from various sources, and after studying a financial report from the clerk (C Morris) and considering the financial implications, it would be best to retain possession of the flat as well as the shop, in the short term at least, in order to keep the best options open for control of the shop building into the future.
The council also agreed that it would offer the prospective shop tenants the ground floor at a peppercorn rent for three years. A contract regarding the flat would be open to negotiation with the tenant.
The interview panel was agreed: Mrs Hilary Argyle (an original working party member who was asked to replace Mr McGinity who was unable to attend), Cllr Mills, Cllr Rimell and Mr Boocock, who had been asked to join in as a local professional business advisor. It was agreed that the panel would report back to the PC with its recommendations and a meeting would be held soon afterwards in order to receive their report.
A meeting was scheduled for Friday, October 8th at 2pm and it was agreed that afterwards, a newsletter could be produced to update the village on progress.
Cllr Cheetham was to look into the appointment of an agent to draw up the leases for the rental and shop.
It was also noted that the outgoing clerk had offered to deal with the shop issue until it was at the best position for the new clerk to take over.

5. To consider the request for the PC to be involved /finance assistance for the Parish Magazine
No proposal had been received to date and it was decided to leave this item till the next meeting.

6. To consider the development of the Throckmorton Phone Kiosk
The PC agreed to adopt the Phone Kiosk. Action Clerk

7. To consider the development of the Bishampton Phone Kiosk
This item was deferred till the next meeting.


8. Finance

8.1. To note any receipts and approve invoices for payment.
Councillors noted to following receipt:

Current invoices :

8.2. To approve the statement of cash reconciliation for July/August 2010 and consider any audit/annual return issues
The cash reconciliation for September showed that the current account received £8,750 in income and cheques were written for £3,457.07. Unpresented cheques amounted to £663.00, and the total in the current account at September 30 stood at £12,634.88.
In the savings account, a bankers draft and fee was paid out, amounting to £16,020.00, and interest of £1.43 was accrued. This left its total at £17,726.52. The total in the bank at the end of the month stood at £30,361.40, therefore, taking the unpresented cheques into consideration, the council’s total cash assets at September 30 stood at £29,698.40.
CM presented the quarterly budget report: To September 30, the council has received £18,988.88 in income and spent £28,784.83

8.3. To approve claims for expenses/overtime
Clerk’s expenses for September were approved: £26.40 stationery and £6.00 mileage (ME). £4 mileage (CM).

9. Planning

9.1. Council’s response to planning applications between meetings and reports on decisions

9.2. Current planning applications
PRE APPLICATION - Marshalls Transport – consent to store hazardous substances up to 180T.
This pre application was received after the agenda was prepared - to be dealt with under council’s delegated powers.
PC is concerned as regulations need to be enforced. Cllr Beever to advise

10. Play Areas: To consider any matters relating to the parish play areas/village hall grounds
PC agreed that a spare seat for the swing be purchased. Action Cllr Baldwin.

11. Footpaths and Nature Reserve
It was agreed that County Council should be informed in writing that the bridge over Whitsun Brook is dangerous. Action Clerk
It was noted that an electric fence had been strung onto a field gate and that the footpath warden would be contacting the farmer concerned.
Wychavon will be doing a study on the Newts in the pond before any work is carried out there.

12. To consider any parish Lengthsman issues/jobs
It was agreed that in the lengthsman should provide a list of jobs done and the Clerk to check up to make sure culverts are being checked. Action Clerk

13. To consider any newsletter/website issues
It was agreed that the next newsletter would focus on the following :-
Opening of the new shop, Windfarm issues, To advise the Parish that work in Stanton Fields was now completed.

14. To consider any matters regarding ongoing issues:

Housing: None
Community First Responder Scheme: Cllr Baldwin reported that we now have two kits.
Flooding-Drainage: None
Wind farm: Cllr Cheetham to make contact. It was agreed that the PC would pay £50 to Church Lench PC in order to employ an expert to speak on behalf of the six parish councils at the planning hearing.
Telephone box: As above. No new developments.

15. PACT news
There were no new developments but Cllr Day mentioned the Neighbourhood Watch emails and it was suggested that a note could be put in the newsletter so that anyone who wanted to receive one could request to go on the mailing list. Action Cllr Day/Cheetham

16. CALC/ training matters
The Clerk was attending training for new clerks.


17. County and district councillor report

To receive reports from councillors, items for future agendas and items of correspondence

Circulation pack: Clerks and councils direct: PHS newsletter

18. To affirm the dates of the next meeting of the Parish Council
The next meetings were confirmed for October 8th at Bishampton Villages Hall and November 1st, 7.30pm at Bishampton.The meeting closed at 9.40pm

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Chairman Date
Clerk to the Council


Mrs Argyle reported on the progress of the prospective tenants for the shop. She and Cllr Hodgkins also reported on a meeting between with Post Office managers and it was noted that the Post Office would have to vet each candidate for their suitability to run the post office service. They had asked for at least two candidates to be put forward in case one was rejected. It was noted that it would take some weeks to go through the process of reopening the post office but the tenant could prepare the shop in the meantime.